1 I n his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became his servant for three years. Then he turned against him.
EN su tiempo subió Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia, al cual sirvió Joacim tres años; volvióse luego, y se rebeló contra él.
2 T he Lord sent armies of Babylonians, Syrians, Moabites and Ammonites against Jehoiakim. He sent them against Judah to destroy it, just as the word of the Lord had said through His men who spoke for Him.
Jehová empero envió contra él tropas de Caldeos, y tropas de Siros, y tropas de Moabitas, y tropas de Ammonitas; los cuales envió contra Judá para que la destruyesen, conforme á la palabra de Jehová que había hablado por sus siervos los profetas.
3 T his came upon Judah at the word of the Lord, to put them away from His eyes because of the sins Manasseh had done.
Ciertamente vino esto contra Judá por dicho de Jehová, para quitarla de su presencia, por los pecados de Manasés, conforme á todo lo que hizo;
4 A nd it happened because of the people Manasseh had killed who were not guilty. For he filled Jerusalem with their blood, and the Lord would not forgive.
Asimismo por la sangre inocente que derramó, pues hinchió á Jerusalem de sangre inocente: Jehová por tanto, no quiso perdonar.
5 N ow the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah.
Lo demás de los hechos de Joacim, y todas las cosas que hizo, ¿no está escrito en el libro de las crónicas de los reyes de Judá?
6 J ehoiakim died, and his son Jehoiachin became king in his place.
Y durmió Joacim con sus padres, y reinó en su lugar Joachîn su hijo.
7 A nd the king of Egypt did not leave his land again. For the king of Babylon had taken all that belonged to the king of Egypt from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates. Jehoiachin Rules Judah
Y nunca más el rey de Egipto salió de su tierra: porque el rey de Babilonia le tomó todo lo que era suyo, desde el río de Egipto hasta el río de Eufrates.
8 J ehoiachin was eighteen years old when he became king. He ruled for three months in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Nehushta the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem.
De dieciocho años era Joachîn cuando comenzó á reinar, y reinó en Jerusalem tres meses. El nombre de su madre fué Neusta hija de Elnathán, de Jerusalem.
9 J ehoiachin did what was sinful in the eyes of the Lord. He did just as his father had done.
E hizo lo malo en ojos de Jehová, conforme á todas las cosas que había hecho su padre.
10 A t that time the servants of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon went up to Jerusalem. His soldiers gathered around the city.
En aquel tiempo subieron los siervos de Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia contra Jerusalem y la ciudad fué cercada.
11 K ing Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to the city, while his soldiers were all around it trying to take it.
Vino también Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia contra la ciudad, cuando sus siervos la tenían cercada.
12 K ing Jehoiachin of Judah went out to the king of Babylon. He took with him his mother, his servants, his captains and his leaders. The king of Babylon took him away in the eighth year of his rule.
Entonces salió Joachîn rey de Judá al rey de Babilonia, él, y su madre, y sus siervos, y sus príncipes, y sus eunucos: y prendiólo el rey de Babilonia en el octavo año de su reinado.
13 A nd Nebuchadnezzar carried away all the riches of the Lord’s house and of the king’s house. He cut in pieces all the objects of gold which King Solomon of Israel had made in the house of the Lord. It happened just as the Lord had said.
Y sacó de allí todos los tesoros de la casa de Jehová, y los tesoros de la casa real, y quebró en piezas todos los vasos de oro que había hecho Salomón rey de Israel en la casa de Jehová, como Jehová había dicho.
14 T hen the king of Babylon led away all who lived in Jerusalem. He led away all the captains, all the powerful soldiers, and all those who were able to make things. He took 10, 000 people away to Babylon. Only the very poor people of the land were left behind.
Y llevó en cautiverio á toda Jerusalem, á todos los príncipes, y á todos los hombres valientes, hasta diez mil cautivos, y á todos los oficiales y herreros; que no quedó nadie, excepto los pobres del pueblo de la tierra.
15 S o he led Jehoiachin away to Babylon. He also led away the king’s mother, his wives, his leaders, and the most important men of the land. He took them from Jerusalem to Babylon.
Asimismo trasportó á Joachîn á Babilonia, y á la madre del rey, y á las mujeres del rey, y á sus eunucos, y á los poderosos de la tierra; cautivos los llevó de Jerusalem á Babilonia.
16 H e led away all the powerful soldiers, 7, 000 men. And he led away 1, 000 of those who were able to make things. All of them were strong and able to fight in battle. Nebuchadnezzar took them away to Babylon.
A todos los hombre de guerra, que fueron siete mil, y á los oficiales y herrreros, que fueron mil, y á todos los valientes para hacer la guerra, llevó cautivos el rey de Babilonia.
17 T hen he made Mattaniah, the brother of Jehoiachin’s father, king in his place, and changed his name to Zedekiah. Zedekiah Rules Judah
Y el rey de Babilonia puso por rey en lugar de Joachîn á Mathanías su tío, y mudóle el nombre en el de Sedecías.
18 Z edekiah was twenty-one years old when he became king. He ruled for eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.
De veintiún años era Sedecías cuando comenzó á reinar, y reinó en Jerusalem once años. El nombre de su madre fué Amutal hija de Jeremías, de Libna.
19 Z edekiah did what was sinful in the eyes of the Lord. He did all that Jehoiakim had done.
E hizo lo malo en ojos de Jehová, conforme á todo lo que había hecho Joacim.
20 F or because of the anger of the Lord, this happened in Jerusalem and Judah until the Lord put them away from Him. And Zedekiah turned against the king of Babylon.
Fué pues la ira de Jehová contra Jerusalem y Judá, hasta que los echó de su presencia. Y Sedecías se rebeló contra el rey de Babilonia.