1 W ho has believed what we told them? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been shown?
Cine a crezut mesajul nostru? Cui i-a fost descoperit braţul Domnului ?
2 H e grew up before Him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground. He has no beautiful body and when we see Him there is no beauty that we should desire Him.
El a crescut înaintea Lui ca un lăstar, ca o rădăcină ieşită dintr-un pământ uscat; nu avea nici frumuseţe, nici strălucire care să ne atragă, nu era nimic în înfăţişarea Lui care să ne placă.
3 H e was hated and men would have nothing to do with Him, a man of sorrows and suffering, knowing sadness well. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He was hated, and we did not think well of Him.
Dispreţuit şi părăsit de oameni, Om al durerii şi obişnuit cu suferinţa, era atât de dispreţuit, încât oamenii îşi ascundeau faţa de El, iar noi nu L-am luat în seamă.
4 F or sure He took on Himself our troubles and carried our sorrows. Yet we thought of Him as being punished and hurt by God, and made to suffer.
Într-adevăr, El a luat asupra Lui neputinţele noastre şi a purtat bolile noastre. Noi însă L-am considerat lovit, zdrobit de Dumnezeu şi nenorocit.
5 B ut He was hurt for our wrong-doing. He was crushed for our sins. He was punished so we would have peace. He was beaten so we would be healed.
Dar El era străpuns pentru păcatele noastre, zdrobit pentru fărădelegile noastre; pedeapsa care ne dă pacea era peste El şi prin rănile Lui suntem vindecaţi.
6 A ll of us like sheep have gone the wrong way. Each of us has turned to his own way. And the Lord has put on Him the sin of us all.
Noi rătăceam cu toţii ca nişte oi, fiecare urmându-şi propriul drum, dar Domnul a pus asupra Lui nelegiuirea noastră, a tuturor.
7 M en made it very hard for Him and caused Him to suffer, yet He did not open His mouth. He was taken like a lamb to be put to death. A sheep does not make a sound while its wool is cut and He did not open His mouth.
Când a fost asuprit şi chinuit, El nu Şi-a deschis gura. Ca un miel care este dus la tăiere şi ca o oaie care tace înaintea celui ce o tunde, tot aşa nici El nu Şi-a deschis gura.
8 H e was taken away as a prisoner and then judged. Who among the people of that day cared that His life was taken away from the earth? He was hurt because of the sin of the people who should have been punished.
A fost luat prin forţă şi judecată nedreaptă. Dar cine din generaţia Sa s-ar fi gândit că El era şters de pe tărâmul celor vii şi lovit pentru nelegiuirile poporului Meu?
9 T hey gave Him a grave with the sinful, but with the rich at His death, for He had done no wrong, and there was nothing false in His mouth.
I-au pus mormântul lângă al celor răi şi L-au aşezat în mormântul celui bogat, deşi El nu a săvârşit nici un act de violenţă şi în gura Lui nu s-a găsit nici o înşelăciune.
10 B ut it was the will of the Lord to crush Him, causing Him to suffer. Because He gives His life as a gift on the altar for sin, He will see His children. Days will be added to His life, and the will of the Lord will do well in His hand.
Domnul însă a vrut să-L zdrobească prin suferinţă. Dar după ce Îşi va da viaţa ca jertfă pentru vină, Îşi va vedea urmaşii şi va trăi multe zile, iar voia Domnului va propăşi prin El.
11 H e will see what the suffering of His soul brings, and will be pleased. By what He knows, the One Who is right and good, My Servant, will carry the punishment of many and He will carry their sins.
«La sfârşitul suferinţelor Lui va vedea lumina şi va fi mulţumit; prin cunoştinţa Sa Robul Meu cel drept va îndreptăţi pe mulţi şi le va purta nelegiuirile.
12 S o I will give Him a share among the great. He will divide the riches with the strong, because He gave up His life. They thought of Him as One Who broke the Law. Yet He Himself carried the sin of many, and prayed for the sinners.
De aceea Îi voi da o parte la un loc cu cei mari şi va împărţi prada cu cel puternic, căci S-a dat pe Sine Însuşi la moarte şi a fost numărat alături de cei nelegiuiţi. Totuşi El a purtat păcatul celor mulţi şi a mijlocit pentru cei păcătoşi.»