Salmos 88 ~ Psalm 88


1 O h SEÑOR, Dios de mi salud, día y noche clamo delante de ti.

O Lord, the God Who saves me, I have cried out before You day and night.

2 E ntre mi oración en tu presencia; inclina tu oído a mi clamor.

Let my prayer come to You. Listen to my cry.

3 P orque mi alma está harta de males, y mi vida llega al Seol.

For my soul is filled with troubles. And my life comes near the grave.

4 S oy contado con los que descienden al hoyo, soy como hombre sin fuerza;

I am added among those who go down into the deep hole. I am like a man without strength.

5 l ibrado entre los muertos. Como los muertos que duermen en el sepulcro, que no te acuerdas más de ellos, y que son cortados de tu mano.

I am left among the dead, like those who have been killed and lie in the grave, whom You remember no more. They are cut off from Your help.

6 M e has puesto en el hoyo profundo, en tinieblas, en honduras.

You have put me in the deepest hole, in a dark and deep place.

7 S obre mí se ha acostado tu ira, y me has afligido con todas tus ondas. (Selah.)

Your anger has rested upon me. And You have troubled me with all Your waves.

8 H as alejado de mí mis conocidos; me has puesto por abominación a ellos; estoy encerrado, y no saldré.

You have taken my good friends far from me. You have made me hated by them. I am shut in and cannot go out.

9 M is ojos enfermaron a causa de mi aflicción; te he llamado, oh SEÑOR, cada día he extendido a ti mis manos.

My eyes have become weak because of trouble. I have called to You every day, O Lord. I have spread out my hands to You.

10 ¿Harás tú milagro a los muertos? ¿Se levantarán los muertos para alabarte? (Selah.)

Will You show Your great works to the dead? Will the dead rise and praise You?

11 ¿ Será contada en el sepulcro tu misericordia, o tu verdad en el infierno?

Will Your loving-kindness be told about in the grave, and how faithful You are in the place that destroys?

12 ¿ Será conocida en las tinieblas tu maravilla, y tu justicia en la tierra del olvido?

Will Your great works be known in the darkness, and Your right and good works in the land where all is forgotten?

13 M as yo a ti he clamado, oh SEÑOR; y de mañana te previno mi oración.

But I have cried to You for help, O Lord. My prayer comes to You in the morning.

14 ¿ Por qué, oh SEÑOR, desechas mi alma? ¿Por qué escondes tu rostro de mí?

O Lord, why do You turn away from me? Why do You hide Your face from me?

15 Y o soy pobre y menesteroso; desde la juventud he llevado tus temores, he estado medroso.

I have been troubled and near death since I was young. I have suffered Your punishment. And I cannot win.

16 S obre mí han pasado tus iras; tus espantos me han cortado.

Your burning anger has passed over me. The punishment You have sent destroys me.

17 M e han rodeado como aguas de continuo; me han cercado a una.

They gather around me like water all day long. Together they close in upon me.

18 H as alejado de mí al amigo y al compañero; y mis conocidos has puesto en la tiniebla.

You have taken my friend and loved one far from me. Friends that were near to me are in darkness.