1 ¶ Pues tú, hijo mío, esfuérzate en la gracia que es en Cristo Jesús.
So you, my son, be strong in the loving-favor of Christ Jesus.
2 Y lo que has oído de mí entre muchos testigos, esto encarga a hombres fieles que serán idóneos para enseñar también a otros.
What you have heard me say in front of many people, you must teach to faithful men. Then they will be able to teach others also.
3 Y tú pues, trabaja como fiel soldado de Jesús el Cristo.
Take your share of suffering as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
4 N inguno que milita se enreda en los negocios de esta vida por agradar a aquel que lo tomó por soldado.
No soldier fighting in a war can take time to make a living. He must please the one who made him a soldier.
5 Y aun también el que compete en juegos públicos, no es coronado si no hubiere competido legítimamente.
Anyone who runs in a race must follow the rules to get the crown.
6 E l labrador, para recibir los frutos, es necesario que trabaje primero.
A hard-working farmer should receive first some of what he gathers from the field.
7 E ntiende lo que digo; que el Señor te dará entendimiento en todo.
Think about these things and the Lord will help you understand them.
8 ¶ Acuérdate que Jesús el Cristo, resucitó de los muertos, el cual fue de la simiente de David, conforme a mi Evangelio;
Remember this! Jesus Christ, Who was born from the early family of David, was raised from the dead! This is the Good News I preach.
9 e n el que sufro trabajo, hasta las prisiones a modo de malhechor; mas la palabra de Dios no está presa.
I suffer much and am in prison as one who has done something very bad. I am in chains, but the Word of God is not chained.
10 P or tanto, todo lo sufro por amor de los escogidos, para que ellos también consigan la salud que es en el Cristo Jesús con gloria eterna.
I suffer all things so the people that God has chosen can be saved from the punishment of their sin through Jesus Christ. Then they will have God’s shining-greatness that lasts forever.
11 E s palabra fiel: Que si somos muertos con él, también viviremos con él;
These things are true. If we die with Him, we will live with Him also.
12 s i sufrimos, también reinaremos con él; si le negáremos, él también nos negará;
If we suffer and stay true to Him, then we will be a leader with Him. If we say we do not know Him, He will say He does not know us.
13 s i fuéremos infieles, él permanece fiel; no se puede negar a sí mismo.
If we have no faith, He will still be faithful for He cannot go against what He is. Foolish Talk
14 ¶ Esto aconseja, protestando delante del Señor. No tengas contienda en palabras, que para nada aprovecha, antes trastorna a los oyentes.
Tell your people about these things again. In the name of the Lord, tell them not to argue over words that are not important. It helps no one and it hurts the faith of those who are listening.
15 P rocura con diligencia presentarte a Dios aprobado, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que traza bien la palabra de la verdad.
Do your best to know that God is pleased with you. Be as a workman who has nothing to be ashamed of. Teach the words of truth in the right way.
16 M as evita profanas y vanas palabrerías; porque muy adelante irán en la impiedad.
Do not listen to foolish talk about things that mean nothing. It only leads people farther away from God.
17 Y la palabra de ellos carcomerá como gangrena; de los cuales son Himeneo y Fileto;
Such talk will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are like this.
18 q ue se han descaminado de la verdad, diciendo que la resurrección es ya hecha, y trastornaron la fe de algunos.
They have turned from the truth. They say the dead have already been raised. The faith of some people has been made weak because of such foolish talk.
19 ¶ Pero el fundamento de Dios está firme, el cual tiene este sello: Conoce el Señor a los que son suyos; y: Apártese de iniquidad todo aquel que invoca el nombre de Cristo.
But the truth of God cannot be changed. It says, “The Lord knows those who are His.” And, “Everyone who says he is a Christian must turn away from sin!”
20 M as en una casa grande, no solamente hay vasos de oro y de plata, sino también de madera y de barro; y asimismo unos para honra, y otros para deshonra.
In a big house there are not only things made of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some are of more use than others. Some are used every day.
21 A sí que, el que se limpiare de estas cosas, será vaso para honra, santificado, y útil para los usos del Señor, y aparejado para toda buena obra.
If a man lives a clean life, he will be like a dish made of gold. He will be respected and set apart for good use by the owner of the house.
22 ¶ Huye también de los deseos juveniles; y sigue la justicia, la fe, la caridad, la paz, con los que invocan al Señor de limpio corazón.
Turn away from the sinful things young people want to do. Go after what is right. Have a desire for faith and love and peace. Do this with those who pray to God from a clean heart.
23 P ero las cuestiones locas y sin sabiduría, desecha, sabiendo que engendran contiendas.
Let me say it again. Have nothing to do with foolish talk and those who want to argue. It can only lead to trouble.
24 Q ue el siervo del Señor no debe ser litigioso, sino manso para con todos, apto para enseñar, sufrido;
A servant owned by God must not make trouble. He must be kind to everyone. He must be able to teach. He must be willing to suffer when hurt for doing good.
25 q ue con mansedumbre enseña a los que se resisten, si por ventura Dios les dé que se arrepientan y conozcan la verdad,
Be gentle when you try to teach those who are against what you say. God may change their hearts so they will turn to the truth.
26 Y se conviertan del lazo del diablo, en que están cautivos, para hacer su voluntad.
Then they will know they had been held in a trap by the devil to do what he wanted them to do. But now they are able to get out of it.