1 M i corazón está firme, oh Dios; cantaré y diré salmos; ésta es mi gloria.
My heart will not be moved, O God. I will sing. Yes, I will sing praises with my soul.
2 D espiértate, salterio y arpa; despertaré al alba.
Wake up, different kinds of harps. I will wake up the new day.
3 T e alabaré, oh SEÑOR, entre los pueblos; a ti cantaré salmos entre las naciones.
I will give thanks to You among the people, O Lord. I will sing praises to You among the nations.
4 P orque grande más que los cielos es tu misericordia, y hasta los cielos tu verdad.
For Your loving-kindness is great above the heavens. And Your truth can touch the sky.
5 E nsálzate sobre los cielos, oh Dios; sobre toda la tierra sea ensalzada tu gloria.
Be lifted up high above the heavens, O God. Let Your shining-greatness be over all the earth.
6 ¶ Para que sean librados tus amados; salva con tu diestra, y respóndeme.
Save us with Your right hand and answer me. Let Your loved ones be set free.
7 D ios juró por su santuario, me alegraré; repartiré a Siquem, y mediré el valle de Sucot.
God has said in His holy place: “I will be full of joy. I will divide Shechem and the valley of Succoth.
8 M ío será Galaad, mío será Manasés; y Efraín será la fortaleza de mi cabeza; Judá será mi legislador;
Gilead is Mine. Manasseh is Mine. Ephraim is the covering for My head. Judah is My law giver.
9 M oab, la vasija de mi lavatorio; sobre Edom echaré mi calzado; sobre Filistea triunfaré con júbilo.
Moab is where I wash My hands. I will throw My shoe over Edom. I will call out over Philistia that I have won.”
10 ¿ Quién me guiará a la ciudad fortalecida? ¿Quién me guiará hasta Idumea?
Who will bring me into the strong city? Who will lead me into Edom?
11 C iertamente tú, oh Dios, que nos habías desechado; y no salías, oh Dios, con nuestros ejércitos.
Have You not turned away from us, O God? And will You not go out with our armies, O God?
12 D anos socorro en la angustia; porque mentirosa es la salvación del hombre.
O give us help against those who hate us. For the help of man is worth nothing.
13 E n Dios haremos proezas; y él hollará de nuevo a nuestros enemigos.
With God’s help we will do great things. And He will break under His feet those who fight against us.