Salmos 119 ~ Psalm 119


1 A LEF Bienaventurados los perfectos de camino; los que andan en la ley del SEÑOR.

Happy are those whose way is without blame, who walk in the Law of the Lord.

2 B ienaventurados los que guardan sus testimonios, y con todo el corazón le buscan.

Happy are those who keep His Law and look for Him with all their heart.

3 P ues los que no hacen iniquidad, andan en sus caminos.

They also do not sin, but walk in His ways.

4 T ú encargaste tus mandamientos, que sean muy guardados.

You have set down Laws that we should always obey.

5 ¡ Deseo que fueran ordenados mis caminos a guardar tus estatutos!

O, that my ways may be always in keeping with Your Law!

6 E ntonces no sería yo avergonzado, cuando mirara en todos tus mandamientos.

Then I will not be put to shame when I respect Your Word.

7 T e alabaré con rectitud de corazón, cuando aprendiere los juicios de tu justicia.

I will praise You with a heart that is right when I learn how right You judge.

8 T us estatutos guardaré, no me dejes enteramente.

I will obey Your Law. Do not leave me all alone.

9 BET ¿Con qué limpiará el joven su camino? Cuando guardare tu palabra.

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living by Your Word.

10 C on todo mi corazón te he buscado, no me dejes errar de tus mandamientos.

I have looked for You with all my heart. Do not let me turn from Your Law.

11 E n mi corazón he guardado tus dichos, para no pecar contra ti.

Your Word have I hid in my heart, that I may not sin against You.

12 B endito tú, oh SEÑOR, enséñame tus estatutos.

Great and honored are You, O Lord. Teach me Your Law.

13 C on mis labios he contado todos los juicios de tu boca.

I have told with my lips of all the Laws of Your mouth.

14 E n el camino de tus testimonios me he gozado, como sobre toda riqueza.

I have found as much joy in following Your Law as one finds in much riches.

15 E n tus mandamientos meditaré, y consideraré tus caminos.

I will think about Your Law and have respect for Your ways.

16 E n tus estatutos me recrearé, no me olvidaré de tus palabras.

I will be glad in Your Law. I will not forget Your Word.

17 GUIMEL Haz este bien a tu siervo que viva, y guarde tu palabra.

Do good to Your servant so I may live and obey Your Word.

18 D estapa mis ojos, y miraré las maravillas de tu ley.

Open my eyes so that I may see great things from Your Law.

19 A dvenedizo soy yo en la tierra, no encubras de mí tus mandamientos.

I am a stranger on the earth. Do not hide Your Word from me.

20 Q uebrantada está mi alma de desear tus juicios todo el tiempo.

My soul is crushed with a desire for Your Law at all times.

21 R eprendiste a los soberbios, malditos los que yerran de tus mandamientos.

You speak sharp words to the proud, the hated ones, because they turn from Your Word.

22 A parta de mí, oprobio y menosprecio; porque tus testimonios he guardado.

Take away shame and bad feelings from me, for I have kept Your Law.

23 P ríncipes también se sentaron y hablaron contra mí, hablando tu siervo según tus estatutos.

Even if rulers sit together and speak against me, Your servant thinks about Your Law.

24 P ues tus testimonios son mis deleites, y mis consejeros.

Your Law is my joy and it tells me what to do.

25 DALET Se apegó con el polvo mi alma, vivifícame según tu palabra.

My soul is laid in the dust. Give me new life because of Your Word.

26 M is caminos te conté, y me has respondido; enséñame tus estatutos.

I have told about my ways, and You have answered me. Teach me Your Law.

27 H azme entender el camino de tus mandamientos, y meditaré de tus maravillas.

Make me understand the way of Your Law so I will talk about Your great works.

28 S e deshace mi alma de ansiedad, confírmame según tu palabra.

My soul cries because of sorrow. Give me strength because of Your Word.

29 A parta de mí, camino de mentira; y de tu ley hazme misericordia.

Take the false way from me. Show Your loving-favor by giving me Your Law.

30 E scogí el camino de la verdad; he puesto tus juicios delante de mí.

I have chosen the faithful way. I have set Your Law in front of me.

31 M e he allegado a tus testimonios; oh SEÑOR, no me avergüences.

I hold on to Your Law, O Lord. Do not put me to shame.

32 P or el camino de tus mandamientos correré, cuando ensanchares mi corazón.

I will run the way of Your Law, for You will give me a willing heart.

33 HE Enséñame, oh SEÑOR, el camino de tus estatutos, y lo guardaré hasta el fin.

O Lord, teach me the way of Your Law and I will obey it to the end.

34 D ame entendimiento, y guardaré tu ley; y la cumpliré de todo corazón.

Give me understanding. Then I will listen to Your Word and obey it with all my heart.

35 G uíame por la senda de tus mandamientos, porque en ella tengo mi voluntad.

Make me walk in the path of Your Word, for I find joy in it.

36 I nclina mi corazón a tus testimonios, y no a la avaricia.

Turn my heart toward Your Law, so I will not earn money in a wrong way.

37 A parta mis ojos, que no vean la vanidad; avívame en tu camino.

Turn my eyes away from things that have no worth, and give me new life because of Your ways.

38 C onfirma tu palabra a tu siervo, que te teme.

Keep Your promise to Your servant, the promise You made to those who fear and worship You.

39 Q uita de mí el oprobio que he temido, porque buenos son tus juicios.

Turn away the shame that I do not want to come to me, for Your Law is good.

40 H e aquí yo he codiciado tus mandamientos, vivifícame en tu justicia.

O, how I desire Your Law! Give me new life because of Your right and good way.

41 VAU Y venga a mí tu misericordia, oh SEÑOR; tu salvación, conforme a tu dicho.

May Your loving-kindness also come to me, O Lord. May You save me as Your Word says.

42 Y daré por respuesta a mi avergonzador, que en tu palabra he confiado.

Then I will have an answer for the one who puts me to shame, for I trust in Your Word.

43 Y no quites de mi boca en ningún tiempo la palabra de verdad; porque a tu juicio espero.

Do not take the word of truth out of my mouth, for I hope in Your Law.

44 Y guardaré tu ley siempre, de siglo a siglo.

I will always obey Your Law, forever and ever.

45 Y andaré en libertad, porque busqué tus mandamientos.

I will walk as a free man, for I look for Your Law.

46 Y hablaré de tus testimonios delante de los reyes, y no me avergonzaré.

I will speak of Your Law in front of kings and will not be ashamed.

47 Y me deleitaré en tus mandamientos, que he amado.

I will be glad in Your Law, which I love.

48 A lzaré asimismo mis manos a tus mandamientos que amé; y meditaré en tus estatutos.

I will lift up my hands to Your Word, which I love, and I will think about Your Law.

49 ZAIN Acuérdate de la palabra dada a tu siervo, en la cual me has hecho esperar.

Remember Your Word to Your servant, for You have given me hope.

50 E sta es mi consolación en mi aflicción, porque tu dicho me vivificó.

Your Word has given me new life. This is my comfort in my suffering.

51 L os soberbios se burlaron mucho de mí, mas no me he apartado de tu ley.

The proud always laugh at me, but I do not turn away from Your Law.

52 M e acordé, oh SEÑOR, de tus juicios antiguos, y me consolé.

I have remembered Your Law from a long time ago, O Lord, and I am comforted.

53 H orror se apoderó de mí, a causa de los impíos que dejan tu ley.

Burning anger comes upon me because of the sinful who turn away from Your Law.

54 C anciones me son tus estatutos en la casa de mis peregrinaciones.

Your Laws are my songs in whatever house I stay.

55 M e acordé en la noche de tu Nombre, oh SEÑOR, y guardé tu ley.

I remember Your name in the night, O Lord, and I have kept Your Law.

56 E sto tuve, porque guardaba tus mandamientos.

It has become my way to obey Your Law.

57 CHET Mi porción, oh SEÑOR, dije, será guardar tus palabras.

The Lord is my share. I have promised to obey Your Word.

58 T u presencia supliqué de todo corazón, ten misericordia de mí según tu palabra.

I begged for Your favor with all my heart. Show me Your love because of Your Word.

59 C onsideré mis caminos, y torné mis pies a tus testimonios.

I thought about my ways and turned my steps to Your Law.

60 M e apresuré, y no me retardé en guardar tus mandamientos.

I hurried and did not wait to obey Your Law.

61 C ompañía de impíos me han robado, mas no me he olvidado de tu ley.

The ropes of the sinful are all around me, but I have not forgotten Your Law.

62 A medianoche me levantaré a alabarte sobre los juicios de tu justicia.

I will rise late in the night to give thanks to You because Your Law is right and good.

63 C ompañero soy yo a todos los que te temieren, y guardaren tus mandamientos.

I am a friend to all who fear You and of those who keep Your Law.

64 D e tu misericordia, oh SEÑOR, está llena la tierra; tus estatutos me enseñan.

The earth is full of Your loving-kindness, O Lord. Teach me Your Law.

65 TET Bien has hecho con tu siervo, oh SEÑOR, conforme a tu palabra.

You have done good to Your servant, O Lord, because of Your Word.

66 B ondad de sentido y sabiduría me enseña; porque tus mandamientos he creído.

Teach me what I should know to be right and fair for I believe in Your Law.

67 A ntes que fuera humillado, yo erraba; mas ahora tu dicho guardo.

Before I suffered I went the wrong way, but now I obey Your Word.

68 B ueno eres tú, y bienhechor; enséñame tus estatutos.

You are good and You do good. Teach me Your Law.

69 S obre mí fabricaron mentira los soberbios, mas yo guardaré de todo corazón tus mandamientos.

The proud have put together a lie against me. I will keep Your Law with all my heart.

70 S e engrosó el corazón de ellos como sebo; mas yo en tu ley me he deleitado.

Their heart is covered with fat, but I find joy in Your Law.

71 B ueno me es haber sido humillado, para que aprenda tus estatutos.

It is good for me that I was troubled, so that I might learn Your Law.

72 M ejor me es la ley de tu boca, que millares de oro y plata.

The Law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

73 YOD Tus manos me hicieron y me formaron; hazme entender, y aprenderé tus mandamientos.

Your hands made me and put me together. Give me understanding to learn Your Law.

74 L os que te temen, me verán, y se alegrarán; porque en tu palabra he esperado.

May those who fear You see me and be glad, for I have put my hope in Your Word.

75 C onozco, oh SEÑOR, que tus juicios son la misma justicia, y que en fidelidad me afligiste.

O Lord, I know that what You decide is right and good. You punish me because You are faithful.

76 S ea ahora tu misericordia para consolarme, conforme a lo que has dicho a tu siervo.

May Your loving-kindness comfort me because of Your promise to Your servant.

77 V engan a mí tus misericordias, y viva; porque tu ley es mi deleite.

Let Your loving-pity come to me so I may live. For Your Law is my joy.

78 S ean avergonzados los soberbios, porque sin causa me han calumniado; pero yo, meditaré en tus mandamientos.

May the proud be ashamed, because they do wrong to me for no reason, but I will think about Your Law.

79 T órnense a mí los que te temen y conocen tus testimonios.

May those who fear You and those who know Your Law turn to me.

80 S ea mi corazón perfecto en tus estatutos; para que no sea yo avergonzado.

Let my heart be without blame in Your Law. Do not let me be put to shame.

81 CAF Desfalleció de deseo mi alma por tu salvación, esperando a tu palabra.

My soul becomes weak with desire for Your saving power, but I have put my hope in Your Word.

82 D esfallecieron mis ojos por tu dicho, diciendo: ¿Cuándo me consolarás?

My eyes become weak with desire for Your Word. I say, “When will You comfort me?”

83 P orque estoy como el odre al humo; mas no he olvidado tus estatutos.

I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, but I do not forget Your Law.

84 ¿ Cuántos son los días de tu siervo? ¿Cuándo harás juicio contra los que me persiguen?

How long must Your servant wait? When will You punish those who make it hard for me?

85 L os soberbios me han cavado hoyos; mas no obran según tu ley.

The proud have dug deep holes for me. They do not obey Your Law.

86 T odos tus mandamientos son la misma verdad; sin causa me persiguen; ayúdame.

All of Your Word is faithful. Help me! For they have made it hard for me with a lie.

87 C asi me han consumido por tierra; mas yo no he dejado tus mandamientos.

They almost destroyed me on the earth, but I did not turn away from Your Law.

88 C onforme a tu misericordia vivifícame, y guardaré los testimonios de tu boca.

Give me life again by Your loving-kindness, and I will keep the Word of Your mouth.

89 LAMED Para siempre, oh SEÑOR, permanece tu palabra en los cielos.

Forever, O Lord, Your Word will never change in heaven.

90 P or generación y generación es tu verdad; tú afirmaste la tierra, y persevera.

You are faithful to all people for all time. You have made the earth, and it stands.

91 P or tu ordenación perseveran hasta hoy; porque todas ellas son tus siervos.

They stand today by Your Law, for all things serve You.

92 S i tu ley no hubiera sido mi delicia, ya hubiera perecido en mi aflicción.

I would have been lost in my troubles if Your Law had not been my joy.

93 N unca jamás me olvidaré de tus mandamientos; porque con ellos me has vivificado.

I will never forget Your Word for by it You have given me new life.

94 T uyo soy yo, guárdame; porque he buscado tus mandamientos.

I am Yours. Save me, for I have looked to Your Law.

95 L os impíos me han aguardado para destruirme; mas yo entenderé en tus testimonios.

The sinful wait to destroy me, but I will think about Your Word.

96 A toda perfección he visto fin; amplio sobremanera es tu mandamiento.

I have seen that all things have an end, even if they are perfect, but Your Word is without end.

97 MEM ¡Cuánto he amado tu ley! Todo el día es ella mi meditación.

O, how I love Your Law! It is what I think about all through the day.

98 M e has hecho más sabio que mis enemigos con tus mandamientos; porque me son eternos.

Your Word makes me wiser than those who hate me, for it is always with me.

99 M ás que todos mis enseñadores he entendido; porque tus testimonios han sido mi meditación.

I have better understanding than all my teachers because I think about Your Law.

100 H e entendido más que los ancianos, porque he guardado tus mandamientos.

I have a better understanding than those who are old because I obey Your Word.

101 D e todo mal camino detuve mis pies, para guardar tu palabra.

I have kept my feet from every sinful way so that I may keep Your Word.

102 D e tus juicios no me aparté; porque tú me enseñaste.

I have not turned away from Your Law, for You Yourself have taught me.

103 ¡ Cuán dulces han sido a mi paladar tus dichos! Más que la miel a mi boca.

How sweet is Your Word to my taste! It is sweeter than honey to my mouth!

104 D e tus mandamientos he adquirido entendimiento; por tanto he aborrecido todo camino de mentira.

I get understanding from Your Law and so I hate every false way.

105 NUN Lámpara es a mis pies tu palabra, y lumbre a mi camino.

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

106 J uré y ratifiqué el guardar los juicios de tu justicia.

I have promised that I will keep Your Law. And I will add strength to this promise.

107 A fligido estoy en gran manera; oh SEÑOR, vivifícame conforme a tu palabra.

I am in much suffering. O Lord, give me life again by Your Word.

108 T e ruego, oh SEÑOR, que te sean agradables los sacrificios voluntarios de mi boca; y enséñame tus juicios.

Take my willing gift of thanks, O Lord, and teach me Your Law.

109 D e continuo está mi alma en mi mano; mas no me he olvidado de tu ley.

My life is always in my hand, yet I do not forget Your Law.

110 M e pusieron lazo los impíos; pero yo no me desvié de tus mandamientos.

The sinful have set a trap for me, yet I have not turned from Your Law.

111 P or heredad he tomado tus testimonios para siempre; porque son el gozo de mi corazón.

I have been given Your Law forever. It is the joy of my heart.

112 M i corazón incliné a poner por obra tus estatutos de continuo, hasta el fin.

I have set my heart on obeying Your Law forever, even to the end.

113 SAMEC Los pensamientos vanos aborrezco; y tu ley he amado.

I hate those who have two ways of thinking, but I love Your Law.

114 M i escondedero y mi escudo eres tú; a tu palabra he esperado.

You are my hiding place and my battle-covering. I put my hope in Your Word.

115 A partaos de mí los malignos, porque guardaré los mandamientos de mi Dios.

Go away from me, you who do wrong, so I may keep the Word of my God.

116 S usténtame conforme a tu palabra, y viviré; y no me frustres de mi esperanza.

Hold me up by Your Word and I will live. Do not let me be ashamed of my hope.

117 S ostenme, y seré salvo; y me deleitaré siempre en tus estatutos.

Hold me up so I will be safe, and I will always have respect for Your Law.

118 A tropellaste a todos los que yerran de tus estatutos; porque su engaño es mentira.

You turn away from all those who turn from Your Law. They fool themselves with their own lying.

119 C omo escorias hiciste deshacer a todos los impíos de la tierra; por tanto yo he amado tus testimonios.

You put away like waste all the sinful of the earth, so I love Your Law.

120 M i carne se ha estremecido por temor de ti; y de tus juicios tengo miedo.

My flesh shakes in fear of You, and I am afraid of how You may punish.

121 AYIN Juicio y justicia he hecho; no me dejes a mis opresores.

I have done what is fair and right. Do not leave me to those who would make it hard for me.

122 R esponde por tu siervo para bien; no me hagan violencia los soberbios.

Promise that You will bring good to Your servant. Do not let the proud make it hard for me.

123 M is ojos desfallecieron por tu salud, y por el dicho de tu justicia.

My eyes become weak with desire for Your saving power and for Your Word that is right and good.

124 H az con tu siervo según tu misericordia, y enséñame tus estatutos.

Act in Your loving-kindness toward Your servant, and teach me Your Laws.

125 T u siervo soy yo, dame entendimiento; para que sepa tus testimonios.

I am Your servant. Give me understanding so I may know Your Law.

126 T iempo es de actuar, oh SEÑOR; han disipado tu ley.

It is time for You to work, Lord, for they have broken Your Law.

127 P or eso he amado tus mandamientos más que el oro, y más que oro muy puro.

I love Your Word more than gold, more than pure gold.

128 P or eso todos los mandamientos de todas las cosas estimé rectos; aborrecí todo camino de mentira.

And so I look upon all of Your Law as right. I hate every false way.

129 PE Maravillosos son tus testimonios; por tanto los ha guardado mi alma.

Your Laws are wonderful, and so I obey them.

130 L a exposición de tus palabras alumbra; hace entender a los simples.

The opening up of Your Word gives light. It gives understanding to the child-like.

131 M i boca abrí y suspiré; porque deseaba tus mandamientos.

I opened my mouth wide, breathing with desire for Your Law.

132 M írame, y ten misericordia de mí, como acostumbras con los que aman tu Nombre.

Turn to me and show me loving-favor, as You always do to those who love Your name.

133 O rdena mis pasos con tu palabra; y ninguna iniquidad se enseñoree de mí.

Set my steps in Your Word. Do not let sin rule over me.

134 R edímeme de la violencia de los hombres; y guardaré tus mandamientos.

Set me free from the power of man, and I will obey Your Law.

135 H az que tu rostro resplandezca sobre tu siervo; y enséñame tus estatutos.

Make Your face shine upon Your servant and teach me Your Law.

136 R íos de agua descendieron de mis ojos, porque no guardaban tu ley.

Tears flow from my eyes because of those who do not keep Your Law.

137 TSADE Justo eres tú, oh SEÑOR, y rectos tus juicios.

You are right and good, O Lord, and Your Law is right.

138 E ncargaste la justicia es a saber tus testimonios, y tu verdad.

The Law You have made is right and good and very faithful.

139 M i celo me ha consumido; porque mis enemigos se olvidaron de tus palabras.

I feel weak because those who hate me have forgotten Your Word.

140 S umamente pura es tu palabra; y tu siervo la ama.

Your Word is very pure and Your servant loves it.

141 P equeño soy yo y desechado; mas no me he olvidado de tus mandamientos.

I am not important and I am hated but I do not forget Your Law.

142 T u justicia es justicia eterna, y tu ley la misma verdad.

You are right forever, and Your Law is truth.

143 A flicción y angustia me hallaron; mas tus mandamientos fueron mis deleites.

Trouble and suffering have come upon me, yet Your Word is my joy.

144 J usticia eterna son tus testimonios; dame entendimiento, y viviré.

Your Law is right forever. Give me understanding and I will live.

145 COF Clamé con todo mi corazón; respóndeme, SEÑOR, y guardaré tus estatutos.

I cried with all my heart. Answer me, O Lord! I will keep Your Law.

146 C lamé a ti; sálvame, y guardaré tus testimonios.

I cried to You. Save me, and I will keep Your Word.

147 M e anticipé al alba, y clamé; esperé en tu palabra.

I rise before the morning comes and cry for help. I have put my hope in Your Word.

148 S e anticiparon mis ojos a las vigilias de la noche, para meditar en tus dichos.

My eyes wait for the night hours, so I may think about Your Word.

149 O ye mi voz conforme a tu misericordia, oh SEÑOR; vivifícame conforme a tu juicio.

Hear my voice because of Your loving-kindness. O Lord, give me new life again because of Your Law.

150 S e acercaron a la maldad los que me persiguen; se alejaron de tu ley.

Those who follow sinful ways come near. But they are far from Your Law.

151 C ercano estás tú, oh SEÑOR; y todos tus mandamientos son la misma verdad.

You are near, O Lord. And all of Your Word is truth.

152 H ace ya mucho que he entendido de tus testimonios, que para siempre los fundaste.

I learned from Your Law long ago that You made it to last forever.

153 RESH Mira mi aflicción, y líbrame; porque de tu ley no me he olvidado.

Look upon my suffering and take me from it. For I do not forget Your Law.

154 A boga mi causa, y redímeme; vivifícame con tu dicho.

Stand by me and set me free. Give me life again because of Your Word.

155 L ejos está de los impíos la salud; porque no buscan tus estatutos.

Your saving help is far from the sinful, for they do not look to Your Law.

156 M uchas son tus misericordias, oh SEÑOR; vivifícame conforme a tus juicios.

Your loving-kindness is great, O Lord. Give me life again because of Your Law.

157 M uchos son mis perseguidores y mis enemigos; mas de tus testimonios no me he apartado.

There are many who hate me and make it hard for me. Yet I do not turn from Your Law.

158 V eía a los prevaricadores, y me carcomía; porque no guardaban tus palabras.

I look with hate on those who cannot be trusted, because they do not keep Your Word.

159 M ira, oh SEÑOR, que amo tus mandamientos; vivifícame conforme a tu misericordia.

Think about how I love Your Law. Give me life again, O Lord, because of Your loving-kindness.

160 E l principio de tu palabra es la misma verdad; y eterno es todo juicio de tu justicia.

All of Your Word is truth, and every one of Your laws, which are always right, will last forever.

161 SIN Príncipes me han perseguido sin causa; mas mi corazón tuvo miedo de tus palabras.

Rulers make it hard for me for no reason, but my heart honors Your Words with fear.

162 M e gozo sobre tu dicho, como el que halla muchos despojos.

I am made happy by Your Word, like one who finds great riches.

163 L a mentira aborrezco y abomino; tu ley amo.

I hate what is false, but I love Your Law.

164 S iete veces al día te alabo sobre los juicios de tu justicia.

I praise You seven times a day, because Your Law is right.

165 M ucha paz tienen los que aman tu ley; y no hay para ellos tropiezo.

Those who love Your Law have great peace, and nothing will cause them to be hurt in their spirit.

166 T u salud he esperado, oh SEÑOR; y tus mandamientos he puesto por obra.

I hope for Your saving power, O Lord, and I follow Your Word.

167 M i alma ha guardado tus testimonios, y los he amado en gran manera.

I obey Your Law, for I love it very much.

168 H e guardado tus mandamientos, y tus testimonios; porque todos mis caminos están delante de ti.

I obey Your Word and Laws, for You know all my ways.

169 TAU Acérquese mi clamor delante de ti, oh SEÑOR; dame entendimiento conforme a tu palabra.

Let my cry come to You, O Lord. Give me understanding because of Your Word.

170 V enga mi oración delante de ti; líbrame conforme a tu dicho.

Let my prayer come to You. Help me because of Your Word.

171 M is labios rebosarán alabanza, cuando me enseñares tus estatutos.

May praise come from my lips, for You teach me Your Law.

172 H ablará mi lengua tus dichos; porque todos tus mandamientos son la misma justicia.

May my tongue sing about Your Word, for all of Your Word is right and good.

173 S ea tu mano en mi socorro; porque tus mandamientos he escogido.

May Your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen Your Law.

174 H e deseado tu salud, oh SEÑOR; y tu ley es mi delicia.

I have much desire for Your saving power, O Lord. Your Law is my joy.

175 V iva mi alma y alábale; y tus juicios me ayuden.

Let me live so I may praise You, and let Your Law help me.

176 Y o me perdí como oveja extraviada; busca a tu siervo; porque no me he olvidado de tus mandamientos.

I have gone from the way like a lost sheep. Look for Your servant, for I do not forget Your Word.