Salmos 99 ~ Psalm 99


1 E l Señor reina, estremézcanse los pueblos; sentado está sobre los querubines, tiemble la tierra.

Yahweh reigns! Let the peoples tremble. He sits enthroned among the cherubim. Let the earth be moved.

2 E l Señor es grande en Sion, y exaltado sobre todos los pueblos.

Yahweh is great in Zion. He is high above all the peoples.

3 A laben tu nombre grande y temible; El es santo.

Let them praise your great and awesome name. He is Holy!

4 E l poder del Rey ama la justicia; tú has establecido la equidad; has hecho juicio y justicia en Jacob.

The King’s strength also loves justice. You do establish equity. You execute justice and righteousness in Jacob.

5 E xaltad al Señor nuestro Dios, y postraos ante el estrado de sus pies; El es santo.

Exalt Yahweh our God. Worship at his footstool. He is Holy!

6 M oisés y Aarón estaban entre sus sacerdotes, y Samuel entre los que invocaron su nombre; ellos clamaron al Señor, y El les respondió.

Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel among those who call on his name; they called on Yahweh, and he answered them.

7 L es habló en la columna de nube; guardaron sus testimonios, y el estatuto que El les dio.

He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud. They kept his testimonies, the statute that he gave them.

8 O h Señor, Dios nuestro, tú les respondiste; fuiste para ellos un Dios perdonador, mas también vengador de sus malas obras.

You answered them, Yahweh our God. You are a God who forgave them, although you took vengeance for their doings.

9 E xaltad al Señor nuestro Dios, y postraos ante su santo monte, porque santo es el Señor nuestro Dios.

Exalt Yahweh, our God. Worship at his holy hill, for Yahweh, our God, is holy!