1 Tesaloniika 5 ~ 1 Thessalonians 5


1 W alaalayaalow, uma baahnidin in laydiin soo qoro wax ku saabsan wakhtiyada iyo xilliyada.

You do not need anyone to write to tell you when and at what kind of times these things will happen.

2 W aayo, idinka qudhiinnuba qummaati baad u garanaysaan inay maalinta Rabbigu u imanayso sida tuug habeen u yimaado.

You know for sure that the day the Lord comes back to earth will be as a robber coming in the night.

3 M arkay leeyihiin, Waa nabad iyo salaamad, kolkaasaa filashola'aan halaaggu u qaban doonaa sida fooshu naag uur leh u qabato; iyaguna sinaba ugama baxsan doonaan.

When they say, “Everything is fine and safe,” then all at once they will be destroyed. It will be like pain that comes on a woman when a child is born. They will not be able to get away from it.

4 L aakiinse idinku, walaalayaalow, gudcur kuma jirtaan in maalintaasu sida tuug idiin qabato.

But you are not in darkness, Christian brothers. That day will not surprise you as a robber would.

5 W aayo, kulligiin waxaad tihiin carruurta nuurka iyo carruurta maalinnimada, innagu ma nihin kuwa habeennimada iyo gudcurka;

For you are children of the light and of the day. We are not of darkness or of night.

6 s idaas daraaddeed yeynan seexan sida kuwa kale yeelaan, laakiinse aan soo jeedno oo aan feeyignaanno.

Keep awake! Do not sleep like others. Watch and keep your minds awake to what is happening.

7 W aayo, kuwa seexdaa habeenkay seexdaan, kuwa sakhraamaana habeenkay sakhraamaan.

People sleep at night. Those who get drunk do it at night.

8 L aakiin innagoo kuwa maalinta ah aan feeyignaanno, oo gashanno hubka laabta oo rumaysadka iyo jacaylka ah iyo koofiyadda rajada badbaadada ah.

Because we are men of the day, let us keep our minds awake. Let us cover our chests with faith and love. Let us cover our heads with the hope of being saved.

9 W aayo, Ilaah inooma uu dooran cadhada, laakiinse wuxuu inoo doortay inaynu ku badbaadno Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix,

God planned to save us from the punishment of sin through our Lord Jesus Christ. He did not plan for us to suffer from His anger.

10 k an inoo dhintay, inaynu la wada noolaanno isaga, haddaynu nool nahay iyo haddaynu dhimannoba.

He died for us so that, dead or alive, we will be with Him.

11 S idaas daraaddeed midkiinba midka kale ha dhiirrigeliyo oo ha dhiso sidaad yeelaysaan oo kale. Waanada Iyo Dhammaadka

So comfort each other and make each other strong as you are already doing. Christian Living

12 L aakiinse waxaannu idinka baryaynaa, walaalayaalow, inaad maamuustaan kuwa idinku dhex hawshooda, oo xagga Rabbiga idinkaga sarreeya oo idinla taliya;

We ask you, Christian brothers, to respect those who work among you. The Lord has placed them over you and they are your teachers.

13 o o aad iyaga aad iyo aad jacayl ugu derejaysaan shuqulkooda aawadiis. Nabad ku wada jooga.

You must think much of them and love them because of their work. Live in peace with each other.

14 O o waannu idin waaninaynaa, walaalayaalow, Kuwa si aan hagaagsanayn u socda la taliya, oo kuwa qalbi jabay dhiirigeliya, oo kuwa itaalka yar garab siiya, oo dadka oo dhanna u dulqaata.

We ask you, Christian brothers, speak to those who do not want to work. Comfort those who feel they cannot keep going on. Help the weak. Understand and be willing to wait for all men.

15 I ska jira inaan midkiinna midka kale shar shar uga celin; laakiinse kol kasta wax wanaagsan ha ugu dadaalo, oo dadka oo dhanna ha ugu dadaalo.

Do not let anyone pay back for the bad he received. But look for ways to do good to each other and to all people.

16 H ad iyo goorba farxa.

Be full of joy all the time.

17 J oogsila'aanna tukada.

Never stop praying.

18 W ax walbana mahad ka naqa, waayo, taasu waxay idiin tahay doonista Ilaah xagga Ciise Masiix.

In everything give thanks. This is what God wants you to do because of Christ Jesus.

19 R uuxa ha deminina.

Do not try to stop the work of the Holy Spirit.

20 W ax sii sheegiddana ha quudhsanina.

Do not laugh at those who speak for God.

21 W ax walba tijaabiya, waxa fiicanna xajiya.

Test everything and do not let good things get away from you.

22 W ax kasta oo shar u egna ka fogaada.

Keep away from everything that even looks like sin.

23 I laaha nabadda qudhiisu quduus ha idinka wada dhigo, oo ruuxiinna iyo naftiinna iyo jidhkiinna dhammaan ha la wada ilaaliyo, iyagoo ceeb la' markii Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix yimaado.

May the God of peace set you apart for Himself. May every part of you be set apart for God. May your spirit and your soul and your body be kept complete. May you be without blame when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

24 K an idiin yeedhaa waa aamin, wuuna samayn doonaa.

The One Who called you is faithful and will do what He promised.

25 W alaalayaalow, noo soo duceeya.

Christian brothers, pray for us.

26 W alaalaha oo dhanna dhunkasho quduus ah ku salaama.

Greet all the Christians with a kiss of holy love.

27 R abbigaan idinku dhaarinayaaye, Warqaddan ha loo akhriyo walaalaha oo dhan.

I tell you to have this letter read to all the Christians.

28 N imcada Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix ha idinla jirto.

May you have loving-favor from our Lord Jesus Christ.