1 W aagaas reer binu Israa'iil boqor ma ay lahayn; oo qabiilkii reer Daan waxay wakhtigaas doonayeen dal dhaxal u ah oo ay degaan; waayo, ilaa maalintaas dhaxal kama ay helin qabiilooyinka reer binu Israa'iil.
There was no king of Israel in those days. At that time the family of the Danites was looking for their own land to live in. For no land had been given to them yet among the families of Israel.
2 M arkaasay reer Daan qabiilkoodii oo dhan ka direen shan nin oo xoog leh, oo waxay ka direen Sorcaah iyo Eshtaa'ool, inay dalka soo basaasaan oo ay soo baadhaan; oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Taga oo dalka soo baadha. Markaasay yimaadeen gurigii Miikaah oo ku yiil dalkii buuraha lahaa oo reer Efrayim, oo meeshaasay u hoydeen.
So the people of Dan sent five men from all those in their family. They were men with strength of heart, from Zorah and Eshtaol, sent to look over the land. The people of Dan said to them, “Go and look over the land.” And the men came to the house of Micah in the hill country of Ephraim. They stayed there.
3 O o markay gurigii Miikaah ag joogeen ayay garteen codkii ninkii dhallinyarada ahaa oo reer Laawi. Markaasay halkaas ku leexdeen, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, War yaa halkan ku keenay? Oo maxaad ka samaysaa meeshan? Maxaadse ku haysataa halkan?
When they were near the house of Micah, they heard the voice of the young man, the Levite. They knew who he was, and said to him, “Who brought you here? What are you doing in this place? What do you have here?”
4 O o isna wuxuu ku yidhi iyagii, Sidan iyo sidaas ayaa Miikaah ii sameeyey, wuuna i kiraystay, oo anna waxaan noqday wadaadkiisii.
The Levite said to them, “This is what Micah has done for me. He has hired me. I have become his religious leader.”
5 O o iyana waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Waannu ku baryaynaaye, bal Ilaah talo noo weyddii, inaannu ogaanno bal inaannu jidkayaga aan ku soconno ku soo liibaanayno iyo in kale.
They said to him, “We beg you to ask God if all will go well for us as we travel.”
6 M arkaasuu wadaadkii ku yidhi, Nabad ku taga; waayo, jidka aad ku socotaan wuxuu hor yaallaa Rabbiga.
The religious leader said to them, “Go in peace. The way you are going is pleasing to the Lord.”
7 M arkaasay shantii nin tageen, oo yimaadeen Layish oo waxay arkeen dadkii halkaa joogay oo ammaan ku deggan siday reer Siidoon u xasilloonaayeen oo ammaan u ahaayeen oo kale; waayo, dalka laguma arag wax amar haysta, oo ka xishoodsiinaya, oo reer Siidoonna way ka fogaayeen, oo ninnaba lama ay macaamiloon jirin.
Then the five men left and came to Laish. They saw how the people lived there, quiet and feeling safe, like the Sidonians. There was no ruler in the land who would put them to shame for anything. They were far from the Sidonians and had nothing to do with anyone.
8 M arkaasay nimankii walaalahood ugu yimaadeen Sorcaah iyo Eshtaa'ool. Kolkaasaa walaalahood waxay ku yidhaahdeen, War bal warrama.
The five men returned to their brothers at Zorah and Eshtaol. Their brothers said to them, “What do you have to say?”
9 O o iyana waxay ku yidhaahdeen, War kaca oo ina keena aynu ku duullee, waayo, waannu soo aragnay dalkii, oo aad buu u wanaagsan yahay. Miyaad iska aamusnaanaysaan? War ha ka caajisina inaad tagtaan oo aad dalka gashaan oo dhaxashaan.
They answered, “Get ready. Let us go up against them. For we have seen their land and it is very good. Will you sit and do nothing? Do not wait. Go into the land and take it.
10 M arkaad tagtaan waxaad u tegi doontaan dad ammaan ah, oo dalkuna waa ballaadhan yahay; waayo, Ilaah gacantuu idiin geliyey, oo waa meel aan waxba looga baahnayn waxa dhulka laga helo oo dhan.
When you go in, you will come to people who feel very safe. They have much land, but God has given it to you. It will be a place where you will have all you need on earth.”
11 M arkaas reer Daan waxaa halkaas kaga bixitimay oo Sorcaah iyo Eshtaa'ool ka tegey lix boqol oo nin oo hubkii dagaalka xidhan.
Then 600 men from the family of Dan, from Zorah and Eshtaol, went out ready for war.
12 M arkaasay baxeen oo degeen Qiryad Yecaariim oo ku taal Yahuudah; sidaas daraaddeed meeshaas waxay u bixiyeen Maxaneh Daan, oo ilaa maanta waa la yidhaahdaa; oo waxay ka dambaysaa Qiryad Yecaariim.
They went to Kiriath-jearim in Judah and set up their tents. They called that place Mahaneh-dan to this day. It is west of Kiriath-jearim.
13 O o halkaasna way ka tageen oo waxay u kaceen dalkii buuraha lahaa oo reer Efrayim, markaasay yimaadeen gurigii Miikaah.
They went from there to the hill country of Ephraim and came to the house of Micah.
14 K olkaasaa shantii nin oo waddanka Layish soo basaastay waxay ku jawaabeen oo walaalahood ku yidhaahdeen, War ma og tihiin inay guryahan ku jiraan eefod iyo teraafiim, iyo sanam xardhan iyo sanam la shubay? Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed ka fiirsada waxaad samayn lahaydeen.
Then the five men who had gone to look over the country of Laish said to their brothers, “Do you know that in these houses there are gods, a holy vest, and objects made to look like gods? So think about what you should do.”
15 O o intay halkaas ku soo leexdeen ayay yimaadeen gurigii ninkii dhallinyarada ahaa oo reer Laawi, kaasoo ahaa gurigii Miikaah, wayna nabdaadiyeen.
They turned there and came to the house of the young man, the Levite, at the home of Micah. They asked him how he was getting along.
16 M arkaasay lixdii boqol oo nin ee hubka dagaalka xidhnayd ee ahaa reer Daan ag istaageen iridda laga soo galo.
The 600 men of the sons of Dan who were ready for war were standing by the gate.
17 M arkaasay shantii nin oo dalka soo basaastay yimaadeen oo gudaha galeen, oo waxay soo qaateen sanamkii xardhanaa, iyo eefodkii, iyo teraafiimkii, iyo sanamkii la shubay; oo wadaadkiina wuxuu iridda laga soo galo isla taagay lixdii boqol oo nin ee xidhnayd hubka dagaalka.
The five men who had gone to look over the land went in the house. They took the objects made to look like gods, the holy vest and the other gods. The religious leader stood by the gate with the 600 men who were ready for war.
18 O o kuwaasu markay galeen gurigii Miikaah, oo ay soo qaateen sanamkii xardhanaa, iyo eefodkii, iyo teraafiimkii, iyo sanamkii la shubay, ayuu wadaadkii ku yidhi, War maxaad samaynaysaan?
When the men went into Micah’s house and took the objects made to look like gods, the holy vest and the other gods, the religious leader said to them, “What are you doing?”
19 O o iyana waxay isagii ku yidhaahdeen, Iska aamus, oo gacanta afka saar, ee haddaba na soo raac, oo noo noqo aabbe iyo wadaad; bal kee baa kuu roon, inaad nin keliya reerkiis wadaad u ahaatid, iyo inaad wadaad u ahaatid qabiil iyo jilib reer binu Israa'iil ka mid ah?
They said to him, “Be quiet. Put your hand over your mouth and come with us. Be a father and a religious leader to us. Is it better for you to be a religious leader to the house of one man, or to a family in Israel?”
20 M arkaasuu wadaadkii qalbiga ka farxay, oo qaaday eefodkii iyo teraafiimkii, iyo sanamkii xardhanaa, oo wuxuu dhex galay dadka.
The religious leader felt glad in his heart. He took the holy vest, the house gods and objects made to look like gods. And he went among the people.
21 M arkaasay noqdeen oo tageen, oo waxay iska horraysiiyeen dhallaankii, iyo xoolihii iyo alaabtii.
Then they turned and left. They put the little ones, the animals and their riches in front of them.
22 O o markay ka fogaadeen gurigii Miikaah ayaa raggii joogay guryihii u dhowaa gurigii Miikaah soo wada ururay, oo waxay gaadheen reer Daan.
They had gone a long way from the house of Micah. And the men who were in the houses near Micah’s house gathered together and went after them. When they came to the sons of Dan,
23 O o waxay u dhawaaqeen reer Daan. Iyana intay ku soo jeesteen ayay Miikaah ku yidhaahdeen, War maxaa kaa qaylisiinaya oo aad guutada caynkan ah u soo kaxaysatay?
they called out to them. The sons of Dan turned around and said to Micah, “What is wrong with you? Why have you gathered together?”
24 I sna wuxuu yidhi, Waxaad iga qaadateen ilaahyadaydii aan sameeyey, iyo wadaadkaygii, oo waad tagteen, haddaba maxaan kaloo haystaa? Haddaba sidee baad ii leedihiin, War maxaa kaa qaylisiinaya?
Micah said, “You have taken away my gods which I made. And you go away with the religious leader. What do I have left? How can you say to me, ‘What is wrong with you?’”
25 M arkaasay reer Daan ku yidhaahdeen, War hoy, codkaaga yaan dhexdayada laga maqlin, waaba intaasoo ay ragga cadhaysanu ku dilaan, oo aad weydaa naftaada iyo nafta reerkaagaba.
The sons of Dan said to him, “Do not let your voice be heard among us. Or angry men will kill you and those of your house.”
26 M arkaasay reer Daan iska tageen. Oo Miikaahna markuu arkay inay aad uga xoog badan yihiin ayuu iska noqday oo gurigiisii tegey.
Then the sons of Dan went on their way. Micah saw that they were too strong for him. So he returned to his house.
27 O o iyana waxay la tageen wixii Miikaah sameeyey, iyo wadaadkiisii, markaasay yimaadeen Layish, iyo dad xasilloon oo ammaan u fadhiya, oo waxay ku laayeen seef; oo magaaladiina dab bay ku gubeen.
The men of Dan took what Micah had made and the religious leader who had belonged to him. They came to Laish, to people who were quiet and felt safe. And they killed them with the sword. They burned the city with fire.
28 O o badbaadiyena ma ay lahayn, maxaa yeelay, Siidoon way ka fogayd, oo ninnaba lama ay macaamiloon jirin; oo waxay ku tiil dooxada u dhow Beytrexob. Oo iyana intay magaaladii dhiseen ayay degeen.
There was no one to take them away from their trouble, because it was far from Sidon and they had nothing to do with anyone. It was in the valley near Beth-rehob. The sons of Dan built the city again, and lived in it.
29 O o magaaladii magaceediina waxay u bixiyeen Daan, oo waxay ku sammiyeen magicii awowgood Daan, kii u dhashay Israa'iil; habase yeeshee magaalada magaceedu wuxuu markii hore ahaa Layish.
They called the name of the city Dan, after the name of Dan their father who was born in Israel. The name of the city had been Laish before.
30 M arkaasay reer Daan qotonsadeen sanamkii xardhanaa; oo Yoonaataan oo ahaa ina Gershoom oo ina Muuse ahaa iyo wiilashiisiiba waxay wadaaddo u ahaayeen qabiilkii reer Daan ilaa wakhtigii dalka la qabsaday.
The people of Dan set up for themselves the object made to look like a god. And Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Manasseh, and his sons were religious leaders to the family of Dan until the day their land was taken.
31 O o waxay qotonsadeen sanamkii xardhanaa oo Miikaah sameeyey, oo intii guriga Ilaah Shiiloh ku yiil oo dhan ayuu oolli jiray.
They set up the false god that Micah had made, while the house of God was at Shiloh.