1 W alaalayaalow, waxaan qalbigayga ka doonayaa oo Ilaah ka baryaa inay iyagu badbaadaan.
Christian brothers, the desire of my heart and my prayer to God is that the Jews might be saved from the punishment of sin.
2 W aayo, waxaan markhaati u furayaa inay iyagu Ilaah qiiro weyn u qabaan, laakiinse xagga aqoonta ma aha.
I know about them. They have a strong desire for God, but they do not know what they should about Him.
3 W aayo, iyagoo aan ogayn xaqnimada Ilaah oo doonaya inay taagaan tooda, ayayan hoos gelin Ilaah xaqnimadiisa.
They have not known how God makes men right with Himself. Instead, they have tried to make their own way. They have not become right with God because they have not done what God said to do.
4 W aayo, Masiixu wuxuu mid kasta oo rumaysta u yahay sharciga dhammaadkiisii xagga xaqnimada. Jidka Cusub Oo Xaqnimada Cid Kasta Buu U Furan yahay
For Christ has put an end to the Law, so everyone who has put his trust in Christ is made right with God.
5 W aayo, Muuse wuxuu qoray in ninkii yeelaa xaqnimada sharciga uu ku noolaan doono iyada.
Moses writes that the man who obeys the Law has to live by it.
6 L aakiin xaqnimada rumaysadku sidanay tidhaahdaa, Qalbigaaga ha iska odhan, Yaa samada kori doona (inuu Masiix soo dejiyo)?
But when a man puts his trust in Christ, he is made right with God. You do not need to ask yourself, “Who will go up to heaven to bring Christ down?”
7 A ma, Yaa yamayska hoos u geli doona (inuu Masiix kuwa dhintay ka soo sara kiciyo)?
And you do not need to ask, “Who will go below and bring Christ up from the dead?”
8 L aakiin maxay leedahay? Eraygii waa kuu dhow yahay, waana ku jiraa afkaaga iyo qalbigaaga, waxaa weeyaan erayga rumaysadka oo aannu kugu wacdinno.
This is what it says, “The Good News is near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart.” This Good News tells about putting your trust in Christ. This is what we preach to you.
9 M axaa yeelay, haddaad afka ka qiratid in Ciise yahay Rabbiga, oo aad qalbiga ka rumaysatid in Ilaah isaga ka sara kiciyey kuwii dhintay, waad badbaadi doontaa,
If you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved from the punishment of sin.
10 w aayo, qalbiga wax baa laga rumaystaa xagga xaqnimada, afkana wax baa laga qirtaa xagga badbaadinta.
When we believe in our hearts, we are made right with God. We tell with our mouth how we were saved from the punishment of sin.
11 W aayo, Qorniinku wuxuu leeyahay, Ku alla kii rumaysta isaga, ceeboobi maayo.
The Holy Writings say, “No one who puts his trust in Christ will ever be put to shame.”
12 W aayo, Yuhuudda iyo Gariigtu waxba kuma kala duwana, waayo, isku Rabbi baa Rabbi u wada ah, waana u taajir in alla intii barida isaga.
There is no difference between the Jews and the people who are not Jews. They are all the same to the Lord. And He is Lord over all of them. He gives of His greatness to all who call on Him for help.
13 W aayo, ku alla kii magaca Rabbiga ku baryaa, waa badbaadi doonaa.
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved from the punishment of sin.
14 H addaba sidee bay ugu baryi doonaan kan aanay rumaysnayn? Oo sidee bay u rumaysan doonaan kan aanay maqlin? Oo sidee bay u maqli doonaan haddii aan la wacdiyin?
But how can they call on Him if they have not put their trust in Him? And how can they put their trust in Him if they have not heard of Him? And how can they hear of Him unless someone tells them?
15 O o sidee bay u wacdiyi doonaan haddaan la dirin? sida qoran, Qurux badanaa cagaha kuwa wax ku wacdiya waxyaalaha wanaagsan.
And how can someone tell them if he is not sent? The Holy Writings say, “The feet of those who bring the Good News are beautiful.”
16 L aakiin kulligood ma ay wada dhegaysan injiilka. Waayo, Isayos wuxuu leeyahay, Rabbow, yaa rumaystay warkayagii?
But they have not all listened to the Good News. Isaiah says, “Lord, who believed what we told them?”
17 H addaba rumaysadku wuxuu ka yimaadaa maqlidda, maqlidduna waxay ku timaadaa ereyga Masiixa.
So then, faith comes to us by hearing the Good News. And the Good News comes by someone preaching it.
18 L aakiin waxaan leeyahay, Miyaanay maqlin? Haah, runtii. Codkoodii wuxuu gaadhay dhulka oo dhan, Hadalkoodiina wuxuu gaadhay dunida meesha ugu shishaysa.
And so I ask, “Did they not hear?” For sure they did. The Holy Writings say, “Their voice was heard over all the earth. The Good News was told to the ends of the earth.”
19 L aakiin waxaan leeyahay, Miyaan reer binu Israa'iil ogayn? Ugu horraystii Muuse wuxuu yidhi, Waxaan idinkaga hinaasin doonaa kuwo aan quruun ahayn; Quruun aan wax garanayn waan idinkaga cadhaysiin doonaa.
Again I ask, “Did the Jews not understand?” First of all, Moses says, “I will make you jealous of those who are not a nation. I will make you angry with a foolish nation of people who do not understand.”
20 I sayosna waa dhiirranaa oo wuxuu yidhi, Waxaa i helay kuwo aan i doonayn, Waxaan u muuqday kuwo aan wax i weyddiinayn.
Isaiah says even stronger words, “I have been found by men who did not look for Me. I have shown Myself to those who were not asking for Me.”
21 L aakiin reer binu Israa'iil wuxuu ku yidhi, Maalintii oo dhan waxaan gacmahayga u kala bixinayay dad caasi ah oo muran miidhan ah.
This is what God says about the Jews, “All day long I held out my hand to a people who would not obey Me and who worked against Me.”