1 Korintos 12 ~ 1 Corinthians 12


1 W alaalayaalow, dooni maayo inaad jaahil ka ahaataan waxa ku saabsan hadiyadaha Ruuxa ka yimaada.

Christian brothers, I want you to know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You need to understand the truth about this.

2 W aad og tihiin in, markaad dad aan Ilaah aaminin ahaan jirteen, laydin geeyn jiray sanamyada aan hadli karin, si laydinku geeyn jirayba.

You know that before you were Christians you were led to worship false gods. None of these gods could speak.

3 S idaa daraaddeed waxaan idin ogeysiinayaa inaan nin Ruuxa Ilaah ku hadlaa odhanaynin, Ciise waa inkaaran yahay, oo aan ninna odhan karin, Ciise waa Rabbi, inuu Ruuxa Quduuska ah ku hadlo mooyaane.

So I tell you that no one speaking by the help of the Holy Spirit can say that he hates Jesus. No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the help of the Holy Spirit. The Kinds of Gifts

4 W axaa jira hadiyado kala cayn ah, laakiin waa isku Ruux.

There are different kinds of gifts. But it is the same Holy Spirit Who gives them.

5 W axaana jira adeegid kala cayn ah, waana isku Rabbi.

There are different kinds of work to be done for Him. But the work is for the same Lord.

6 W axaana jira shuqullo kala cayn ah, laakiin waa isku Ilaah, kan dhammaan wax walba kaga dhex shaqeeya.

There are different ways of doing His work. But it is the same God who uses all these ways in all people.

7 L aakiin mid kasta waxaa muujinta Ruuxa loo siiyaa waxtar.

The Holy Spirit works in each person in one way or another for the good of all.

8 M id waxaa laga siiyaa xagga Ruuxa hadal xigmad ah, mid kalena hadal aqoon ah siduu isku Ruuxu doonayo.

One person is given the gift of teaching words of wisdom. Another person is given the gift of teaching what he has learned and knows. These gifts are by the same Holy Spirit.

9 M id kale Ruuxu rumaysad buu siiyaa, mid kalena hadiyado wax lagu bogsiiyo ayuu isku Ruuxu siiya.

One person receives the gift of faith. Another person receives the gifts of healing. These gifts are given by the same Holy Spirit.

10 M id kalena shuqullo cajaa'ib leh, mid kalena wax sii sheegidda, mid kalena kalasoocidda ruuxyada, mid kalena afaf kala cayn ah, mid kalena afafka fasiriddooda.

One person is given the gift of doing powerful works. Another person is given the gift of speaking God’s Word. Another person is given the gift of telling the difference between the Holy Spirit and false spirits. Another person is given the gift of speaking in special sounds. Another person is given the gift of telling what these special sounds mean.

11 I sku Ruuxa oo keliya ayaa ka shaqeeya waxyaalahaas oo dhan, isagoo siduu doonayo mid mid wax ugu qaybinaya. Masaalka Ku Saabsan Jidhka

But it is the same Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, Who does all these things. He gives to each person as He wants to give. Our Body Is Like the Body of Christ

12 H addaba sida jidhku mid keliya u yahay, oo uu xubno badan u leeyahay, oo xubnaha oo dhan ee jidhka ay jidh keliya u yihiin, in kastoo ay badan yihiin, Masiixuna waa sidaas oo kale.

Our own body has many parts. When all these many parts are put together, they are only one body. The body of Christ is like this.

13 W aayo, Ruux qudha ayaa dhammaanteen jidh qudha inagu baabtiisay, haddaynu nahay Yuhuud ama Gariig, ama addoommo ama kuwa xor ah, oo waxaa laynaga waraabiyey Ruux qudha.

It is the same way with us. Jews or those who are not Jews, men who are owned by someone or men who are free to do what they want to do, have all been baptized into the one body by the same Holy Spirit. We have all received the one Spirit.

14 W aayo, jidhku xubin qudha ma aha ee waa xubno badan.

The body is not one part, but many parts.

15 H adday cagtu tidhaahdo, Anigu gacan ma ihi, taas aawadeed jidhka ka mid ma ihi, taasu sabab u noqon mayso inaanay jidhka ka mid ahayn.

If the foot should say, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that would not stop it from being a part of the body.

16 H adday dhegtu tidhaahdo, Anigu isha ma ihi, taas aawadeed jidhka ka mid ma ihi, taasu sabab u noqon mayso inaanay jidhka ka mid ahayn.

If the ear should say, “I am not a part of the body because I am not an eye,” that would not stop it from being a part of the body.

17 H addii jidhka oo dhammu il wada ahaan lahaa, meeye dhegihii wax lagu maqli lahaana? Hadduu dhammaan dhego wada ahaan lahaa, meeh sankii wax lagu urin lahaana?

If the whole body were an eye how would it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how would it smell?

18 H aatanse Ilaah baa siduu doonayay xubnaha middood kastaba jidhka ugu hagaajiyey.

But God has put all the parts into the body just as He wants to have them.

19 H adday dhammaan ahaan lahaayeen xubin qudha, meeh jidhkii?

If all the parts were the same, it could not be a body.

20 H aatanse waa xubno badan laakiin waa jidh qudha.

But now there are many parts, but one body.

21 I shu gacanta kuma odhan karto, Kuuma baahni; madaxuna cagaha kuma odhan karo, Idiinma baahni.

The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you.” Or the head cannot say to the feet, “I do not need you.”

22 X ataa xubnaha jidhka oo loo maleeyo inay u itaal yar yihiin, iyaga qudhooda waa loo baahan yahay,

Some of the parts we think are weak and not important are very important.

23 o o kuwa jidhka oo aynu u malayno inay u maamuus yar yihiin, kuwaas ayaynu ka sii maamuusnaa kuwa kale, oo xubnaheenna cawrada ah baa ka xurmo badan kuwa kale.

We take good care of and cover with clothes the parts of the body that look less important. The parts which do not look beautiful have an important work to do.

24 X ubnaheenna aan cawrada ahaynse waxba uma baahna. Laakiin Ilaah baa jidhka isku hagaajiyey isagoo tan ugu daran maamuus badan siinaya,

The parts that can be seen do not need as much care. God has made the body so more care is given to the parts that need it most.

25 i naan jidhku qaybsanaan, laakiin in xubiniba xubinta kale u welwesho.

This is so the body will not be divided into parts. All the parts care for each other.

26 H addii xubin qudha xanuunsato, xubnaha oo dhammu way la xanuunsadaan. Haddii xubin la maamuuso, xubnaha oo dhammu way la farxaan.

If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it. If one part is given special care, the other parts are happy. The Body of Christ

27 I dinku waxaad tihiin jidhka Masiix iyo xubno ka mid ah.

You are all a part of the body of Christ.

28 I laah markii hore kiniisadda qaar wuxuu uga dhigay rasuullo, markii labaadna qaar kale nebiyo, markii saddexaadna qaar kale macallimiin, dabadeedna qaar cajaa'ibyo sameeya, qaarna kuwo leh hadiyado wax lagu bogsiiyo, qaarna kaalmeeyayaal, qaarna taliyayaal, iyo qaar afaf kala cayn ah ku hadla.

God has chosen different ones in the church to do His work. First, there are missionaries. Second, there are preachers or those who speak for God. And third, there are teachers. He has also chosen those who do powerful works and those who have the gifts of healing. And He has chosen those who help others who are in need and those who are able to lead others in work and those who speak in special sounds.

29 D hammaan ma wada rasuullo baa? Dhammaan ma wada nebiyo baa? Dhammaan ma wada macallimiin baa? Dhammaan ma wada cajaa'ibyo sameeyayaal baa?

Are they all missionaries? No. Are they all preachers or those who speak for God? No. Do they all do powerful works? No.

30 D hammaan ma wada leeyihiin hadiyado wax lagu bogsiiyo? Dhammaan ma ku hadlaan afaf kala cayn ah? Dhammaan wax ma fasiraan?

Do they all have the gifts of healing? No. Do they all speak in special sounds? No. Are they all able to tell what the special sounds mean? No.

31 L aakiin aad u doona hadiyadaha u waaweyn. Oo weliba waxaan idin tusayaa jid kan ka sii wanaagsan.

But from your heart you should want the best gifts. Now I will show you even a better way.