1 W axaa dhacay in, goortuu Ciise hadalladan dhammeeyey, uu Galili ka tegey, oo wuxuu yimid soohdimaha Yahuudiya, oo Webi Urdun ka shisheeya.
When Jesus had finished talking, He went from the country of Galilee. He came to the part of the country of Judea which is on the other side of the Jordan River.
2 W axaana soo raacay dad aad u badan, oo halkaas ayuu ku bogsiiyey iyaga.
Many people followed Him and He healed them there.
3 M arkaasaa Farrisiintii u timid, iyagoo jirrabaya, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Ma xalaal baa in nin sabab kasta naagtiisa ku furo?
The proud religious law-keepers came to Jesus. They tried to trap Him by saying, “Does the Law say a man can divorce his wife for any reason?”
4 W uxuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Miyaydnaan akhriyin, Kii bilowgii uumay iyaga wuxuu ka dhigay lab iyo dhaddig,
He said to them, “Have you not read that He Who made them in the first place made them man and woman?
5 o o wuxuu yidhi, Sababtaas aawadeed nin wuxuu ka tegayaa aabbihiis iyo hooyadiis, wuxuuna la joogayaa naagtiisa, oo labaduba waxay noqonayaan isku jidh?
It says, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one.’
6 S idaa darteed haatan iyagu laba ma aha, laakiin waa isku jidh. Haddaba wixii Ilaah isku xidhay, ninna yaanu kala furin.
So they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together.”
7 M arkaasay waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Haddaba Muuse muxuu u amray in warqaddii furniinta iyada la siiyo oo la furo?
The proud religious law-keepers said to Jesus, “Then why did the Law of Moses allow a man to divorce his wife if he put it down in writing and gave it to her?”
8 W uxuu ku yidhi, Maxaa yeelay, Muuse wuxuu idiinku fasaxay inaad naagihiinna furtaan qalbi engegnaantiinna aawadeed, laakiin bilowgii sidaas ma ay ahayn.
Jesus said to them, “Because of your hard hearts Moses allowed you to divorce your wives. It was not like that from the beginning.
9 W axaan idinku leeyahay, Ku alla kii naagtiisa ku fura wax aan sino ahayn, oo mid kale guursadaa, wuu sinaystaa. Oo kii guursada tii la furay wuu sinaystaa.
And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sex sins, and marries another, is guilty of sex sins in marriage. Whoever marries her that is divorced is guilty of sex sins in marriage.”
10 X ertiisii waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Haddii nin xaalkiisu sidan yahay xagga naagtiisa, in la guursadaaba ma wanaagsana.
His followers said to Him, “If that is the way of a man with his wife, it is better not to be married.”
11 L aakiin wuxuu ku yidhi, Dadka oo dhammu ereygan ma wada aqbali karaan, kuwii la siiyey mooyaane.
But Jesus said to them, “Not all men are able to do this, but only those to whom it has been given.
12 W aayo, waxaa jira bohommo sidaas kaga dhashay uurkii hooyadood, oo waxaa jira bohommo dadku dhufaanay, oo waxaa jira bohommo isaga dhigay bohommo boqortooyada jannada aawadeed. Kii hadalkan aqbali karaa, ha aqbalo. Ciise Wuxuu U Duceeyey Carruur Yaryar
For there are some men who from birth will never be able to have children. There are some men who have been made so by men. There are some men who have had themselves made that way because of the holy nation of heaven. The one who is able to do this, let him do it.” Jesus Gives Thanks for Little Children
13 M arkaasaa ilmo yaryar loo keenay inuu gacmiihiisa saaro oo uu u duceeyo, laakiin xertii ayaa canaanatay.
Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray for them. The followers spoke sharp words to them.
14 M arkaasaa Ciise wuxuu ku yidhi, Ilmaha daaya oo ha u diidina inay ii yimaadaan, waayo, kuwan oo kale ayaa ka mid ah boqortooyada jannada.
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me. Do not stop them. The holy nation of heaven is made up of ones like these.”
15 G acmihiisa ayuu saaray iyaga, markaasuu meeshaas ka tegey. Nin Dhallinyar Oo Hodan Ah Baa Doonayay Nolosha Weligeed Ah
He put His hands on them and went away. Jesus Teaches about Keeping the Law
16 O o mid baa intuu yimid ku yidhi, Macallin wanaagsanow, maxaa wanaagsan oo aan sameeyaa inaan nolosha weligeed ah helo?
A man came to Jesus and asked, “Good Teacher, what good work must I do to have life that lasts forever?”
17 W uxuu ku yidhi, Maxaad wax iiga weyddiinaysaa wanaagga? Waxaa jira mid wanaagsan. Haddaad doonaysid inaad nolosha gashid, qaynuunnada dhawr.
Jesus said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One Who is good. If you want to have life that lasts forever, you must obey the Laws.”
18 W uxuu ku yidhi, Kuwee? Ciise ayaa ku yidhi, Waa inaanad qudh gooyn, Waa inaanad sinaysan, Wan inaanad wax xadin, Waa inaanad marag been ah furin.
The man said to Him, “What kind of laws?” Jesus said, “You must not kill another person. You must not be guilty of sex sins. You must not steal. You must not lie.
19 A abbahaa iyo hooyadaa maamuus, oo Waa inaad deriskaaga u jeclaataa sidaad naftaada u jeceshahay.
Show respect to your father and your mother. And love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
20 N inkii dhallinyarada ahaa ayaa ku yidhi, Kuwaas oo dhan ayaan dhawray. Maxaa weli ii dhiman?
The young man said to Jesus, “I have obeyed all these Laws. What more should I do?”
21 C iise ayaa ku yidhi, Haddaad doonaysid inaad samaatid, tag oo iibi waxaad haysatid, oo masaakiinta sii, oo waxaad jannada ku lahaan doontaa maal; ee kaalay oo i soo raac.
Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell everything you have and give the money to poor people. Then you will have riches in heaven. Come and follow Me.”
22 N inkii dhallinyarada ahaa goortuu hadalkaas maqlay ayuu baxay isagoo calool xun, waayo, wuxuu ahaa mid waxyaalo badan leh. Hodanka Faa'iidala'aantiisa
When the young man heard these words, he went away sad for he had many riches. The Danger of Riches
23 M arkaasaa Ciise wuxuu xertiisii ku yidhi, Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Nin hodan ah inuu boqortooyada jannada galo waa ku adag tahay.
Jesus said to His followers, “For sure, I tell you, it will be hard for a rich man to get into the holy nation of heaven.
24 H addana waxaan idinku leeyahay, Nin hodan ah inuu boqortooyada Ilaah galo waxaa ka hawl yar in awr irbad daloolkeed ka duso.
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the holy nation of heaven.”
25 X ertii goortay maqleen aad bay u yaabeen, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Haddaba yaa badbaadi kara?
When His followers heard this, they could not understand it. They said, “Then who can be saved from the punishment of sin?”
26 C iise intuu eegay ayuu ku yidhi, Waxanu uma suurtoobaan dadka, laakiin wax waluba waa u suurtoobaan Ilaah.
Jesus looked at them and said, “This cannot be done by men. But with God all things can be done.”
27 M arkaas Butros ayaa u jawaabay oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Annagu wax walba waannu ka soo wada tagnay, waana ku raacnay. Maxaannu haddaba heli doonnaa?
Then Peter said to Him, “We have given up everything and have followed You. Then what will we have?”
28 C iise ayaa ku yidhi, Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Kuwiinna i soo raacay, wakhtiga cusboonaysiinta, goortii Wiilka Aadanahu carshiga ammaantiisa ku fadhiisto, idinkuna waxaad ku fadhiisan doontaan laba iyo toban carshi, idinkoo xukumaya laba-iyo-tobanka qolo oo Israa'iil.
Jesus said to them, “For sure, I tell you, when all the earth will be new and the Son of Man will sit on His throne in His shining-greatness, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, and judge the twelve family groups of the Jewish nation.
29 O o mid walba oo ka tegey guryo, ama walaalo, ama aabbe, ama hooyo, ama carruur, ama beero, magacayga aawadiis, wuxuu heli doonaa boqol laab, oo wuxuu dhaxli doonaa nolosha weligeed ah.
Everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands because of Me, will get a hundred times more. And you will get life that lasts forever.
30 K uwa badan oo hore waa dambayn doonaan, kuwa dambena waa horrayn doonaan.
Many who are first will be last. Many who are last will be first.