1 Butros 3 ~ 1 Peter 3


1 S idaas oo kalena, dumar yahow, nimankiinna ka dambeeya in xataa haddii qaar uusan erayga addeecin ay erayga la'aantiis ku soo hanuunsamaan dabiicadda afooyinkooda,

Wives, obey your own husbands. Some of your husbands may not obey the Word of God. By obeying your husbands, they may become Christians by the life you live without you saying anything.

2 m arkay arkaan dabiicaddiinna daahirsan ee cabsida leh.

They will see how you love God and how your lives are pure.

3 I squrxintiinnu yaanay ahaan tan dibadda ah, oo ah timo tidcan, iyo dahab layska lulo, amase dhar la xidho,

Do not let your beauty come from the outside. It should not be the way you comb your hair or the wearing of gold or the wearing of fine clothes.

4 l aakiinse ha ahaato inta qalbiga ee qarsoon, taasoo leh wax aan baabba'ayn ee ah ruuxa qabow oo aamusan, kaasoo Ilaah hortiisa qiimo badan ku leh.

Your beauty should come from the inside. It should come from the heart. This is the kind that lasts. Your beauty should be a gentle and quiet spirit. In God’s sight this is of great worth and no amount of money can buy it.

5 W aayo, sidaasoo kalaa waagii hore dumarkii quduuska ahaa oo Ilaah wax ka rajayn jiray ay isu qurxin jireen, iyagoo nimankoodii ka dambeeya.

This was the kind of beauty seen in the holy women who lived many years ago. They put their hope in God. They also obeyed their husbands.

6 S aarahba sidaasoo kalay Ibraahim u addeeci jirtay, oo ay ugu yeedhi jirtay, Sayidow; oo idinna haddii aad wanaag fashaan oo aydnaan ka cabsan wixii argaggax leh waxaad tihiin carruurteeda.

Sarah obeyed her husband Abraham. She respected him as the head of the house. You are her children if you do what is right and do not have fear.

7 N imankow, idinkuna sidaas oo kale afooyinkiinna aqoon kula dhaqma sidii iyagoo ah weel tabardaran, oo iyaga maamuusa sida kuwa idinla dhaxla nimcada nolosha, si aan baryadiinna loo hor joogsan. Jixinjixa Masiixiyiinta

In the same way, husbands should understand and respect their wives, because women are weaker than men. Remember, both husband and wife are to share together the gift of life that lasts forever. If this is not done, you will find it hard to pray. Teaching for All Christians

8 U gu dambaysta, waxaan idinku leeyahay, Kulligiin isku maan ahaada, oo isu jixinjixa, oo sida walaalo isu jeclaada, oo isu naxariista, oo is-hoosaysiiya.

Last of all, you must share the same thoughts and the same feelings. Love each other with a kind heart and with a mind that has no pride.

9 S har shar ha ka celinina, cayna cay ha ka celinina, laakiinse duco ka celiya, maxaa yeelay, saas aawadeed waxaa laydiinku yeedhay inaad barako dhaxashaan, waayo,

When someone does something bad to you, do not do the same thing to him. When someone talks about you, do not talk about him. Instead, pray that good will come to him. You were called to do this so you might receive good things from God.

10 K ii doonaya inuu nolol jeclaado, Oo arko maalmo wanaagsan, Carrabkiisa shar ha ka joojiyo, Bushimihiisana yaanay khiyaano ku hadlin.

For “If you want joy in your life and have happy days, keep your tongue from saying bad things and your lips from talking bad about others.

11 O o ha ka leexdo shar, oo wanaag ha sameeyo; Nabad ha doondoono oo ha raacdaysto;

Turn away from what is sinful. Do what is good. Look for peace and go after it.

12 W aayo, Rabbiga indhihiisu waxay fiiriyaan kuwa xaqa ah, Dhegihiisuna waxay u furan yihiin baryadooda; Laakiin wejiga Rabbigu waa ka gees kuwa sharka sameeya. Waa In Xaqdarrada Loo Adkaysto

The Lord watches over those who are right with Him. He hears their prayers. But the Lord is against those who sin.”

13 H addii aad waxa wanaagsan ku dadaashaan, bal yaa wax idin yeeli doona?

Who will hurt you if you do what is right?

14 L aakiinse xaqnimada daraaddeed haddii aad u xanuunsataan, waad barakaysan tihiin. Haddaba ha ka cabsanina cabsigelintooda, hana welwelina.

But even if you suffer for doing what is right, you will be happy. Do not be afraid or troubled by what they may do to make it hard for you.

15 R abbiga Masiixa ah qalbiyadiinna quduus kaga dhiga, oo mar kasta diyaar u ahaada inaad u jawaabtaan nin alla ninkii wax idinka weyddiiya sabab ku saabsan rajada aad leedihiin, laakiinse qabow iyo cabsi ugu jawaaba,

Your heart should be holy and set apart for the Lord God. Always be ready to tell everyone who asks you why you believe as you do. Be gentle as you speak and show respect.

16 i dinkoo qalbi wanaagsan leh, in markii wax xun laydinka sheego, ay ceeboobaan kuwa caaya dabiicaddiinna wanaagsan ee xagga Masiixa ah.

Keep your heart telling you that you have done what is right. If men speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see the good way you have lived as a Christian.

17 W aayo, haddii ay doonista Ilaah tahay, waxaa ka wanaagsan inaad samafalidda u xanuunsataan intii aad u xanuunsan lahaydeen sharfalidda.

If God wants you to suffer, it is better to suffer for doing what is right than for doing what is wrong. Christ Suffered for Us

18 M axaa yeelay, Masiixba mar buu u xanuunsaday dembiyada. Isagoo xaq ah ayuu u xanuunsaday kuwa aan xaqa ahayn aawadood inuu inoo keeno Ilaah. Xagga jidhka waa laga dilay, laakiinse xagga ruuxa waa laga nooleeyey.

Christ suffered and died for sins once for all. He never sinned and yet He died for us who have sinned. He died so He might bring us to God. His body died but His spirit was made alive.

19 R uuxii ayuu ku tegey oo wuxuu wacdiyey ruuxyadii xabsigii ku jiray,

Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison.

20 k uwaas oo waagii hore ahaa caasiyiin markii dulqaadashada Ilaah ay sugaysay intii maalmihii Nuux oo la diyaarinayay doonnidii, taasoo ay biyihii kaga badbaadeen dhawr qof oo ah siddeed nafood oo keliya.

Those were the spirits of the people who would not obey in the days of Noah. God waited a long time for them while Noah was building the big boat. But only eight people were saved from dying when the earth was covered with water.

21 B iyahaasuna waxay ka dhigan yihiin baabtiiska hadda idinku badbaadiya sarakicidda Ciise Masiix, oo aan ahayn ka fogaynta wasakhda jidhka, laakiinse waxaa weeye baryo ka timaada qalbi wanaagsan oo xagga Ilaah.

This is like baptism to us. Baptism does not mean we wash our bodies clean. It means we are saved from the punishment of sin and go to God in prayer with a heart that says we are right. This can be done because Christ was raised from the dead.

22 C iise Masiix jannaduu galay oo wuxuu joogaa gacanta midigta oo Ilaah, oo malaa'igaha iyo kuwa amarka leh iyo kuwa xoogga leh oo dhanba waa laga hoosaysiiyey isaga.

Christ has gone to heaven and is on the right side of God. Angels and powers of heaven are obeying Him.