1 M eeshaasuu ka soo kacay oo wuxuu galay soohdimaha Yahuudiya oo Webi Urdun ka shisheeya. Mar kale dadkii badnaa baa u soo ururay, oo sida caadadiisu ahaan jirtay, ayuu haddana wax baray.
Jesus went away from the city of Capernaum. He came to the country of Judea and to the other side of the Jordan River. Again the people gathered around Him. He began to teach them as He had been doing.
2 M arkaasaa Farrisiintu u timid oo weyddiisay, Ma xalaal baa in nin naagtiisa furo? Wayna jirrabayeen.
The proud religious law-keepers came to Him. They tried to trap Him and asked, “Does the Law say a man can divorce his wife?”
3 K olkaasuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Muuse muxuu idinku amray?
He said to them, “What did the Law of Moses say?”
4 W axay yidhaahdeen, Muuse waa fasaxay in warqaddii furniinta la dhigo oo la furo.
They said, “Moses allowed a man to divorce his wife, if he put it in writing and gave it to her.”
5 C iisena wuxuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Qalbi engegnaantiinna aawadeed ayuu amarkaas idiinku dhigay.
Jesus said to them, “Because of your hard hearts, Moses gave you this Law.
6 L aakiin tan iyo bilowgii abuurniinta, Ilaah wuxuu sameeyey lab iyo dhaddig.
From the beginning of the world, God made them man and woman.
7 S ababtaas aawadeed nin wuxuu ka tegayaa aabbihiis iyo hooyadiis, wuxuuna la joogayaa naagtiisa.
Because of this, a man is to leave his father and mother and is to live with his wife.
8 L abaduba waxay noqonayaan isku jidh. Sidaa darteed haatan iyagu laba ma aha, laakiin waa isku jidh.
The two will become one. So they are no longer two, but one.
9 H addaba wixii Ilaah isku xidhay ninna yaanu kala furin.
Let no man divide what God has put together.”
10 G oortay guriga ku jireen, xertiisii ayaa haddana waxaas wax ka weyddiiyeen.
In the house the followers asked Jesus about this again.
11 M arkaasuu wuxuu ku yidhi, Ku alla kii naagtiisa furaa oo mid kale guursadaa ayaa ka sinaysta.
He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another is not faithful to her and is guilty of a sex sin.
12 N aagna haddii ay ninkeeda furto oo mid kale guursato ayay sinaysataa. Ciise Wuxuu U Duceeyey Carruur Yaryar
If a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she is not faithful to her husband and is guilty of a sex sin.” Jesus Gives Thanks for Little Children
13 I lmo yaryar ayay u keeneen inuu taabto, xertuna way canaanatay.
They brought little children to Jesus that He might put His hand on them. The followers spoke sharp words to those who brought them.
14 L aakiin Ciise goortuu arkay, wuu cadhooday, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Ilmaha yaryar daaya, ha ii yimaadeene, hana diidina, waayo, kuwan oo kale ayaa ka mid ah boqortooyada Ilaah.
Jesus saw this and was angry with the followers. He said, “Let the little children come to Me. Do not stop them. The holy nation of God is made up of ones like these.
15 R untii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Ku alla kii aan boqortooyada Ilaah u aqbalin sida ilmo yar oo kale, meeshaas ma uu geli doono.
For sure, I tell you, whoever does not receive the holy nation of God as a little child does not go into it.”
16 G acmihiisuu ku qaaday oo intuu calaacalihiisa saaray, ayuu barakeeyey. Nin Dhallinyar Oo Hodan Ah Baa Doonayay Nolosha Weligeed Ah
He took the children in His arms. He put His hands on them and prayed that good would come to them. Jesus Teaches about Keeping the Law
17 G oortuu jidka u soo baxay, mid baa ku soo orday oo intuu u jilba joogsaday ayuu weyddiiyey oo ku yidhi, Macallin wanaagsanow, maxaan sameeyaa inaan nolosha weligeed ah dhaxlo?
Jesus was going on His way. A man ran to Him and got down on his knees. He said, “Good Teacher, what must I do to have life that lasts forever?”
18 C iise wuxuu ku yidhi, Maxaad iigu yeedhaysaa, Wanaagsanow? Mid wanaagsan ma jiro mid maahee, kaasuna waa Ilaah.
Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? There is only One Who is good. That is God.
19 Q aynuunnada waad taqaan. Waa inaanad sinaysan, Waa inaanad qudh gooyn, Waa inaanad waxba xadin, Waa inaanad marag been ah furin, Waa inaanad waxba dulmin, Aabbahaa iyo hooyadaana maamuus.
You know the Laws, ‘Do not be guilty of sex sins in marriage. Do not kill another person. Do not take things from people in wrong ways. Do not steal. Do not lie. Respect your father and mother.’”
20 W uxuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Macallimow, kuwaas oo dhan tan iyo yaraantaydii ayaan dhawrayay.
The man said to Jesus, “Teacher, I have obeyed all these Laws since I was a boy.”
21 M arkaasaa Ciise intuu eegay jeclaaday oo ku yidhi, Wax keliya ayaa kuu dhiman. Tag oo iibi waxaad haysatid oo dhan, oo masaakiintana sii, oo waxaad jannada ku lahaan doontaa maal; ee kaalay oo i soo raac.
Jesus looked at him with love and said, “There is one thing for you to do yet. Go and sell everything you have and give the money to poor people. You will have riches in heaven. Then come and follow Me.”
22 H adalkaas ayuu ka qulbay, wuuna baxay isagoo calool xun, waayo, wuxuu ahaa mid waxyaalo badan leh. Hodanka Faa'iidola'aantiisa
When the man heard these words, he was sad. He walked away with sorrow because he had many riches here on earth. The Danger of Riches
23 C iise ishuu wada mariyey oo xertiisuu ku yidhi, Kuwa hodanka ah waa ku adag tahay inay boqortooyada Ilaah galaan!
Jesus looked around Him. He said to His followers, “How hard it is for rich people to get into the holy nation of God!”
24 X ertiisii hadalladiisii bay ka yaabeen. Laakiin Ciise mar kaluu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Ilma yahow, siday ugu adag tahay kuwa maalka isku halleeya inay boqortooyada Ilaah galaan!
The followers were surprised and wondered about His words. But Jesus said to them again, “Children! How hard it is for those who put their trust in riches to get into the holy nation of God!
25 N in hodan ah inuu boqortooyada Ilaah galo waxaa ka hawl yar in awr irbad daloolkeed ka duso.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.”
26 A ad bay u yaabeen, waxayna isku lahaayeen, Haddaba yaa badbaadi kara?
They were very surprised and wondered, saying to themselves, “Then who can be saved from the punishment of sin?”
27 M arkaasaa Ciise eegay oo ku yidhi, Waxanu uma suurtoobaan dadka, waxbase uma aha Ilaah, waayo, wax waluba waa u suurtoobaan Ilaah.
Jesus looked at them and said, “This cannot be done by men but God can do anything.”
28 K olkaasaa Butros bilaabay inuu ku yidhaahdo, Annagu wax walba waannu ka wada tagnay, waana ku raacnay.
Then Peter began to say to Him, “We have given up everything we had and have followed You.”
29 C iise wuxuu ku yidhi, Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Ma jiro nin aawaday iyo injiilka aawadiis uga tegey guri, ama walaalo, ama hooyo, ama aabbe, ama carruur, ama beero,
Jesus said, “For sure, I tell you, there are those who have given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands because of Me, and the Good News.
30 o o aan haatan oo la joogo helayn boqol laab guryo ah, iyo walaalo, iyo hooyooyin, iyo carruur, iyo beero, wuxuuna la heli doonaa silec, wakhtiga imanayana nolosha weligeed ah.
They will get back one hundred times as much now at this time in houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands. Along with this, they will have very much trouble. And they will have life that lasts forever in the world to come.
31 L aakiin kuwa badan oo hore waa dambayn doonaan, kuwa dambena waa horrayn doonaan. Mar Saddexaad Ayaa Ciise Sii Sheegay Dhimashadiisa
Many who are first will be last. Many who are last will be first.” Jesus Tells of His Death the Third Time
32 W axay ku socdeen jidka xaggii Yeruusaalem, Ciisena waa hor marayay. Wayna yaabeen oo intay daba socdeen way baqeen. Kolkaasuu laba-iyo-tobankii haddana waday oo bilaabay inuu u sheego waxa isaga ku dhici doona,
They were on their way to Jerusalem. Jesus walked in front of them. Those who followed were surprised and afraid. Then Jesus took the twelve followers by themselves. He told them what would happen to Him.
33 o o wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaynu ku soconnaa Yeruusaalem. Wiilka Aadanaha waxaa loo dhiibi doonaa wadaaddada sare iyo culimmada; oo waxay ku xukumi doonaan dhimasho. Waxayna u dhiibi doonaan dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn.
He said, “Listen, we are going to Jerusalem. The Son of Man will be handed over to the religious leaders of the Jews and to the teachers of the Law. They will say that He must be put to death. They will hand Him over to the people who are not Jews.
34 W ayna ku kajami doonaan, oo ku tufi doonaan, oo karbaashi doonaan, wayna dili doonaan, saddex maalmood dabadeedna wuu soo sara kici doonaa. Waxaa La Weyddiistay Derejada Dunida
They will make fun of Him and will beat Him. They will spit on Him and will kill Him. But three days later He will be raised from the dead.” James and John Ask Jesus Something Hard
35 W axaa u yimid Yooxanaa iyo Yacquub oo ahaa wiilashii Sebedi, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Macallimow, waxaannu doonaynaa inaad noo yeeshid wixii aannu weyddiisanno.
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus. They said, “Teacher, we would like to have You do for us whatever we ask You.”
36 W uxuu ku yidhi, Maxaad doonaysaan inaan idiin sameeyo?
He said to them, “What would you like to have Me do for you?”
37 W axay ku yidhaahdeen, Na sii inaannu fadhiisanno mid midigtaada, kii kalena bidixdaada xaggii ammaantaada.
They said to Him, “Let one of us sit by Your right side and the other by Your left side when You receive Your great honor in heaven.”
38 L aakiin Ciise wuxuu ku yidhi, Garan maysaan waxaad weyddiisanaysaan. Ma karaysaan inaad ka cabtaan koobka aan ku dhowahay inaan ka cabbo, iyo in laydinku baabtiiso baabtiiska laygu baabtiisay?
Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you ask. Can you take the suffering I am about to take? Can you be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?”
39 W axay ku yidhaahdeen, Waannu karaynaa. Markaasaa Ciise ku yidhi, Koobka aan ka cabbayo waad ka cabbi doontaan, oo baabtiiska laygu baabtiisay waa laydinku baabtiisi doonaa,
They said to Him, “Yes, we can.” Jesus said to them, “You will, for sure, suffer the way I will suffer. You will be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with.
40 l aakiin inaad midigtayda iyo bidixdayda fadhiisataan anigu ma lihi inaan idin siiyo, laakiin waxaa la siin doonaa kuwa loo diyaargareeyey. Weynaanta Runta Ah
But to sit on My right side or on My left side is not for Me to give. It will be given to those for whom it has been made ready.”
41 T obankii goortay taas maqleen waxay bilaabeen inay Yacquub iyo Yooxanaa u cadhoodaan.
The other ten followers heard it. They were angry with James and John.
42 L aakiin Ciise baa u yeedhay oo ku yidhi, Idinku waad garanaysaan in kuwa loo malaynayo inay quruumaha madaxdooda yihiin ay u taliyaan, oo kuwooda u waaweynna ay xukun ku leeyihiin.
Jesus called them to Him and said, “You know that those who are made leaders over the nations show their power to the people. Important leaders use their power over the people.
43 L aakiin sidaasu dhexdiinna ma aha, laakiin ku alla kii doonaya inuu dhexdiinna u weynaado, midiidinkiinna waa inuu ahaado,
It must not be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great among you, let him care for you.
44 o o ku alla kii doonaya inuu idiin horreeyo, kulli waa inuu addoon u ahaado.
Whoever wants to be first among you, must be the one who is owned and cares for all.
45 W aayo, Wiilka Aadanahu uma iman in loo adeego laakiin inuu adeego iyo inuu naftiisa dad badan furashadooda u bixiyo. Ciise Wuxuu Bogsiiyey Nin Indhala' Oo Bartimayos La Odhan Jiray
For the Son of Man did not come to be cared for. He came to care for others. He came to give His life so that many could be bought by His blood and be made free from sin.” Healing of the Blind Man
46 K olkaasay yimaadeen Yerixoo, oo goortuu Yerixoo ka soo baxayay, isaga iyo xertiisii iyo dad faro badanba, nin indha la' oo Bartimayos la odhan jiray, oo ina Timayos ahaa, ayaa jidka ag fadhiyey oo dawarsanayay.
Then they came to the city of Jericho. When He was leaving the city with His followers and many people, a blind man was sitting by the road. He was asking people for food or money as they passed by. His name was Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus.
47 G oortuu maqlay inuu yahay Ciisihii reer Naasared, wuxuu bilaabay inuu aad u qayliyo oo yidhaahdo, Ciise, ina Daa'uudow, ii naxariiso.
He heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. He began to speak with a loud voice, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me!”
48 Q aar badan baa canaantay si uu u aamuso, laakiin si ka badan ayuu ugu qayliyey, Ina Daa'uudow, ii naxariiso.
Many people spoke sharp words to the blind man telling him not to call out like that. But he spoke all the more. He said, “Son of David, take pity on me.”
49 K olkaasaa Ciise joogsaday oo yidhi, U yeedha. Markaasay ninkii indhaha la'aa u yeedheen oo ku yidhaahdeen, Kalsoonow, kac, waa kuu yeedhayaaye.
Jesus stopped and told them to call the blind man. They called to him and said, “Take hope! Stand up, He is calling for you!”
50 I ntuu maradiisa iska tuuray ayuu booday oo Ciise u yimid.
As he jumped up, he threw off his coat and came to Jesus.
51 C iise ayaa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Maxaad doonaysaa inaan kuu sameeyo? Indhoolihii baa ku yidhi, Sayidow, inaan wax arko.
Jesus said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind man said to Him, “Lord, I want to see!”
52 M arkaasaa Ciise ku yidhi, Soco. Rumaysadkaaga ayaa ku bogsiiyey. Kolkiiba ayuu wax arkay, oo jidka buu la qaaday isaga.
Jesus said, “Go! Your faith has healed you.” At once he could see and he followed Jesus down the road.