Muujintii 16 ~ Revelation 16


1 M arkaasaan maqlay cod weyn oo macbudkii ka yeedhaya, oo toddobadii malaa'igood ku leh, Taga, oo toddobada fijaan oo cadhada Ilaah ku jirto dhulka ku shuba.

Then I heard a loud voice coming from the house of God. The voice said to the seven angels, “Go and pour out the seven jars of God’s anger onto the earth!”

2 M arkaasaa waxaa tagtay middii kowaad, oo waxay fijaankeedii ku shubtay dhulka, oo wuxuu dadkii sumaddii bahalka lahaa oo caabuday sanamkiisii u noqday boog xun oo halis ah.

The first angel poured out his jar of God’s anger onto the earth. Painful sores were given to everyone who had the mark of the wild animal and who worshiped his god. The Second Jar—Death in the Sea

3 O o tii labaadna fijaankeedii waxay ku shubtay badda; markaasay baddii noqotay sidii nin dhintay dhiiggiis oo kale, oo waxyaalihii ku noolaa oo dhammu way wada dhinteen.

The second angel poured out his jar of God’s anger onto the sea. The water became like the blood of a dead man. Every living thing in the sea died. The Third Jar—Water Turns to Blood

4 O o tii saddexaadna waxay fijaankeedii ku shubtay webiyaashii iyo ilihii biyaha ahaa; oo waxay noqdeen dhiig.

The third angel poured out his jar of God’s anger onto the rivers and places where water comes out of the earth. The water turned to blood.

5 K olkaasaan maqlay malaa'igtii biyaha oo leh, kan jira oo jirayow, adigu xaq baad tahay, adiga Quduuska ahow, maxaa yeelay, sidaasaad wax u xukuntay;

I heard the angel of the waters saying, “You are right in punishing by sending this trouble. You are the Holy One Who was and is and will be.

6 w aayo, iyagu waxay daadiyeen dhiiggii quduusiintii iyo nebiyadii, oo adiguna waxaad ka waraabisay dhiig; waayo, way istaahilaan.

They have poured out the blood of God’s people and of the early preachers. You have given them blood to drink. They are getting the pay that is coming to them.”

7 O o haddana waxaan maqlay meeshii allabariga oo leh, Haah, Rabbiyow Ilaaha Qaadirka ahow, waxaa run iyo xaq ah xukummadaada.

I heard a voice from the altar saying, “Lord God, the All-powerful One! What You decide about people is right and true.” The Fourth Jar—Burning Heat

8 O o tii afraadna waxay fijaankeedii ku shubtay qorraxda; oo waxaa qorraxdii la siiyey amar ay dadka ku gubto.

The fourth angel poured out his jar of God’s anger onto the sun. It was allowed to burn men with its fire.

9 M arkaasaa dadkii waxaa lagu gubay kulayl weyn, oo waxay caayeen magicii Ilaaha belaayooyinka u taliya, oo ma ay toobadkeenin inay isaga ammaanaan.

Men were burned with the heat of this fire and they called God bad names even when He had the power over these kinds of trouble. They were not sorry for their sins and did not turn from them and honor Him. The Fifth Jar—Darkness

10 O o tii shanaadna waxay fijaankeedii ku shubtay carshigii bahalka; boqortooyadiisiina way madoobaatay, oo iyana xanuun aawadiis ayay carrabkoodii la ruugeen,

The fifth angel poured out his jar of God’s anger upon the throne of the wild animal. The whole nation of the wild animal was turned into darkness. Those who worshiped him bit their tongues because of the pain.

11 o o xanuunkoodii iyo nabrahoodii aawadood waxay caayeen Ilaaha samada, oo shuqulladoodiina kama ay toobadkeenin.

They called the God of heaven bad names because of their pain and their sores. They were not sorry for what they had done. The Sixth Jar—the Euphrates River Dries Up

12 O o tii lixaadna waxay fijaankeedii ku shubtay webiga weyn oo Yufraad; oo biyihiisiina way engegeen, in jidka loo diyaariyo boqorrada ka imanaya qorrax ka soo bax.

The sixth angel poured out his jar of God’s anger onto the great Euphrates River. The water dried up. In this way, the kings of the countries of the east could cross over.

13 M arkaasaan arkay saddex jinni oo nijaas ah oo ka soo baxaya masduulaagii afkiisii, iyo bahalka afkiisii, iyo nebigii beenta ahaa afkiisii, oo waxay u ekaayeen rahyo;

Then I saw three demons that looked like frogs. They came out of the mouths of the dragon and the second wild animal and the false preacher.

14 w aayo, waxay ahaayeen ruuxyo jinniyo oo calaamooyin samaynaya, kuwaas oo u taga boqorrada dunida oo dhan inay u soo ururiyaan dagaalka maalinta weyn oo Ilaaha Qaadirka ah.

These are demons that do powerful works. These demons go to all the kings of all the earth. They bring them together for the war of the great day of the All-powerful God.

15 ( Oo bal eeg, Anigu waxaan u imanayaa sida tuug oo kale. Haddaba waxaa barakaysan kii soo jeeda oo dharkiisa dhawra sii uusan qaawanaan ugu socon oo aan cawradiisa loo arag.)

(See! I will come like a robber. The man is happy who stays awake and keeps his clothes ready. He will not be walking around without clothes and be ashamed.)

16 O o iyana waxay boqorradii ku soo ururiyeen meesha afka Cibraaniga lagu yidhaahdo Armageddoon.

Then the demons brought the kings together in the place called Armageddon in the Hebrew language. The Seventh Jar—the Earth Shakes and Hail Falls

17 O o tii toddobaadna waxay fijaankeedii ku shubtay hawada; markaasaa macbudkii waxaa ka soo baxay cod weyn oo ka yimid carshiga xaggiisa, wuxuuna lahaa, Way dhammaatay.

The seventh angel poured out his jar of God’s anger into the air. A loud voice came from the throne in the house of God, saying, “It is all done!”

18 M arkaasaa waxaa dhacay hillaac iyo codad iyo onkod; oo waxaa dhacay dhulgariir weyn oo aan weligiis isagoo kale la arag intii dad dhulka joogay, oo wuxuu ahaa dhulgariir aad u weyn oo aad u xoog badan.

Then there were voices and lightning and thunder and the earth shook. The earth shook much more than it had ever shaken before.

19 O o magaaladii weynaydna waxaa loo kala qaybiyey saddex meelood, oo magaalooyinkii quruumuhuna way wada dumeen; oo Baabuloontii weynaydna waxaa laga xusuustay Ilaah hortiisa in iyada la siiyo koobkii khamriga xanaaqa cadhadiisa.

The big and strong city of Babylon was split in three parts. The cities of other nations fell to the ground. Then God remembered the strong city of Babylon. He made her drink the wine from His cup of much anger.

20 O o gasiirad kastaaba way carartay, buurihiina lama helin.

Every island went down into the sea. No mountain could be found.

21 O o waxaa samada ka soo daatay oo dadka ku soo dul daatay roob dhagaxyaale, oo dhagax kastaba miisaankiisu le'eg yahay talanti; markaasaa dadkii waxay Ilaah u caayeen belaayadii roob dhagaxyaalaha aawadeed, maxaa yeelay, belaayadiisu aad bay u weynayd.

Large pieces of hail fell from heaven on men. These pieces were about as heavy as an older child. But men called God bad names because of so much trouble from the hail.