2 Korintos 3 ~ 2 Corinthians 3


1 M iyaannu bilaabaynaa inaannu haddana is-ammaanno? Ama miyaannu u baahan nahay warqado ammaan ah in laydiin diro ama in laydiinka soo diro sida qaar kale?

Are we making it sound as if we think we are so important? Other people write letters about themselves. Do we need to write such a letter to you?

2 I dinku waxaad tihiin warqaddayada ee qalbigayaga ku qoran, tan ay dadka oo dhammu garanayaan oo akhriyaan,

You are our letter. You are written in our hearts. You are known and read by all men.

3 i dinkoo muuqanaya inaad tihiin warqadda Masiixa ee ah taannu ka adeegnay, ee aan khad lagu qorin, laakiinse lagu qoray Ruuxa Ilaaha nool, oo aan lagu qorin looxyo dhagax ah dushood laakiin lagu qoray looxyo qalbiyo jiidh ah dushood.

You are as a letter from Christ written by us. You are not written as other letters are written with ink, or on pieces of stone. You are written in human hearts by the Spirit of the living God.

4 H ubaalkan oo kale ayaannu Masiix ku leennahay xaggii Ilaah;

We can say these things because of our faith in God through Christ.

5 m a aha inaannu isku filan nahay inaannu wax ka tashanno xagga qudhayada, laakiin iskufillaantayadu waa xagga Ilaah,

We know we are not able in ourselves to do any of this work. God makes us able to do these things.

6 k an haddana naga dhigay kuwa ku filan inaannu ka adeegno axdiga cusub, ma aha xagga qorniinka, laakiin xagga ruuxa, waayo, qorniinku wax buu dilaa, laakiin ruuxu wax buu nooleeyaa.

God is the One Who made us preachers of a New Way of Worship. This New Way of Worship is not of the Law. It is of the Holy Spirit. The Law brings death, but the Holy Spirit gives life.

7 L aakiin adeegidda dhimashada keentaa ee qorniin lagu xardhay dhagaxyo, hadday ammaan la ahaatay, si aan reer binu Israa'iil u karin inay Muuse wejigiisa aad u eegaan ammaanta wejigiisa aawadeed ee ah tan idlaanaysa,

The Law of Moses was written on stone and it brought death. But God’s shining-greatness was seen when it was given. When Moses took it to the Jews, they could not look at his face because of the bright light. But that bright light in his face began to pass away.

8 s idaanay u ahayn adeegidda ruuxa inay la ahaan doonto ammaan?

The new way of life through the Holy Spirit comes with much more shining-greatness.

9 W aayo, hadday adeegidda xukunka keentaa ammaan ahayd, adeegidda xaqnimada keentaa aad bay uga ammaan badan tahay.

If the Law of Moses, that leads to death, came in shining-greatness, how much greater and brighter is the light that makes us right with God?

10 W aayo, wixii ammaan lahaan jiray, ammaan kama lahayn wixii kan ku saabsan, ammaanta ka sarraysa aawadeed.

The Law of Moses came with shining-greatness long ago. But that light is no longer bright. The shining-greatness of the New Way of Worship that brings us life is so much brighter.

11 W aayo, haddii waxa idlaanayaa ammaan lahaan jiray, intee ka badan baa waxa hadhaa ammaan leeyahay.

The shining light that came with the Law of Moses soon passed away. But the new way of life is much brighter. It will never pass away.

12 H addaba rajo caynkaas ah oo aannu leennahay aawadeed bayaan ayaannu u hadalnaa.

We speak without fear because our trust is in Christ.

13 M a nihin sida Muuse, kan indho shareertay inaan reer binu Israa'iil aad u eegin dhammaadka tan idlaanaysay.

We are not like Moses. He put a covering over his face so the Jews would not see that the bright light was passing away.

14 L aakiin fikirradoodii way adkaadeen. Waayo, tan iyo maalintaas markii axdiga hore la akhriyo, indho shareerkaas ayaa hadha isagoo aan laga saarin, kan xagga Masiix ka idlaaday.

Their minds were not able to understand. Even to this day when the Law is read, there is a covering over their minds. They do not see that Christ is the only One Who can take the covering away.

15 L aakiin tan iyo maalintaas mar alla markii Muuse wax laga akhriyo dabool ayaa qalbigooda saaran.

Yes, to this day, there is a covering over their hearts whenever the Law of Moses is read.

16 L aakiin mar alla markii loo soo leexdo Rabbiga daboolka waa laga qaadaa.

But whenever a man turns to the Lord, the covering is taken away.

17 R abbigu waa Ruuxa, oo meeshii Ruuxa Rabbigu joogana, waxaa jira xorriyad.

The heart is free where the Spirit of the Lord is. The Lord is the Spirit.

18 L aakiin dhammaanteen innagoo aan indho shareernayn, ammaanta Rabbiga ayaynu arkaynaa sidii oo muraayad lagu arko, oo isu-ekaanta ayaa laynoo roogayaa, ammaan ilaa ammaan, sida tan xagga Rabbiga Ruuxa ah ka timaada.

All of us, with no covering on our faces, show the shining-greatness of the Lord as in a mirror. All the time we are being changed to look like Him, with more and more of His shining-greatness. This change is from the Lord Who is the Spirit.