1 W alaalayaalow, anna markaan idiin imid, lama iman hadal wanaaggiis ama xigmad, anoo idinku wacdiyaya maraggii laga furay Ilaah,
Christian brothers, when I came to you, I did not preach the secrets of God with big sounding words or make it sound as if I were so wise.
2 w aayo, waxaan goostay inaanan waxba dhexdiinna ka ogaan Ciise Masiix oo ah kan iskutallaabta lagu qodbay maahee.
I made up my mind that while I was with you I would speak of nothing except Jesus Christ and of His death on the cross.
3 O o waxaan idinkula joogay itaaldarro, iyo cabsi, iyo gariir badan.
When I was with you, I was weak. I was afraid and I shook.
4 L aakiin hadalkayga iyo wacdigayga kuma aan hadlin hadallo sasabasho iyo xigmad ah, laakiin waxaan ku hadlay tusidda Ruuxa iyo xoogga,
What I had to say when I preached was not in big sounding words of man’s wisdom. But it was given in the power of the Holy Spirit.
5 i naan rumaysadkiinnu ku tiirsanaan xigmadda dadka, laakiin inuu xoogga Ilaah ku tiirsanaado.
In this way, you do not have faith in Christ because of the wisdom of men. You have faith in Christ because of the power of God. True Wisdom Comes from God
6 W axaannu xigmadda kula hadallaa kuwa garashadu ku dhan tahay, taasoo aan ahayn xigmadda wakhtigan, oo aan ahayn xigmadda madaxda wakhtigan oo ah kuwa la baabbi'in doono;
We speak wisdom to full-grown Christians. This wisdom is not from this world or from the leaders of today. They die and their wisdom dies with them.
7 l aakiin qarsoonaan ayaannu ugu hadallaa xigmadda Ilaah oo la qariyey, oo Ilaah dunida horteed ka dhigay ammaanteenna aawadeed,
What we preach is God’s wisdom. It was a secret until now. God planned for us to have this honor before the world began.
8 t an madaxda wakhtigan midkoodna aanu garanaynin, waayo, hadday garan lahaayeen, iskutallaabta kuma ay qodbeen Rabbiga ammaanta,
None of the world leaders understood this wisdom. If they had, they would not have put Christ up on a cross to die. He is the Lord of shining-greatness.
9 l aakiin sida qoran, Waxyaalo aanay ishu arkin, oo aanay dhegtu maqlin, Oo aan qalbiga dadka gelin, Wax kastoo ay yihiinba, Ilaah baa u diyaariyey kuwa isaga jecel.
The Holy Writings say, “No eye has ever seen or no ear has ever heard or no mind has ever thought of the wonderful things God has made ready for those who love Him.”
10 I nnagase Ilaah baa inoogu muujiyey Ruuxa, waayo, Ruuxu wuxuu baadhaa wax kasta, xataa waxyaalaha hoos u dhaadheer oo Ilaah.
God has shown these things to us through His Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit Who looks into all things, even the secrets of God, and shows them to us.
11 W aayo, dadka dhexdood yaa garanaya nin waxyaalihiisa, ruuxa ninka ku jira mooyaane? Sidaas oo kalena ninna garan maayo waxyaalaha Ilaah, Ruuxa Ilaah mooyaane.
Who can know the things about a man, except a man’s own spirit that is in him? It is the same with God. Who can understand Him except the Holy Spirit?
12 L aakiin innagu ma aynu helin ruuxa dunida laakiinse Ruuxa Ilaah ka yimid, inaynu garanno waxyaalaha uu Ilaah nimco ahaan inoo siiyey.
We have not received the spirit of the world. God has given us His Holy Spirit that we may know about the things given to us by Him.
13 W axyaalahaasna ayaannu ku hadalnaa, kumase hadalno hadallo la baro ee ah xigmadda dadka, laakiin waxa Ruuxu baro, annaga oo waxyaalaha ruuxa ah ku simayna waxyaalaha ruuxa ah.
We speak about these things also. We do not use words of man’s wisdom. We use words given to us by the Holy Spirit. We use these words to tell what the Holy Spirit wants to say to those who put their trust in Him.
14 N inka nafta raacaa ma aqbalo waxyaalaha Ruuxa Ilaah, waayo, nacasnimo bay u yihiin, mana garan karo, maxaa yeelay, ruuxa ayaa lagu imtixaamaa.
But the person who is not a Christian does not understand these words from the Holy Spirit. He thinks they are foolish. He cannot understand them because he does not have the Holy Spirit to help him understand.
15 K ii ruuxa raacaa wax walbuu imtixaamaa, laakiinse isaga qudhiisa ninna ma imtixaamo.
The full-grown Christian understands all things, and yet he is not understood.
16 W aayo, yaa gartay maanka Rabbiga inuu wax baro isaga? Laakiin annagu waxaannu leennahay maanka Ciise.
For who has the thoughts of the Lord? Who can tell Him what to do? But we have the thoughts of Christ.