Matayos 18 ~ Matthew 18


1 S aacaddaas ayaa xertii u timid Ciise oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Yaa haddaba boqortooyada jannada ugu weyn?

At that time the followers came to Jesus. They said, “Who is the greatest in the holy nation of heaven?”

2 M arkaasuu wuxuu u yeedhay ilmo yar, oo dhexdooda ayuu joojiyey oo yidhi,

Jesus took a little child and put him among them.

3 R untii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Haddaydnan soo jeesan oo aydnaan noqon sida carruur oo kale, boqortooyada jannada ma geli doontaan.

He said, “For sure, I tell you, unless you have a change of heart and become like a little child, you will not get into the holy nation of heaven.

4 K u alla kii haddaba isu hoosaysiiya sida ilmahan oo kale, kaas ayaa ugu weyn boqortooyada jannada,

Whoever is without pride as this little child is the greatest in the holy nation of heaven.

5 o o ku alla kii magacayga ilmahan oo kale ku aqbalaa, wuu i aqbalaa. Ciise Wuxuu Ka Digay Inaan Dadka Kale La Xumayn

Whoever receives a little child because of Me receives Me.

6 L aakiin ku alla kii xumeeya yaryarkan i rumaystay midkood, waxaa u roon in dhagaxshiid luqunta looga lalmiyo oo badda moolkeeda lagu hafiyo.

But whoever is the reason for one of these little children who believe in Me to fall into sin, it would be better for him to have a large rock put around his neck and to be thrown into the sea.

7 W aa u hoog dunida xumaanta aawadeed! Xumaantu waa inay timaado, laakiin waa u hoog ninka ay xumaantu ka timaado.

“It is bad for the world because of that which makes people sin. Men will be tempted to sin. But it is bad for the one who is the reason for someone to sin.

8 H addii gacantaadu ama cagtaadu ku xumayso, iska jar, oo iska tuur. Waxaa kuu wanaagsan inaad gacanla'aan iyo lugla'aan nolosha ku gashid intii adigoo laba gacmood iyo laba cagood leh lagugu tuuri lahaa dabka weligiis ah.

If your hand or your foot is the reason you sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to go into life without a hand or a foot, than to have two hands or two feet and to be thrown into the fire of hell.

9 H addii ishaaduna ku xumayso iska bixi oo iska tuur. Waxaa kuu wanaagsan inaad il keliya nolosha ku gashid intii adigoo laba indhood leh lagugu tuuri lahaa jahannamada dabka ah.

If your eye is the reason you sin, take it out and throw it away. It is better for you to go into life with one eye, than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.

10 I ska jira inaydnaan yaryarkan midkood quudhsan, waayo, waxaan idinku leeyahay, Mar walba malaa'igahooda jannada ku jira ayaa wejiga Aabbahayga jannada ku jira eegaya.

Be sure you do not hate one of these little children. I tell you, they have angels who are always looking into the face of My Father in heaven. The Lost Sheep

11 W aayo, Wiilka Aadanahu wuxuu u yimid inuu badbaadsho kii lumay. Masaalka Ku Saabsan Laxdii Hallowday

“For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

12 M axay idinla tahay, Nin hadduu tiro ido ah leeyahay oo middood ay ka hallowdo, miyaanu sagaal iyo sagaashanka buuraha dushooda kaga tegin oo doonin tii hallowday?

What do you think about this? A man has one hundred sheep and one of them is lost. Will he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to look for that one lost sheep?

13 O o hadday noqoto inuu helo, runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, taas aad buu ugu farxaa si uusan ugu farxin sagaal iyo sagaashankii aan hallaabin.

If he finds it, for sure, I tell you, he will have more joy over that one, than over the ninety-nine that were not lost.

14 S idaas oo kale, ma aha doonista Aabbihiinna jannada ku jira in yaryarkan midkood lumo. Wixii Xumaanfalayaal Loo Samayn Lahaa

I tell you, My Father in heaven does not want one of these little children to be lost. What to Do with a Brother Who Sins Against You

15 O o haddii walaalkaa kugu dembaabo, u tag oo canaano, adiga iyo isaga keli ahaantiinna. Hadduu ku maqlo, walaalkaa waad soo ceshatay.

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him what he did without other people hearing it. If he listens to you, you have won your brother back again.

16 L aakiin hadduu ku maqli waayo, mid ama laba kale wado, si hadal walba loogu adkeeyo afka laba ama saddex markhaati.

But if he will not listen to you, take one or two other people with you. Every word may be remembered by the two or three who heard.

17 O o hadduu iyaga maqli waayo, dadka kiniisadda u sheeg, oo hadduu dadka kiniisadda maqli waayona, ha kuu ahaado sida qof aan Ilaah aaminin iyo cashuurqaade.

If he will not listen to them, tell the trouble to the church. If he does not listen to the church, think of him as a person who is as bad as one who does not know God and a person who gathers taxes.

18 R untii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Wax alla wixii aad dhulka ku xidhaan ayaa jannada ku xidhnaan doona, oo wax alla wixii aad dhulka ku furtaan ayaa jannada ku furnaan doona. Tukashada Wadajirka Ah

“For sure, I tell you, whatever you do not allow on earth will not have been allowed in heaven. Whatever you allow on earth will have been allowed in heaven.

19 W eliba waxaan idinku leeyahay, Haddii laba idinka mid ahu dhulka ku heshiiyaan wax kastoo ay baryaan, way uga noqon doontaa xagga Aabbahayga jannada ku jira.

Again I tell you this: If two of you agree on earth about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven.

20 W aayo, meeshii laba ama saddex qof ay magacayga isugu soo ururaan, halkaas anigu dhexdoodaan joogaa. Waajibka Iscafiga Iyo Masaalka Ku Saabsan Midiidinkii Abaaldarnaa

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am with them.” True Forgiveness

21 M arkaas Butros ayaa u yimid oo ku yidhi, Sayidow, immisa goor baan cafiyaa walaalkay hadduu igu dembaabo? Ma ilaa toddoba goor baa?

Then Peter came to Jesus and said, “Lord, how many times may my brother sin against me and I forgive him, up to seven times?”

22 C iise ayaa ku yidhi, Kugu odhan maayo, Ilaa toddoba goor, laakiin, Ilaa toddobaatan goor oo toddoba ah.

Jesus said to him, “I tell you, not seven times but seventy times seven!

23 S idaa darteed boqortooyada jannada waxaa loo ekaysiiyaa nin boqor ah oo doonayay inuu addoommadiisa ka xisaab qaato.

“The holy nation of heaven is like a king who wanted to find out how much money his servants owed him.

24 G oortuu bilaabay inuu xisaab qaato waxaa loo keenay nin toban kun oo talanti uu ku lahaa.

As he began, one of the servants was brought to him who owed him very much money.

25 L aakiin wuxuu ku bixiyo ma uu haysan. Markaasaa sayidkii wuxuu ku amray in la iibiyo isaga iyo naagtiisa iyo carruurtiisa iyo wuxuu lahaa oo dhan, oo lagu bixiyo.

He could pay nothing that he owed. So the king spoke the word that he and his wife and his children and all that he had should be sold to pay what he owed.

26 A ddoonkii haddaba wuu dhacay, oo intuu sujuuday, ayuu wuxuu ku yidhi, Ii dulqaado, anna waan wada bixin doonaaye.

The servant got down on his face in front of the king. He said, ‘Give me time, and I will pay you all the money.’

27 M arkaasaa addoonkaas sayidkiisii u naxariistay, wuuna sii daayay, oo amaahdii wuu u dhaafay.

Then the king took pity on his servant and let him go. He told him he did not have to pay the money back.

28 L aakiin addoonkaas ayaa baxay oo helay mid ka mid ah addoommadii uu la shaqayn jiray, kii uu ku lahaa boqol dinaar. Wuu qabtay oo intuu ceejiyey ayuu ku yidhi, Bixi waxa lagugu leeyahay.

“But that servant went out and found one of the other servants who owed him very little money. He took hold of his neck and said, ‘Pay me the money you owe me!’

29 A ddoonkii uu la shaqayn jiray ayaa haddaba cagihiisii isku riday oo baryay, oo ku yidhi, Ii dulqaado, anna waan bixin doonaaye.

The other servant got down at his feet and said, ‘Give me time, and I will pay you all the money.’

30 I saguse ma uu doonaynin, laakiin wuu baxay oo xabsiga ku tuuray ilaa uu bixiyo wixii lagu lahaa.

But he would not. He had him put in prison until he could pay the money.

31 H addaba kuwii la shaqayn jiray, goortay arkeen wixii dhacay, aad bay u calool xumaadeen, oo intay sayidkooda u yimaadeen, ayay u sheegeen wixii dhacay oo dhan.

“When his other servants saw what had happened, they were very sorry. They came and told the king all that was done.

32 M arkaasaa sayidkiisii u yeedhay oo ku yidhi, Addoon yahow sharkaluhu! Waxaan kugu lahaa oo dhan waan kuu dhaafay, waayo, waad i bariday.

Then the king called for the first one. He said, ‘You bad servant! I forgave you. I said that you would not have to pay back any of the money you owed me because you asked me.

33 M iyaanad lahayn inaad kii kula shaqayn jiray u naxariisatid sidaan anigu kuugu naxariistay?

Should you not have had pity on the other servant, even as I had pity on you?’

34 M arkaasaa sayidkiisu cadhooday oo u dhiibay kuwa dadka silciya ilaa uu bixiyo wixii lagu lahaa oo dhan.

The king was very angry. He handed him over to men who would beat and hurt him until he paid all the money he owed.

35 S idaas oo kalena ayaa Aabbahayga jannada ku jiraa idinku samayn doonaa, haddaan midkiin waliba qalbiga ka cafiyin walaalkiis.

So will My Father in heaven do to you, if each one of you does not forgive his brother from his heart.”