1 O o markii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu wada gooyo quruumaha Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu dalkooda idin siinayo oo aad meeshooda gashaan ee aad degtaan magaalooyinkooda iyo guryahooda,
“The Lord your God will destroy the nations whose land the Lord your God gives you. You will take their place and live in their cities and in their houses. At that time
2 m arkaas waa inaad saddex magaalo gaar kaga dhex dhigataan dalkiinna uu Rabbiga Ilaahiina ahu idiin siinayo inaad hantidaan.
you should set apart three cities for yourself in the land the Lord your God gives you for your own.
3 O o waa inaad jidka hagaagsataan oo dalka Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu idin dhaxalsiinayona soohdimihiisa waxaad u qaybisaan saddex meelood in gacankudhiigle kastaaba halkaas ku cararo.
Make the roads good that lead to these cities. Divide into three parts the land the Lord your God gives you for your own. Any man who kills another may run to a city and be safe.
4 O o gacankudhiiglaha halkaas ku cararayo oo noolaanayo waa caynkan: oo waa kii deriskiisa kama' ku dilay isagoo aan hore u necbayn,
“This is the law of the person who kills another and runs to a city to save his life. He might have killed his friend without meaning to, a friend he did not hate in the past.
5 s ida markii nin deriskiis duurka ugu raaco inay qoryo soo jaraan, oo gacantiisu ay faaska qaadato inuu geedka ku jaro, oo markaas birtu intay daabka ka siibato ku dhacdo kii deriskiisa ahaa ee uu saas ku dhinto, markaas isagu waa inuu ku cararaa magaalooyinkaas middood si uu ku noolaado,
He could have gone among the trees with his friend to cut wood. As he was using his ax to cut down a tree, the ax head could have come off the stick and hit his friend, killing him. Then he may run to one of these cities and live.
6 w aaba intaasoo ka aardoonka ahu uu gacankudhiiglaha raacdaystaa intuu qalbigiisu kulul yahay, oo uu gaadhaa jidka fog aawadiis, oo uu markaas dilaa isagoo aan dhimasho istaahilin, maxaa yeelay, isagu hore uma uu necbayn.
Or else the one who is angry will want to punish him for the killing, and will catch him and kill him. But the killer should not be put to death, because he had not hated the man in the past.
7 O o sidaas daraaddeed waxaan idinku amrayaa oo idinku leeyahay, Waa inaad saddex magaalo gaar ka dhigataan.
So I tell you, ‘Set apart three cities for yourself.’
8 H addii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu u ballaadhiyo soohdimihiinna, siduu awowayaashiin ugu dhaartay, oo uu idin wada siiyo dalkii uu awowayaashiin u ballanqaaday inuu iyaga siinayo oo dhan,
The Lord your God will give you even more land, as He has promised your fathers. He will give you all the land which He promised to give your fathers,
9 o o haddaad xajisaan oo wada yeeshaan amarkan aan maanta idinku amrayo oo dhan, inaad Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah jeclaataan oo aad weligiin jidadkiisa ku socotaan, kolkaas saddex magaalo oo kale oo aan saddexdan ahayn waa inaad ku darsataan,
if you are careful to obey all the Laws I tell you today. Love the Lord your God. Walk in His ways always. Then you will add three other cities to these three.
10 s i aan dhiig aan xaq qabinu loogu dhex daadin dalkii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu idin siinayo, waaba intaasoo dhiig idin saarnaadaa.
So the person without guilt will not be put to death in the land the Lord your God gives you as a gift. And you will not be guilty of blood.
11 L aakiinse haddii nin deriskiisa neceb yahay ee uu isaga meel ugu gabbado oo uu markaas ku soo boodo oo uu ku dhufto nabar uu u dhinto, kolkaas hadduu u cararo magaalooyinkaas middood,
“But there might be a man who hates his neighbor, lies in wait for him, goes against him, and hurts him so that he dies. After this he might run to one of these cities.
12 w aayeellada magaaladiisu waa inay cid u soo diraan, oo halkaas ka soo wadaan, oo waa inay kii aardoonka ahaa gacantiisa ku ridaan isagu ha dhintee.
Then the leaders of his city should send men to take him from there and bring him to the one who wants to punish him for the killing that he may die.
13 O o isaga ishiinnu yaanay u nixin, laakiinse dhiigga aan xaqa qabin reer binu Israa'iil dhexdooda waa inaad ka fogaysaan, si aad u nabdoonaataan.
Do not pity him. In Israel be free from the blood of those that are not guilty. Then it will go well with you.
14 M idkiinna waa inuusan innaba durkin soohdinta deriskiisa oo hore loo dhex qotomiyey dhaxalkiinna aad dhaxli doontaan ee dalka Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu idiin siinayo inaad hantidaan. Markhaatiyaal
“Do not move your neighbor’s land-mark which the fathers of long ago have set in the land the Lord your God gives you for your own.
15 Q of keliyahu yuusan nin ugu marag furin xumaan ama dembi uu dembaabay toona, laakiinse wax kastaba ha lagu adkeeyo afka laba markhaati ama saddex markhaati.
“One person will not prove the guilt of a sin another man may have done. It will take two or three people who know about the sin to prove the man’s guilt.
16 H addii markhaati aan xaq ahaynu uu nin ku kaco oo uu ku marag furo inuu xumaan sameeyey,
If an angry person speaks against a man, saying that he did something wrong,
17 m arkaas labada nin oo muranku ka dhexeeyaa waa inay soo istaagaan Rabbiga hortiisa iyo wadaaddada iyo xaakinnada waagaas jiri doono hortooda,
then both men who are arguing should stand before the Lord, in front of the religious leaders and the judges who are at work at that time.
18 o o xaakinnadu waa inay xaalkaas aad u baadhaan, oo bal eeg, haddii markhaatigu yahay markhaati been ah, oo uu walaalkiis si been ah ugu marag furay,
The judges will choose careful questions to ask about the problem. If the man lied who said his brother is guilty,
19 m arkaas waa inaad ku samaysaan siduu damcay inuu walaalkiis ku sameeyo, oo sidaas waa inaad dhexdiinna sharka uga saartaan.
then you should do to him just what he wanted to do to his brother. In this way you will get rid of the sin among you.
20 O o kuwa hadhay xaalkaas way maqli doonaan oo cabsan doonaan, oo markaas ka dibna innaba dhexdiinna shar dambe oo caynkaas ah kuma samayn doonaan.
The rest of the people will hear and be afraid. They will never do such a sinful thing among you again.
21 O o ishiinnu yaanay ninna u nixin, nafu naf ha u baxdo, ilna il ha loo rido, iligna ilig, gacanna gacan ha loo gooyo, cagna cag.
Do not pity him. It will be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.