Job 23 ~ Job 23


1 Then Job answered and said,

Entonces respondió Job, y dijo:

2 T oday I will also speak with bitterness; my stroke is heavier than my groaning.

Aun hoy mi queja es rebelión; su mano es pesada no obstante mi gemido.

3 O h, that I knew where I might find him! That I might come even to his seat!

¡Quién me diera saber dónde encontrarle, para poder llegar hasta su trono!

4 I would order judgment before him and fill my mouth with arguments.

Expondría ante El mi causa, llenaría mi boca de argumentos.

5 I would know the words which he would answer me and understand what he would say unto me.

Aprendería yo las palabras que El me respondiera, y entendería lo que me dijera.

6 W ill he plead against me with his great power? No, but rather he would put it in me.

¿Contendería El conmigo con la grandeza de su poder ? No, ciertamente me prestaría atención.

7 T here the righteous might dispute with him; and should I escape for ever from the one who condemns me.

Allí el justo razonaría con El, y yo sería librado para siempre de mi Juez.

8 Behold, I shall go to the east and not find him; and to the west, but I cannot perceive him;

He aquí, me adelanto, y El no está allí, retrocedo, pero no le puedo percibir;

9 i f he is working to the north, I shall not see him; to the south, he hides himself, that I shall not see him.

cuando se manifiesta a la izquierda, no le distingo, se vuelve a la derecha, y no le veo.

10 B ut he has known the way that I take; he has tried me, and I have come forth as gold.

Pero El sabe el camino que tomo; cuando me haya probado, saldré como el oro.

11 M y feet have held to his steps, I have kept his way, and have not departed.

Mi pie ha seguido firme en su senda, su camino he guardado y no me he desviado.

12 N either have I separated myself from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.

Del mandamiento de sus labios no me he apartado, he atesorado las palabras de su boca más que mi comida.

13 But if he determines something, who can turn him? His soul desired it, and he did it.

Pero El es único, ¿y quién le hará cambiar? Lo que desea su alma, eso hace.

14 T herefore, he will finish that which is necessary for me; and there are many such things in him.

Porque El hace lo que está determinado para mí, y muchos decretos como éstos hay con El.

15 T herefore, I shall fear before his face; I shall consider, and I shall fear him.

Por tanto, me espantaría ante su presencia; cuando lo pienso, siento terror de El.

16 F or God has made my heart tender, and the Almighty has frightened me.

Es Dios el que ha hecho desmayar mi corazón, y el Todopoderoso el que me ha perturbado;

17 W hy was I not cut off before the darkness, neither has he covered my face with the darkness.

pero no me hacen callar las tinieblas, ni la densa oscuridad que me cubre.