1 ¶ LORD, my heart has not become haughty, nor mine eyes lofty; neither have I walked in grandeur, nor in wonderful things above and beyond that which pertains to me.
Señor, mi corazón no es soberbio, ni mis ojos altivos; no ando tras las grandezas, ni en cosas demasiado difíciles para mí;
2 R ather I have quieted myself and caused my soul to become silent, that I might be as a child that is weaned of his mother, as one who is weaned from my own life.
sino que he calmado y acallado mi alma; como niño destetado en el regazo de su madre, como niño destetado reposa en mí mi alma.
3 L et Israel wait for the LORD from now on and for ever.
Espera, oh Israel, en el Señor, desde ahora y para siempre.