Proverbios 21 ~ Proverbs 21


1 E l corazón del rey se bifurca como los ríos, pero en manos del Señor sigue los planes divinos.

The heart of the king is like rivers of water in the hand of the Lord. He turns it where He wishes.

2 E l hombre cree que todo camino es recto, pero el Señor pondera los corazones.

Every man’s way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord knows the hearts.

3 A l Señor le agrada que se le hagan ofrendas, pero más le agrada que se haga justicia.

To do what is right and good and fair is more pleasing to the Lord than gifts given on the altar in worship.

4 E sto es pecado: Los ojos altivos, el corazón orgulloso y los planes malvados.

Eyes lifted high and a proud heart is sin and is the lamp of the sinful.

5 S i piensas lo que haces, tendrás abundancia; si te apresuras, acabarás en la pobreza.

The plans of those who do their best lead only to having all they need, but all who are in a hurry come only to want.

6 A montonar tesoros a base de mentiras es una ilusión que te conduce a la muerte.

Getting riches by a lying tongue is like a passing cloud, and leads to death.

7 A los impíos los destruye su propia rapiña, porque se rehúsan a hacer justicia.

The way the sinful hurt others will draw them away, because they will not do what is right and fair.

8 E l malvado va por caminos torcidos, pero el hombre honrado actúa con rectitud.

The way of a guilty man is sinful, but the actions of the pure man are right.

9 E s mejor vivir en la azotea de la casa que compartir la casa con una esposa agresiva

It is better to live in a corner of a roof than in a house shared with an arguing woman.

10 E l impío tiene sed de maldad; no considera a nadie digno de compasión.

The soul of the sinful has a desire for what is bad. His neighbor finds no favor in his eyes.

11 C astiga al blasfemo, y el simple se hará sabio; aconseja al sabio, y éste aprenderá su lección.

When the man who laughs at the truth is punished, the fool becomes wise. When a wise man is taught, he gets much learning.

12 E l justo observa la casa del impío, y lo ve cuando es trastornado por el mal.

The One Who is right and good thinks about the house of the sinful, and the sinful are thrown down to be destroyed.

13 E l que cierra su oído al clamor del pobre tampoco será escuchado cuando pida ayuda.

He who shuts his ears to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.

14 L a dádiva discreta calma el enojo; el don disimulado apacigua la furia.

A gift in secret quiets anger. A gift from the heart quiets strong anger.

15 E l justo se alegra cuando se hace justicia, pero los malvados se ponen a temblar.

When what is right and fair is done, it is a joy for those who are right with God. But it fills the sinful with fear.

16 Q uien se aparta del camino de la sabiduría acaba entre las legiones de muertos.

A man who goes away from the way of understanding will rest in the gathering of the dead.

17 S i amas los placeres, acabarás en la pobreza; el gusto por el vino y los perfumes no te hará rico.

He who loves only fun will become a poor man. He who loves wine and oil will not become rich.

18 E l malvado pagará el rescate del justo; el impío sufrirá en lugar del hombre recto.

The sinful man is the price given for the man who is right with God, the man who is not faithful for the faithful man.

19 E s mejor vivir en el desierto que convivir con mujer peleonera y agresiva.

It is better to live in a desert land than with a woman who argues and causes trouble.

20 R iquezas y perfumes hay en la casa del sabio; en la casa del necio sólo hay despilfarro.

There are riches and oil of great worth in the house of the wise, but a foolish man swallows them up.

21 V e en pos de la justicia y la misericordia, y hallarás vida, justicia y honra.

He who follows what is right and loving and kind finds life, right-standing with God and honor.

22 E l sabio conquista la ciudad más protegida, y derriba la fortaleza más confiable.

A wise man goes over the city walls of the powerful, and brings down the strong-place in which they trust.

23 E l que cuida su boca y su lengua se libra de muchos problemas.

He who watches over his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles.

24 A l que es burlón y soberbio también se le llama insolente.

“Proud,” “Self-important” and “One who laughs at the truth” are the names of the man who acts without respect and is proud.

25 E l perezoso se muere de deseos, pero no es capaz de ponerse a trabajar.

The desire of the lazy man kills him, for his hands will not work.

26 T odo el tiempo se lo pasa codiciando. En cambio, el hombre justo da sin tacañerías.

He is filled with desire all day long, but the man who is right with God gives all he can.

27 E l sacrificio de los impíos es repugnante, ¡y más aún si se ofrece con maldad!

The gift given on an altar in worship by the sinful is a hated thing. How much more when he brings it for the wrong reason!

28 E l falso testimonio es desechado; el que sabe escuchar puede hablar siempre.

A person who tells a lie about someone else will be lost, but the man who listens to the truth will speak forever.

29 E l hombre impío finge firmeza; el hombre recto es firme en sus caminos.

A sinful man’s face shows he is pretending, but a good man is sure of himself.

30 A nte el Señor nada vale el sabio, ni el inteligente ni el consejero.

There is no wisdom and no understanding and no words that can stand against the Lord.

31 P resto está el caballo para entrar en combate, pero la victoria está en manos del Señor.

The horse is made ready for war, but winning the fight belongs to the Lord.