Apocalipsis 1 ~ Revelation 1


1 E sta revelación Dios se la dio a Jesucristo para que mostrara a sus siervos lo que pronto tiene que suceder. Jesucristo envió a su ángel y se la dio a conocer a su siervo Juan,

The things that are written in the Book are made known by Jesus Christ. God gave these things to Christ so He could show them to the servants He owns. These are things which must happen very soon. Christ sent His angel to John who is a servant owned by Him. Christ made these things known to John.

2 y éste da fe de todo lo que ha visto, y de la palabra de Dios y del testimonio de Jesucristo.

John tells that the Word of God is true. He tells of Jesus Christ and all that he saw and heard of Him.

3 B ienaventurado el que lee, y los que oyen las palabras de esta profecía, y observan lo que en ella está escrito, porque el tiempo está cerca. Saludos a las siete iglesias

The man who reads this Book and listens to it being read and obeys what it says will be happy. For all these things will happen soon. John Writes to the Seven Churches in Asia

4 Y o, Juan, me dirijo a las siete iglesias que están en Asia. Que la gracia y la paz estén con ustedes, de parte del que es, el que era, y el que ha de venir, y de los siete espíritus que están ante su trono,

This is John writing to the seven churches in the country of Asia. May you have loving-favor and peace from God Who was and Who is and Who is to come. May you have loving-favor and peace from the seven Spirits who are before His throne.

5 y de Jesucristo, el testigo fiel, primogénito de entre los muertos y soberano de los reyes de la tierra. Él nos amó; con su sangre nos lavó de nuestros pecados,

May you have loving-favor and peace from Jesus Christ Who is faithful in telling the truth. Jesus Christ is the first to be raised from the dead. He is the head over all the kings of the earth. He is the One Who loves us and has set us free from our sins by His blood.

6 y nos hizo reyes y sacerdotes para Dios, su Padre. Por eso, a él sea dada la gloria y el poder por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Christ has made us a holy nation of religious leaders who can go to His God and Father. He is the One to receive honor and power forever! Let it be so.

7 ¡ Miren! ¡Ya viene en las nubes! Y todos lo verán, aun los que lo traspasaron; y todas las naciones de la tierra harán lamentación por él. Sí, amén.

See! He is coming in the clouds. Every eye will see Him. Even the men who killed Him will see Him. All the people on the earth will cry out in sorrow because of Him. Yes, let it be so.

8 D ios el Señor dice: «Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el que es, el que era, y el que ha de venir. Soy el Todopoderoso.» Una visión del Hijo del Hombre

The Lord God says, “I am the First and the Last, the beginning and the end of all things. I am the All-powerful One Who was and Who is and Who is to come.” What God Wanted to Show John of Christ

9 Y o, Juan, soy hermano de ustedes y participo con ustedes en la tribulación, en el reino y en la paciencia de Jesucristo. Por causa de la palabra de Dios y del testimonio de Jesucristo estaba yo en la isla de Patmos.

I, John, am your Christian brother. I have shared with you in suffering because of Jesus Christ. I have also shared with you His holy nation and we have not given up. I was put on the island called Patmos because I preached the Word of God and told about Jesus Christ.

10 E n el día del Señor quedé bajo el poder del Espíritu, y detrás de mí oí una fuerte voz, parecida al sonido de una trompeta,

I was under the Spirit’s power on the Lord’s Day when I heard a loud voice behind me like the loud sound of a horn.

11 q ue decía: «Escribe en un libro lo que ves, y envíalo a estas siete iglesias: Éfeso, Esmirna, Pérgamo, Tiatira, Sardis, Filadelfia y Laodicea.»

It said, “(I am the First and the Last.) Write in a book what you see and send it to the seven churches. They are in the cities of Ephesus and Smyrna and Pergamum and Thyatira and Sardis and Philadelphia and Laodicea.”

12 Y o volví la mirada para ver de quién era la voz que hablaba conmigo, y al volverme vi siete candeleros de oro;

I turned around to see who was speaking to me. As I turned, I saw seven lights made of gold.

13 e n medio de los siete candeleros vi a alguien, semejante al Hijo del Hombre, que vestía un ropaje que le llegaba hasta los pies, y que llevaba un cinto de oro a la altura del pecho.

Among the lights stood One Who looked like the Son of Man. He had on a long coat that came to His feet. A belt of gold was around His chest.

14 S u cabeza y sus cabellos eran blancos como lana. Parecían de nieve. Sus ojos chispeaban como una llama de fuego.

His head and His hair were white like white wool. They were as white as snow. His eyes were like fire.

15 S us pies eran semejantes al bronce pulido, y brillaban como en un horno; su voz resonaba como el estruendo de un poderoso caudal de agua;

His feet were like shining brass as bright as if it were in a fire. His voice sounded like powerful rushing water.

16 e n su mano derecha llevaba siete estrellas, y de su boca salía una aguda espada de doble filo; su rostro era radiante, como el sol en todo su esplendor.

He held seven stars in His right hand. A sharp sword that cuts both ways came out of His mouth. His face was shining as bright as the sun shines at noon.

17 C uando lo vi, caí a sus pies como muerto. Pero él puso su mano derecha sobre mí, y me dijo: «No temas. Yo soy el primero y el último,

When I saw Him, I fell down at His feet like a dead man. He laid His right hand on me and said, “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.

18 y el que vive. Estuve muerto, pero ahora vivo para siempre. Amén. Yo tengo las llaves de la muerte y del infierno.

I am the Living One. I was dead, but look, I am alive forever. I have power over death and hell.

19 E scribe esto que has visto, y lo que ahora sucede, y lo que va a suceder después de esto.

So write the things you have seen and the things that are and the things that will happen later.

20 É ste es el significado de las siete estrellas que has visto en mi mano derecha, y de los siete candeleros de oro: las siete estrellas son los ángeles de las siete iglesias, y los siete candeleros que has visto, son las siete iglesias.

This is what the seven stars and the seven lights made of gold mean that you saw in My right hand. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches. The seven lights are the seven churches.