Salmos 105 ~ Psalm 105


1 D êem graças ao Senhor, proclamem o seu nome; divulguem os seus feitos entre as nações.

O give thanks to the Lord. Call on His name. Make His works known among the people.

2 C antem para ele e louvem-no; relatem todas as suas maravilhas.

Sing to Him. Sing praises to Him. Tell of all His great works.

3 G loriem-se no seu santo nome; alegre-se o coração dos que buscam o Senhor.

Honor His holy name. Let the heart of those who look to the Lord be glad.

4 R ecorram ao Senhor e ao seu poder; busquem sempre a sua presença.

Look for the Lord and His strength. Look for His face all the time.

5 L embrem-se das maravilhas que ele fez, dos seus prodígios e das sentenças de juízo que pronunciou,

Remember the great and powerful works that He has done. Keep in mind what He has decided and told us,

6 ó descendentes de Abraão, seu servo, ó filhos de Jacó, seus escolhidos.

O children of His servant Abraham, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones!

7 E le é o Senhor, o nosso Deus; seus decretos são para toda a terra.

He is the Lord our God. What He has decided is in all the earth.

8 E le se lembra para sempre da sua aliança, por mil gerações, da palavra que ordenou,

He has remembered His agreement forever, the promise He made to last through a thousand families-to-come,

9 d a aliança que fez com Abraão, do juramento que fez a Isaque.

the agreement that He made with Abraham, and His promise to Isaac.

10 E le o confirmou como decreto a Jacó, a Israel como aliança eterna, quando disse:

He gave it to Jacob as a Law, to Israel as an agreement that will last forever.

11 Darei a você a terra de Canaã, a herança que lhe pertence”.

He said, “I will give the land of Canaan to you as your share,”

12 Q uando ainda eram poucos, um punhado de peregrinos na terra,

when they were only a few men in number and were strangers in it.

13 e vagueavam de nação em nação, de um reino a outro,

They went from nation to nation, from the people under one king to the people under another.

14 e le não permitiu que ninguém os oprimisse, mas a favor deles repreendeu reis, dizendo:

He did not allow anyone to hold power over them. And He spoke sharp words to kings because of them.

15 Não toquem nos meus ungidos; não maltratem os meus profetas”.

He said, “Do not touch My chosen ones. And do not hurt those who speak for Me.”

16 E le mandou vir fome sobre a terra e destruiu todo o seu sustento;

Then He called for a time of no food on the land. He cut off all their bread.

17 m as enviou um homem adiante deles, José, que foi vendido como escravo.

He sent a man, Joseph, before them who was sold as a servant.

18 M achucaram-lhe os pés com correntes e com ferros prenderam-lhe o pescoço,

They hurt his feet with chains. He was put in irons,

19 a té cumprir-se a sua predição e a palavra do Senhor confirmar o que dissera.

until what he had said would happen came to pass. The Word of the Lord tested him.

20 O rei mandou soltá-lo, o governante dos povos o libertou.

The king sent and had him taken out of prison. The ruler of many people set him free.

21 E le o constituiu senhor de seu palácio e administrador de todos os seus bens,

He made him the lord of his house and ruler over all he had.

22 p ara instruir os seus oficiais como desejasse e ensinar a sabedoria às autoridades do rei.

He could punish the rulers as he pleased. And he taught wisdom to the wise.

23 E ntão Israel foi para o Egito, Jacó viveu como estrangeiro na terra de Cam.

Then Israel also came into Egypt. So Jacob stayed in the land of Ham.

24 D eus fez proliferar o seu povo, tornou-o mais poderoso do que os seus adversários,

And He made the number of His people grow until they were stronger than those who held power over them.

25 e mudou o coração deles para que odiassem o seu povo, para que tramassem contra os seus servos.

He turned their hearts to hate His people and to make plans against His servants.

26 E ntão enviou seu servo Moisés, e Arão, a quem tinha escolhido,

He sent Moses, His servant, and Aaron whom He had chosen.

27 p or meio dos quais realizou os seus sinais miraculosos e as suas maravilhas na terra de Cam.

They did His great works for them to see, powerful works in the land of Ham.

28 E le enviou trevas, e houve trevas, e eles não se rebelaram contra as suas palavras.

He sent darkness and made the land dark. They did not fight against what He told them to do.

29 E le transformou as águas deles em sangue, causando a morte dos seus peixes.

He changed their water into blood, so their fish died.

30 A terra deles ficou infestada de rãs, até mesmo os aposentos reais.

Their land became covered with frogs, even in the rooms of their kings.

31 E le ordenou, e enxames de moscas e piolhos invadiram o território deles.

He spoke and there came many flies all over their land.

32 D eu-lhes granizo, em vez de chuva, e raios flamejantes por toda a sua terra;

He gave them hail instead of rain, and lightning like fire in their land.

33 a rrasou as suas videiras e figueiras e destruiu as árvores do seu território.

He destroyed their vines and fig trees and the trees of their country.

34 O rdenou, e vieram enxames de gafanhotos, gafanhotos inumeráveis,

He spoke and the locusts came. There were too many to number.

35 e devoraram toda a vegetação daquela terra, e consumiram tudo o que a lavoura produziu.

They ate up all the plants in their country. They ate all the fruit of their land.

36 D epois matou todos os primogênitos da terra deles, todas as primícias da sua virilidade.

He killed all the first-born in their land, the first fruits of all their strength.

37 E le tirou de lá Israel, que saiu cheio de prata e ouro. Não havia em suas tribos quem fraquejasse.

Then He brought Israel out with silver and gold. And there was not one weak person among their families.

38 O s egípcios alegraram-se quando eles saíram, pois estavam com verdadeiro pavor dos israelitas.

Egypt was glad when they left. For they had become afraid of Israel.

39 E le estendeu uma nuvem para lhes dar sombra, e fogo para iluminar a noite.

He spread a cloud for a covering, and fire to give light at night.

40 P ediram, e ele enviou codornizes, e saciou-os com pão do céu.

They asked, and He brought them quails for meat. And He filled them with the bread of heaven.

41 E le fendeu a rocha, e jorrou água, que escorreu como um rio pelo deserto.

He opened the rock and water flowed out. It flowed in the desert like a river.

42 P ois ele se lembrou da santa promessa que fizera ao seu servo Abraão.

For He remembered His holy Word with Abraham His servant.

43 F ez o seu povo sair cheio de júbilo, e os seus escolhidos, com cânticos alegres.

And He brought His people out with joy, His chosen ones with singing.

44 D eu-lhes as terras das nações, e eles tomaram posse do fruto do trabalho de outros povos,

He gave them the lands of the nations. They were given what others had worked for,

45 p ara que obedecessem aos seus decretos e guardassem as suas leis. Aleluia!

so that they might do what He told them and keep His Law. Praise the Lord!