Atos 11 ~ Acts 11


1 O s apóstolos e os irmãos de toda a Judéia ouviram falar que os gentios também haviam recebido a palavra de Deus.

The missionaries and followers who were in the country of Judea heard that the people who were not Jews also had received the Word of God.

2 A ssim, quando Pedro subiu a Jerusalém, os que eram do partido dos circuncisos o criticavam, dizendo:

When Peter went up to Jerusalem, the Jewish followers argued with him.

3 Você entrou na casa de homens incircuncisos e comeu com eles”.

They said, “Why did you visit those people who are not Jews and eat with them?”

4 P edro, então, começou a explicar-lhes exatamente como tudo havia acontecido:

Then Peter began to tell all that had happened from the beginning to the end. He said,

5 Eu estava na cidade de Jope orando; caindo em êxtase, tive uma visão. Vi algo parecido com um grande lençol sendo baixado do céu, preso pelas quatro pontas, e que vinha até o lugar onde eu estava.

“While I was praying in the city of Joppa, I saw in a dream something coming down from heaven. It was like a large linen cloth let down by the four corners until it came to me.

6 O lhei para dentro dele e notei que havia ali quadrúpedes da terra, animais selvagens, répteis e aves do céu.

As I looked at it, I saw four-footed animals and snakes of the earth and birds of the sky.

7 E ntão ouvi uma voz que me dizia: ‘Levante-se, Pedro; mate e coma’.

I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Get up, Peter, kill something and eat it.’

8 Eu respondi: De modo nenhum, Senhor! Nunca entrou em minha boca algo impuro ou imundo.

But I said, ‘No, Lord! Nothing that is unclean has ever gone into my mouth.’

9 A voz falou do céu segunda vez: ‘Não chame impuro ao que Deus purificou’.

The voice from heaven said the second time, ‘What God has made clean you must not say is unclean.’

10 I sso aconteceu três vezes, e então tudo foi recolhido ao céu.

This happened three times and then it was taken up again to heaven.

11 Na mesma hora chegaram à casa em que eu estava hospedado três homens que me haviam sido enviados de Cesaréia.

“Three men had already come to the house where I was staying. They had been sent to me from the city of Caesarea.

12 O Espírito me disse que não hesitasse em ir com eles. Estes seis irmãos também foram comigo, e entramos na casa de um certo homem.

The Holy Spirit told me to go with them and not doubt about going. These six men also went with me to this man’s house.

13 E le nos contou como um anjo lhe tinha aparecido em sua casa e dissera: ‘Mande buscar, em Jope, a Simão, chamado Pedro.

He told us how he had seen an angel in his own home. The angel had stood in front of him and said, ‘Send men to Joppa to ask for Simon Peter.

14 E le lhe trará uma mensagem por meio da qual serão salvos você e todos os da sua casa’.

He will tell you and all your family how you can be saved from the punishment of sin.’

15 Quando comecei a falar, o Espírito Santo desceu sobre eles como sobre nós no princípio.

“As I began to talk to them, the Holy Spirit came down on them just as He did on us at the beginning.

16 E ntão me lembrei do que o Senhor tinha dito: ‘João batizou com água, mas vocês serão batizados com o Espírito Santo’.

Then I remembered the Lord had said, ‘John baptized with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’

17 S e, pois, Deus lhes deu o mesmo dom que nos tinha dado quando cremos no Senhor Jesus Cristo, quem era eu para pensar em opor-me a Deus?”

If God gave to them the same gift He gave to us after we put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, how could I stand against God?”

18 O uvindo isso, não apresentaram mais objeções e louvaram a Deus, dizendo: “Então, Deus concedeu arrependimento para a vida até mesmo aos gentios!” A Igreja em Antioquia

When they heard these words, they said nothing more. They thanked God, saying, “Then God has given life also to the people who are not Jews. They have this new life by being sorry for their sins and turning from them.” The Followers Are Called Christians First In Antioch

19 O s que tinham sido dispersos por causa da perseguição desencadeada com a morte de Estêvão chegaram até a Fenícia, Chipre e Antioquia, anunciando a mensagem apenas aos judeus.

Those who went different places because of the trouble that started over Stephen had gone as far as the cities of Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch. They had preached the Word, but only to the Jews.

20 A lguns deles, todavia, cipriotas e cireneus, foram a Antioquia e começaram a falar também aos gregos, contando-lhes as boas novas a respeito do Senhor Jesus.

Some of the men from Cyprus and Cyrene returned to Antioch. They preached the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Greek people there.

21 A mão do Senhor estava com eles, e muitos creram e se converteram ao Senhor.

The Lord gave them power. Many people put their trust in the Lord and turned to Him.

22 N otícias desse fato chegaram aos ouvidos da igreja em Jerusalém, e eles enviaram Barnabé a Antioquia.

The news of this came to the church in Jerusalem. They sent Barnabas to Antioch.

23 E ste, ali chegando e vendo a graça de Deus, ficou alegre e os animou a permanecerem fiéis ao Senhor, de todo o coração.

When he got there and saw how good God had been to them, he was full of joy. He told them to be true and faithful to the Lord.

24 E le era um homem bom, cheio do Espírito Santo e de fé; e muitas pessoas foram acrescentadas ao Senhor.

Barnabas was a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and faith. And many people became followers of the Lord.

25 E ntão Barnabé foi a Tarso procurar Saulo

From there Barnabas went on to the city of Tarsus to look for Saul.

26 e , quando o encontrou, levou-o para Antioquia. Assim, durante um ano inteiro Barnabé e Saulo se reuniram com a igreja e ensinaram a muitos. Em Antioquia, os discípulos foram pela primeira vez chamados cristãos.

When he found Saul, he brought him back with him to Antioch. For a year they taught many people in the church. The followers were first called Christians in Antioch. The Antioch Church Helps the Jerusalem Church

27 N aqueles dias alguns profetas desceram de Jerusalém para Antioquia.

At that time some men who preached God’s Word came to Antioch and told what was going to happen. They were from Jerusalem.

28 U m deles, Ágabo, levantou-se e pelo Espírito predisse que uma grande fome sobreviria a todo o mundo romano, o que aconteceu durante o reinado de Cláudio.

One of them was Agabus. The Holy Spirit told him to stand up and speak. He told them there would be very little food to eat over all the world. This happened when Claudius was leader of the country.

29 O s discípulos, cada um segundo as suas possibilidades, decidiram providenciar ajuda para os irmãos que viviam na Judéia.

The Christians agreed that each one should give what money he could to help the Christians living in Judea.

30 E o fizeram, enviando suas ofertas aos presbíteros pelas mãos de Barnabé e Saulo.

They did this and sent it to the church leaders with Barnabas and Saul.