1 J esus entrou em Jericó, e atravessava a cidade.
Jesus went on to the city of Jericho and was passing through it.
2 H avia ali um homem rico chamado Zaqueu, chefe dos publicanos.
There was a rich man named Zaccheus. He was a leader of those who gathered taxes.
3 E le queria ver quem era Jesus, mas, sendo de pequena estatura, não o conseguia, por causa da multidão.
Zaccheus wanted to see Jesus but he could not because so many people were there and he was a short man.
4 A ssim, correu adiante e subiu numa figueira brava para vê-lo, pois Jesus ia passar por ali.
He ran ahead and got up into a sycamore tree to see Him. Jesus was going by that way.
5 Q uando Jesus chegou àquele lugar, olhou para cima e lhe disse: “Zaqueu, desça depressa. Quero ficar em sua casa hoje”.
When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw Zaccheus. He said, “Zaccheus, come down at once. I must stay in your house today.”
6 E ntão ele desceu rapidamente e o recebeu com alegria.
At once he came down and was glad to have Jesus come to his house.
7 T odo o povo viu isso e começou a se queixar: “Ele se hospedou na casa de um ‘pecador’”.
When the people saw it, they began to complain among themselves. They said, “He is going to stay with a man who is known to be a sinner.”
8 M as Zaqueu levantou-se e disse ao Senhor: “Olha, Senhor! Estou dando a metade dos meus bens aos pobres; e se de alguém extorqui alguma coisa, devolverei quatro vezes mais”.
Zaccheus stood up and said to the Lord, “Lord, see! Half of what I own I will give to poor people. And if I have taken money from anyone in a wrong way, I will pay him back four times as much.”
9 J esus lhe disse: “Hoje houve salvação nesta casa! Porque este homem também é filho de Abraão.
Jesus said to him, “Today, a person has been saved in this house. This man is a Jew also.
10 P ois o Filho do homem veio buscar e salvar o que estava perdido”. A Parábola das Dez Minas
For the Son of Man came to look for and to save from the punishment of sin those who are lost.” The Picture-Story of the Ten Servants and the Money
11 E stando eles a ouvi-lo, Jesus passou a contar-lhes uma parábola, porque estava perto de Jerusalém e o povo pensava que o Reino de Deus ia se manifestar de imediato.
As they heard these things, Jesus told them a picture-story. Because He was near Jerusalem, they thought the holy nation of God would come at once.
12 E le disse: “Um homem de nobre nascimento foi para uma terra distante para ser coroado rei e depois voltar.
So Jesus said, “A leader of a country went to another country far away. A nation was to be given to him, then he would return home.
13 E ntão, chamou dez dos seus servos e lhes deu dez minas. Disse ele: ‘Façam esse dinheiro render até a minha volta’.
He called ten of the servants he owned. He gave them ten pieces of money and said to them, ‘Put this money to use until I return.’
14 “ Mas os seus súditos o odiavam e por isso enviaram uma delegação para lhe dizer: ‘Não queremos que este homem seja nosso rei’.
But other men in his country hated him. They sent men after him to tell him they did not want him as their king.
15 “ Contudo, ele foi feito rei e voltou. Então mandou chamar os servos a quem dera o dinheiro, a fim de saber quanto tinham lucrado.
After he had been given the other nation, he returned as king. He asked for his servants who had received the money to come to him. He wanted to know how much more they had after putting it to use.
16 “ O primeiro veio e disse: ‘Senhor, a tua mina rendeu outras dez’.
The first one came and said, ‘Lord, the piece of money you gave me has made ten more pieces of money.’
17 “ ‘Muito bem, meu bom servo!’, respondeu o seu senhor. ‘Por ter sido confiável no pouco, governe sobre dez cidades.’
He said to him, ‘You are a good servant. You have been faithful in using a little. Now you will be leader over ten cities.’
18 “ O segundo veio e disse: ‘Senhor, a tua mina rendeu cinco vezes mais’.
“The second man came to him and said, ‘Lord, the piece of money you gave me has made five more pieces of money.’
19 “ O seu senhor respondeu: ‘Também você, encarregue-se de cinco cidades’.
He said to him, ‘You are to be leader over five cities.’
20 “ Então veio outro servo e disse: ‘Senhor, aqui está a tua mina; eu a conservei guardada num pedaço de pano.
“Another one came saying, ‘Lord, look! Here is your piece of money. I have kept it hid in a piece of cloth.
21 T ive medo, porque és um homem severo. Tiras o que não puseste e colhes o que não semeaste’.
I was afraid of you. You are a hard man. You take what you have not put down. You gather where you have not planted.’
22 “ O seu senhor respondeu: ‘Eu o julgarei pelas suas próprias palavras, servo mau! Você sabia que sou homem severo, que tiro o que não pus e colho o que não semeei.
The king said to him, ‘By the words from your own mouth I must say that you are guilty. You are a sinful servant. You knew I was a hard man. You knew I take what I have not put down. You knew I gather where I have not planted.
23 E ntão, por que não confiou o meu dinheiro ao banco? Assim, quando eu voltasse o receberia com os juros’.
Why did you not put my money in the bank? Then when I came back I could have had my own money and what the bank paid for using it.’
24 “ E disse aos que estavam ali: ‘Tomem dele a sua mina e dêem-na ao que tem dez’.
“Then he said to those who were standing by, ‘Take the piece of money from him and give it to the one who has ten pieces of money.’
25 “ ‘Senhor’, disseram, ‘ele já tem dez!’
And they said to him, ‘Lord, he already has ten pieces of money.’”
26 “ Ele respondeu: ‘Eu lhes digo que a quem tem, mais será dado, mas a quem não tem, até o que tiver lhe será tirado.
Jesus said, “I tell you, he who has, to him will be given more. To him who does not have, even the little he has will be taken from him.
27 E aqueles inimigos meus, que não queriam que eu reinasse sobre eles, tragam-nos aqui e matem-nos na minha frente!’” A Entrada Triunfal
‘Bring here those who hated me and did not want me to be their king and kill them in front of me.’”
28 D epois de dizer isso, Jesus foi adiante, subindo para Jerusalém.
When He had finished the picture-story, He went on ahead of them up to Jerusalem. The Last Time Jesus Goes into Jerusalem
29 A o aproximar-se de Betfagé e de Betânia, no monte chamado das Oliveiras, enviou dois dos seus discípulos, dizendo-lhes:
When Jesus was coming near the towns of Bethphage and Bethany by the Mount of Olives, He sent two of His followers on ahead.
30 “ Vão ao povoado que está adiante e, ao entrarem, encontrarão um jumentinho amarrado, no qual ninguém jamais montou. Desamarrem-no e tragam-no aqui.
He said, “Go into the town ahead of you. There you will find a young donkey tied. No man has ever sat on it. Let it loose and bring it to Me.
31 S e alguém lhes perguntar: ‘Por que o estão desamarrando?’ digam-lhe: O Senhor precisa dele”.
If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you letting it loose?’ say to him, ‘Because the Lord needs it.’”
32 O s que tinham sido enviados foram e encontraram o animal exatamente como ele lhes tinha dito.
Those who were sent found everything as Jesus had told them.
33 Q uando estavam desamarrando o jumentinho, os seus donos lhes perguntaram: “Por que vocês estão desamarrando o jumentinho?”
As they were letting the young donkey loose, the owners said to them, “Why are you letting the young donkey loose?”
34 E les responderam: “O Senhor precisa dele”.
They answered, “The Lord needs it.”
35 L evaram-no a Jesus, lançaram seus mantos sobre o jumentinho e fizeram que Jesus montasse nele.
Then they brought it to Jesus. They put their coats on the donkey and they put Jesus on it.
36 E nquanto ele prosseguia, o povo estendia os seus mantos pelo caminho.
As Jesus was going, they put their coats down on the road.
37 Q uando ele já estava perto da descida do monte das Oliveiras, toda a multidão dos discípulos começou a louvar a Deus alegremente e em alta voz, por todos os milagres que tinham visto. Exclamavam:
Jesus was near the city and ready to go down the Mount of Olives. The many people who were following Him began to sing with loud voices and give thanks for all the powerful works they had seen.
38 “ Bendito é o rei que vem em nome do Senhor!” “Paz no céu e glória nas alturas!”
They said, “Great and honored is the King Who comes in the name of the Lord. There is peace and greatness in the highest heaven.”
39 A lguns dos fariseus que estavam no meio da multidão disseram a Jesus: “Mestre, repreende os teus discípulos!”
Some of the proud religious law-keepers who were in among the people said to Jesus, “Teacher, speak sharp words to Your followers.”
40 “ Eu lhes digo”, respondeu ele; “se eles se calarem, as pedras clamarão.” Lamento sobre Jerusalém
Jesus said to them, “I tell you that if these did not speak, the very stones would call out.” Jesus Cried as He Saw Jerusalem
41 Q uando se aproximou e viu a cidade, Jesus chorou sobre ela
When Jesus came near the city, He cried as He saw it.
42 e disse: “Se você compreendesse neste dia, sim, você também, o que traz a paz! Mas agora isso está oculto aos seus olhos.
He said, “If you had only known on this great day the things that make peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.
43 V irão dias em que os seus inimigos construirão trincheiras contra você, a rodearão e a cercarão de todos os lados.
The time is coming when those who hate you will dig earth and throw it up around you making a wall. They will shut you in from every side.
44 T ambém a lançarão por terra, você e os seus filhos. Não deixarão pedra sobre pedra, porque você não reconheceu a oportunidade que Deus lhe concedeu”. Jesus Purifica o Templo
They will destroy you and your children with you. There will not be one stone on another. It is because you did not know when God visited you.” Jesus Stops the Buying and Selling in the House of God
45 E ntão ele entrou no templo e começou a expulsar os que estavam vendendo.
Jesus went into the house of God. He made those leave who were buying and selling there.
46 D isse-lhes: “Está escrito: ‘A minha casa será casa de oração’; mas vocês fizeram dela ‘um covil de ladrões’ ”.
He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house is a house of prayer.’ ‘But you have made it a place of robbers.’”
47 T odos os dias ele ensinava no templo. Mas os chefes dos sacerdotes, os mestres da lei e os líderes do povo procuravam matá-lo.
Jesus taught each day in the house of God. But the religious leaders and the teachers of the Law and other leaders of the people tried to think of some way they could kill Him.
48 T odavia, não conseguiam encontrar uma forma de fazê-lo, porque todo o povo estava fascinado pelas suas palavras.
They could not find a way because the people were always near Him listening to Him teach.