2 Samuel 3 ~ 2 Samuel 3


1 A guerra entre as famílias de Saul e de Davi durou muito tempo. Davi tornava-se cada vez mais forte, enquanto que a família de Saul se enfraquecia. Os Filhos de Davi em Hebrom

There was a long war between the family of Saul and the family of David. David became stronger and stronger. But the family of Saul became weaker and weaker. David’s Sons

2 E stes foram os filhos de Davi nascidos em Hebrom: O seu filho mais velho era Amnom, filho de Ainoã, de Jezreel;

Sons were born to David at Hebron. His first-born was Amnon, by David’s wife Ahinoam of Jezreel.

3 o segundo, Quileabe, de Abigail, viúva de Nabal, de Carmelo; o terceiro, Absalão, de Maaca, filha de Talmai, rei de Gesur;

His second son was Chileab, by Abigail who had been the wife of Nabal of Carmel. The third was Absalom the son of Maacah, the daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur.

4 o quarto, Adonias, de Hagite; o quinto, Sefatias, de Abital;

The fourth was Adonijah the son of Haggith. The fifth was Shephatiah the son of Abital.

5 e o sexto, Itreão, de sua mulher Eglá. Esses foram os filhos de Davi que lhe nasceram em Hebrom. O Apoio de Abner a Davi

And the sixth was Ithream, by David’s wife Eglah. These sons were born to David at Hebron. Abner Goes over with David

6 E nquanto transcorria a guerra entre as famílias de Saul e de Davi, Abner foi se tornando poderoso na família de Saul.

While there was war between the family of Saul and the family of David, Abner was making himself strong in the family of Saul.

7 S aul tivera uma concubina chamada Rispa, filha de Aiá. Certa vez Is-Bosete perguntou a Abner: “Por que você se deitou com a concubina de meu pai?”

Now Saul had a woman acting as his wife whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. Ish-bosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone in to the woman who acted as my father’s wife?”

8 A bner ficou furioso com a pergunta de Is-Bosete e exclamou: “Por acaso eu sou um cão a serviço de Judá? Até agora tenho sido leal à família de Saul, seu pai, e aos parentes e amigos dele, e não deixei que você caísse nas mãos de Davi; agora você me acusa de um delito envolvendo essa mulher!

Abner was very angry because of Ish-bosheth’s words, and said, “Am I a dog’s head that belongs to Judah? Today I show kindness to the family of your father Saul, to his brothers and to his friends. I have not given you into David’s hands. Yet today you say I am guilty because of this woman.

9 Q ue Deus me castigue com todo o rigor, se eu não fizer por Davi o que o Senhor lhe prometeu sob juramento:

May God do so to Abner, and more also, if I do not do for David what the Lord has promised him.

10 t irar o reino da família de Saul e estabelecer o trono de Davi sobre Israel e Judá, de Dã a Berseba”.

He has promised to build the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan to Beersheba.”

11 I s-Bosete não respondeu nada a Abner, pois tinha medo dele.

And Ish-bosheth could not answer Abner, because he was afraid of him.

12 E ntão Abner enviou mensageiros a Davi com esta proposta: “A quem pertence esta terra? Faze um acordo comigo e eu te ajudarei a conseguir o apoio de todo o Israel”.

Then Abner sent men with news to David at Hebron, saying, “Whose land is this? Make your agreement with me, and I will help you bring all Israel over to you.”

13 Está bem”, disse Davi. “Farei um acordo com você, mas com uma condição: não compareça à minha presença, quando vier me ver, sem trazer-me Mical, filha de Saul.”

David said, “Good! I will make an agreement with you. But you must do one thing that I say. You will not see my face unless you first bring Saul’s daughter Michal when you come to see me.”

14 E Davi enviou mensageiros a Is-Bosete, filho de Saul, exigindo: “Entregue-me minha mulher Mical, com quem me casei pelo preço de cem prepúcios de filisteus”.

Then David sent men to Saul’s son Ish-bosheth, saying, “Give me my wife Michal. I was married to her by giving a hundred pieces of skin from the sex parts of the Philistines.”

15 D iante disso, Is-Bosete mandou que a tirassem do seu marido Paltiel, filho de Laís.

So Ish-bosheth sent men to take her from her husband Paltiel the son of Laish.

16 M as Paltiel foi atrás dela, e a seguiu chorando até Baurim. Então Abner ordenou-lhe que voltasse para casa, e ele voltou.

But her husband went with her, crying as he went. He followed her as far as Bahurim. Then Abner said to him, “Go, return.” So he returned.

17 N esse meio tempo, Abner enviou esta mensagem às autoridades de Israel: “Já faz algum tempo que vocês querem Davi como rei.

Now Abner spoke with the leaders of Israel, saying, “In times past you wanted David to be your king.

18 A gora é o momento de agir! Porque o Senhor prometeu a Davi: ‘Por meio de Davi, meu servo, livrarei Israel do poder dos filisteus e de todos os seus inimigos’”.

Now make it happen! For the Lord has said of David, ‘By the hand of My servant David I will save My people Israel from the Philistines and from all those who hate them.’”

19 A bner também falou pessoalmente com os benjamitas. Depois foi a Hebrom dizer a Davi tudo o que Israel e a tribo de Benjamim haviam aprovado.

Abner spoke to Benjamin also. Then Abner went to Hebron to tell David all that Israel and the whole family of Benjamin thought was good to do.

20 Q uando Abner, acompanhado de vinte homens, apresentou-se a Davi em Hebrom, este ofereceu um banquete para ele e para os homens que o acompanhavam.

Abner came with twenty men to David at Hebron. And David made a special supper for Abner and the men who were with him.

21 D isse então Abner a Davi: “Deixa que eu me vá e reúna todo o Israel, meu senhor, para que façam um acordo contigo, ó rei, e reines sobre tudo o que desejares”. Davi o deixou ir, e ele se foi em paz. Joabe Mata Abner

Abner said to David, “Let me go and gather all Israel to my lord the king so they may make an agreement with you. Then you may be king over all your heart desires.” So David sent Abner away, and he went in peace. Joab Kills Abner

22 N aquele momento os soldados de Davi e Joabe voltavam de um ataque, trazendo muitos bens. Abner, porém, já não estava com Davi em Hebrom, porque Davi o tinha deixado partir em paz.

Then David’s servants and Joab came from a battle and brought with them many good things they had taken. But Abner was not with David in Hebron, for David had sent him away. Abner had gone in peace.

23 Q uando Joabe chegou com todo o seu exército, contaram-lhe que Abner, filho de Ner, se apresentara ao rei, que o tinha deixado ir em paz.

When Joab and the army with him came, it was told to Joab, “Abner the son of Ner came to the king. And the king has sent him away in peace.”

24 E ntão Joabe foi falar com o rei e lhe disse: “Que foi que fizeste? Abner veio à tua presença e o deixaste ir?

Then Joab came to the king and said, “What have you done? See, Abner came to you. Why then have you sent him away, so that he is gone?

25 C onheces Abner, filho de Ner; ele veio para enganar-te, observar os teus movimentos e descobrir tudo o que estás fazendo”.

You know Abner the son of Ner. He came to fool you, and to learn about your going out and coming in. He came to learn all that you are doing.”

26 S aindo da presença de Davi, Joabe enviou mensageiros atrás de Abner, e eles o trouxeram de volta, desde a cisterna de Sirá. Mas Davi não ficou sabendo disso.

When Joab left David, he sent men after Abner. They brought him back from the well of Sirah. But David did not know it.

27 Q uando Abner retornou a Hebrom, Joabe o chamou à parte, na porta da cidade, sob o pretexto de falar-lhe em particular, e ali mesmo o feriu no estômago. E Abner morreu por ter derramado o sangue de Asael, irmão de Joabe.

When Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside into the center of the gate to speak with him alone. There Joab hit him in the stomach and killed him because of the blood of his brother Asahel.

28 M ais tarde, quando Davi soube o que tinha acontecido, disse: “Eu e o meu reino, perante o Senhor, somos para sempre inocentes do sangue de Abner, filho de Ner.

When David heard about it, he said, “I and my nation are forever without guilt before the Lord, from the blood of Abner the son of Ner.

29 C aia a responsabilidade pela morte dele sobre a cabeça de Joabe e de toda a sua família! Jamais falte entre os seus descendentes quem sofra fluxo ou lepra, quem use muletas, quem morra à espada, ou quem passe fome”.

May the guilt be on the head of Joab and all his father’s family. May the family of Joab never be without one who has a flow from his body, or a bad skin disease, or the need to use a walking stick. Or may his family never be without one who falls by the sword, or who needs more bread.”

30 A ssim, Joabe e seu irmão Abisai mataram Abner, porque ele havia matado Asael, irmão deles, na batalha de Gibeom.

So Joab and his brother Abishai killed Abner because he had killed their brother in the battle at Gibeon. David Shows Sorrow for Abner

31 E ntão Davi disse a Joabe e a todo o exército que o acompanhava: “Rasguem suas vestes, vistam roupas de luto e vão chorando à frente de Abner”. E o rei Davi seguiu atrás da maca que levava o corpo.

Then David said to Joab and all the people who were with him, “Tear your clothes and dress in clothes made from hair. Cry in sorrow in front of Abner.” And King David walked behind the box in which the dead man was carried.

32 E nterraram-no em Hebrom, e o rei chorou em alta voz junto ao túmulo de Abner, como também todo o povo.

They buried Abner in Hebron. And the king cried in a loud voice at Abner’s grave. All the people cried.

33 E ntão o rei cantou este lamento por Abner: “Por que morreu Abner como morrem os insensatos?

The king sang a song of sorrow for Abner, saying, “Should Abner die as a fool dies?

34 S uas mãos não estavam algemadas, nem seus pés acorrentados. Você caiu como quem cai perante homens perversos”. E todo o povo chorou ainda mais por ele.

Your hands were not tied. Your feet were not put in chains. You have fallen as one falls in front of the sinful.” And all the people cried again over him.

35 D epois, quando o povo insistiu com Davi que comesse alguma coisa enquanto ainda era dia, Davi fez este juramento: “Deus me castigue com todo o rigor, caso eu prove pão ou qualquer outra coisa antes do pôr-do-sol!”

Then all the people came to try to talk David into eating bread while it was still day. But David promised, saying, “May God do so to me, and more also, if I taste bread or anything else before the sun goes down.”

36 T odo o povo ouviu isso e o aprovou; de fato, tudo o que o rei fazia o povo aprovava.

All the people saw it, and it pleased them. Everything the king did pleased all the people.

37 A ssim, naquele dia, todo o povo e todo o Israel reconheceram que o rei não tivera participação no assassinato de Abner, filho de Ner.

So all the people and all Israel understood that day that it had not been the king’s will to kill Abner the son of Ner.

38 E ntão o rei disse aos seus conselheiros: “Não percebem que caiu hoje em Israel um líder, um grande homem?

Then the king said to his servants, “Do you not know that a leader, and a great man has fallen this day in Israel?

39 E mbora rei ungido, ainda sou fraco, e esses filhos de Zeruia são mais fortes do que eu. Que o Senhor retribua ao malfeitor de acordo com as suas más obras!”

And I am weak today, even if I was chosen to be king. The sons of Zeruiah are too hard for me. May the Lord pay the sinner for his sin.”