1 C erto dia Jesus estava perto do lago de Genesaré, e uma multidão o comprimia de todos os lados para ouvir a palavra de Deus.
While Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, many people pushed to get near Him. They wanted to hear the Word of God.
2 V iu à beira do lago dois barcos, deixados ali pelos pescadores, que estavam lavando as suas redes.
Jesus saw two boats on the shore. The fishermen were not there because they were washing their nets.
3 E ntrou num dos barcos, o que pertencia a Simão, e pediu-lhe que o afastasse um pouco da praia. Então sentou-se, e do barco ensinava o povo.
Jesus got into a boat which belonged to Simon. Jesus asked him to push it out a little way from land. Then He sat down and taught the people from the boat.
4 T endo acabado de falar, disse a Simão: “Vá para onde as águas são mais fundas”, e a todos: “Lancem as redes para a pesca”.
When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Push out into the deep water. Let down your nets for some fish.”
5 S imão respondeu: “Mestre, esforçamo-nos a noite inteira e não pegamos nada. Mas, porque és tu quem está dizendo isto, vou lançar as redes”.
Simon said to Him, “Teacher, we have worked all night and we have caught nothing. But because You told me to, I will let the net down.”
6 Q uando o fizeram, pegaram tal quantidade de peixes que as redes começaram a rasgar-se.
When they had done this, they caught so many fish, their net started to break.
7 E ntão fizeram sinais a seus companheiros no outro barco, para que viessem ajudá-los; e eles vieram e encheram ambos os barcos, ao ponto de começarem a afundar.
They called to their friends working in the other boat to come and help them. They came and both boats were so full of fish they began to sink.
8 Q uando Simão Pedro viu isso, prostrou-se aos pés de Jesus e disse: “Afasta-te de mim, Senhor, porque sou um homem pecador!”
When Simon Peter saw it, he got down at the feet of Jesus. He said, “Go away from me, Lord, because I am a sinful man.”
9 P ois ele e todos os seus companheiros estavam perplexos com a pesca que haviam feito,
He and all those with him were surprised and wondered about the many fish.
10 c omo também Tiago e João, os filhos de Zebedeu, sócios de Simão. Jesus disse a Simão: “Não tenha medo; de agora em diante você será pescador de homens”.
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were surprised also. They were working together with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will fish for men.”
11 E les então arrastaram seus barcos para a praia, deixaram tudo e o seguiram. A Cura de um Leproso
When they came to land with their boats, they left everything and followed Jesus. Jesus Heals a Man with a Bad Skin Disease
12 E stando Jesus numa das cidades, passou um homem coberto de lepra. Quando viu Jesus, prostrou-se, rosto em terra, e rogou-lhe: “Se quiseres, podes purificar-me”.
While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came to Him with a bad skin disease over all his body. When he saw Jesus, he got down on his face before Him. He begged Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can heal me.”
13 J esus estendeu a mão e tocou nele, dizendo: “Quero. Seja purificado!” E imediatamente a lepra o deixou.
Jesus put His hand on him and said, “I will, be healed.” At once the disease went away from him.
14 E ntão Jesus lhe ordenou: “Não conte isso a ninguém; mas vá mostrar-se ao sacerdote e ofereça pela sua purificação os sacrifícios que Moisés ordenou, para que sirva de testemunho”.
Then Jesus told him to tell no one. He said, “Go and let the religious leader of the Jews see you. Give the gift on the altar in worship that Moses told you to give when a man is healed of a disease. This will show the leaders you have been healed.”
15 T odavia, as notícias a respeito dele se espalhavam ainda mais, de forma que multidões vinham para ouvi-lo e para serem curadas de suas doenças.
The news about Jesus went out all the more. Many people came to hear Him and to be healed of their diseases.
16 M as Jesus retirava-se para lugares solitários, e orava. Jesus Cura um Paralítico
Then He went away by Himself to pray in a desert. Jesus Heals a Man Let Down through the Roof of a House
17 C erto dia, quando ele ensinava, estavam sentados ali fariseus e mestres da lei, procedentes de todos os povoados da Galiléia, da Judéia e de Jerusalém. E o poder do Senhor estava com ele para curar os doentes.
On one of the days while Jesus was teaching, some proud religious law-keepers and teachers of the Law were sitting by Him. They had come from every town in the countries of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem. The power of the Lord was there to heal them.
18 V ieram alguns homens trazendo um paralítico numa maca e tentaram fazê-lo entrar na casa, para colocá-lo diante de Jesus.
Some men took a man who was not able to move his body to Jesus. He was carried on a bed. They looked for a way to take the man into the house where Jesus was.
19 N ão conseguindo fazer isso, por causa da multidão, subiram ao terraço e o baixaram em sua maca, através de uma abertura, até o meio da multidão, bem em frente de Jesus.
But they could not find a way to take him in because of so many people. They made a hole in the roof over where Jesus stood. Then they let the bed with the sick man on it down before Jesus.
20 V endo a fé que eles tinham, Jesus disse: “Homem, os seus pecados estão perdoados”.
When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”
21 O s fariseus e os mestres da lei começaram a pensar: “Quem é esse que blasfema? Quem pode perdoar pecados, a não ser somente Deus?”
The teachers of the Law and the proud religious law-keepers thought to themselves, “Who is this Man Who speaks as if He is God? Who can forgive sins but God only?”
22 J esus, sabendo o que eles estavam pensando, perguntou: “Por que vocês estão pensando assim?
Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said to them, “Why do you think this way in your hearts?
23 Q ue é mais fácil dizer: ‘Os seus pecados estão perdoados’, ou: ‘Levante-se e ande’?
Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or, ‘Get up and walk’?
24 M as, para que vocês saibam que o Filho do homem tem na terra autoridade para perdoar pecados” — disse ao paralítico — “eu lhe digo: Levante-se, pegue a sua maca e vá para casa”.
“So that you may know the Son of Man has the right and the power on earth to forgive sins,” He said to the man who could not move his body, “I say to you, get up. Take your bed and go to your home.”
25 I mediatamente ele se levantou na frente deles, pegou a maca em que estivera deitado e foi para casa louvando a Deus.
At once the sick man got up in front of them. He took his bed and went to his home thanking God.
26 T odos ficaram atônitos e glorificavam a Deus, e, cheios de temor, diziam: “Hoje vimos coisas extraordinárias!” O Chamado de Levi
All those who were there were surprised and gave thanks to God, saying, “We have seen very special things today.” Jesus Calls Matthew
27 D epois disso, Jesus saiu e viu um publicano chamado Levi, sentado na coletoria, e disse-lhe: “Siga-me”.
After this Jesus went out and saw a man who gathered taxes. His name was Levi (Matthew). Levi was sitting at his work. Jesus said to him, “Follow Me.”
28 L evi levantou-se, deixou tudo e o seguiu.
Levi got up, left everything and followed Jesus.
29 E ntão Levi ofereceu um grande banquete a Jesus em sua casa. Havia muita gente comendo com eles: publicanos e outras pessoas.
Levi made a big supper for Jesus in his house. Many men who gathered taxes and other people sat down with them.
30 M as os fariseus e aqueles mestres da lei que eram da mesma facção queixaram-se aos discípulos de Jesus: “Por que vocês comem e bebem com publicanos e ‘pecadores’?”
The teachers of the Law and the proud religious law-keepers talked against the followers of Jesus. They said, “Why do You eat and drink with men who gather taxes and with sinners?”
31 J esus lhes respondeu: “Não são os que têm saúde que precisam de médico, mas sim os doentes.
Jesus said to them, “People who are well do not need a doctor. Only those who are sick need a doctor.
32 E u não vim chamar justos, mas pecadores ao arrependimento”. Jesus é Interrogado acerca do Jejum
I have not come to call good people. I have come to call sinners to be sorry for their sins and to turn from them.” Jesus Teaches about Going without Food So You Can Pray Better
33 E eles lhe disseram: “Os discípulos de João jejuam e oram freqüentemente, bem como os discípulos dos fariseus; mas os teus vivem comendo e bebendo”.
They asked Jesus, “Why do the followers of John and of the proud religious law-keepers go without food so they can pray better, but Your followers keep on eating and drinking?”
34 J esus respondeu: “Podem vocês fazer os convidados do noivo jejuar enquanto o noivo está com eles?
Jesus answered them, “Can the friends at a wedding be sorry when the man just married is with them?
35 M as virão dias quando o noivo lhes será tirado; naqueles dias jejuarão”.
The days will come when the man just married will be taken from them. Then they will not eat food so they can pray better in those days.” The Picture-Story of the Cloth and the Bags
36 E ntão lhes contou esta parábola: “Ninguém tira um remendo de roupa nova e o costura em roupa velha; se o fizer, estragará a roupa nova, além do que o remendo da nova não se ajustará à velha.
Then Jesus told them a picture-story. He said, “No one sews a piece of cloth from a new coat on an old coat. If he does, the new coat will have a hole. The new piece and the old coat will not be the same.
37 E ninguém põe vinho novo em vasilha de couro velha; se o fizer, o vinho novo rebentará a vasilha, se derramará, e a vasilha se estragará.
No man puts new wine into old skin bags. If they did, the skins would break and the wine would run out. The bags would be no good.
38 A o contrário, vinho novo deve ser posto em vasilha de couro nova.
New wine must be put into new bags and both are kept safe.
39 E ninguém, depois de beber o vinho velho, prefere o novo, pois diz: ‘O vinho velho é melhor!’”
No one wants new wine after drinking old wine. He says, ‘The old wine is better.’”