1 J esus went from the house of Jairus and came to His home town. His followers came after Him.
Salió Jesús de allí y vino a su tierra, y lo seguían sus discípulos.
2 O n the Day of Rest He began to teach in the Jewish place of worship. Many people heard Him. They were surprised and wondered, saying, “Where did this Man get all this? What wisdom is this that has been given to Him? How can He do these powerful works with His hands?
Cuando llegó el sábado, comenzó a enseñar en la sinagoga; y muchos, oyéndolo, se admiraban y preguntaban: —¿De dónde saca éste estas cosas? ¿Y qué sabiduría es ésta que le es dada, y estos milagros que por sus manos son hechos?
3 I s He not a Man Who makes things from wood? Is He not the Son of Mary and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Do not His sisters live here with us?” The people were ashamed of Him and turned away from Him.
¿No es éste el carpintero, hijo de María, hermano de Jacobo, de José, de Judas y de Simón? ¿No están también aquí con nosotros sus hermanas? Y se escandalizaban de él.
4 J esus said to them, “One who speaks for God is respected everywhere but in his own country and among his own family and in his own house.”
Pero Jesús les dijo: —No hay profeta sin honra sino en su propia tierra, entre sus parientes y en su casa.
5 S o Jesus could do no powerful works there. But He did put His hands on a few sick people and healed them.
No pudo hacer allí ningún milagro, salvo que sanó a unos pocos enfermos poniendo sobre ellos las manos.
6 H e wondered because they had no faith. But He went around to the towns and taught as He went. Jesus Calls Twelve Followers and Sends Them Out
Y estaba asombrado de la incredulidad de ellos. Misión de los doce discípulos Y recorría las aldeas de alrededor, enseñando.
7 J esus called the twelve followers to Him and began to send them out two by two. He gave them power over demons.
Después llamó a los doce y comenzó a enviarlos de dos en dos, y les dio autoridad sobre los espíritus impuros.
8 H e told them to take nothing along with them but a walking stick. They were not to take a bag or food or money in their belts.
Les mandó que no llevaran nada para el camino, sino solamente bastón. Ni bolsa, ni pan, ni dinero en el cinto;
9 T hey were to wear shoes. They were not to take two coats.
sino que calzaran sandalias y no llevaran dos túnicas.
10 H e said to them, “Whatever house you go into, stay there until you leave that town.
Y añadió: —Dondequiera que entréis en una casa, posad en ella hasta que salgáis de aquel lugar.
11 W hoever does not take you in or listen to you, when you leave there, shake the dust off your feet. By doing that, you will speak against them. For sure, I tell you, it will be easier for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day men stand before God and are judged than for that city.”
Y si en algún lugar no os reciben ni os oyen, salid de allí y sacudid el polvo que está debajo de vuestros pies, para testimonio a ellos. De cierto os digo que en el día del juicio será más tolerable el castigo para los de Sodoma y Gomorra que para aquella ciudad.
12 T hen they left. They preached that men should be sorry for their sins and turn from them.
Y, saliendo, predicaban que los hombres se arrepintieran.
13 T hey put out many demons. They poured oil on many people that were sick and healed them. John the Baptist Is Put in Prison
Y echaban fuera muchos demonios, ungían con aceite a muchos enfermos y los sanaban. Muerte de Juan el Bautista
14 K ing Herod heard about Jesus because everyone was talking about Him. Some people said, “John the Baptist has been raised from the dead. That is why he is doing such powerful works.”
Oyó el rey Herodes la fama de Jesús, porque su nombre se había hecho notorio, y dijo: —Juan el Bautista ha resucitado de los muertos, y por eso actúan en él estos poderes.
15 O ther people said, “He is Elijah.” Others said, “He is one who speaks for God like one of the early preachers.”
Otros decían: «Es Elías.» Y otros: «Es un profeta, como los profetas antiguos.»
16 W hen Herod heard this, he said, “It is John the Baptist, whose head I cut off. He has been raised from the dead.”
Al oír esto, Herodes dijo: —Éste es Juan, el que yo decapité, que ha resucitado de los muertos.
17 F or Herod had sent men to take John and put him into prison. He did this because of his wife, Herodias. She had been the wife of his brother Philip.
El mismo Herodes había enviado a prender a Juan, y lo había encadenado en la cárcel por causa de Herodías, mujer de Felipe, su hermano, pues la había tomado por mujer,
18 J ohn the Baptist had said to Herod, “It is wrong for you to have your brother’s wife.”
porque Juan había dicho a Herodes: «No te está permitido tener la mujer de tu hermano.»
19 H erodias became angry with him. She wanted to have John the Baptist killed but she could not.
Por eso, Herodías lo acechaba y deseaba matarlo; pero no podía,
20 H erod was afraid of John. He knew he was a good man and right with God, and he kept John from being hurt or killed. He liked to listen to John preach. But when he did, he became troubled. John the Baptist Is Killed
porque Herodes temía a Juan, sabiendo que era un hombre justo y santo, y lo protegía. Cuando lo oía, se quedaba muy perplejo, pero lo escuchaba de buena gana.
21 T hen Herodias found a way to have John killed. Herod gave a big supper on his birthday. He asked the leaders of the country and army captains and the leaders of Galilee to come.
Llegó el día oportuno cuando Herodes, en la fiesta de su cumpleaños, daba una cena a sus príncipes y tribunos y a los altos dignatarios de Galilea.
22 T he daughter of Herodias came in and danced before them. This made Herod and his friends happy. The king said to the girl, “Ask me for whatever you want and I will give it to you.”
Entró la hija de Herodías y danzó, y agradó a Herodes y a los que estaban con él a la mesa. El rey entonces dijo a la muchacha: —Pídeme lo que quieras y yo te lo daré.
23 T hen he made a promise to her, “Whatever you ask for, I will give it to you. I will give you even half of my nation.”
Y le juró: —Todo lo que me pidas te daré, hasta la mitad de mi reino.
24 S he went to her mother and asked, “What should I ask for?” The mother answered, “I want the head of John the Baptist.”
Saliendo ella, dijo a su madre: —¿Qué pediré? Y ésta le dijo: —La cabeza de Juan el Bautista.
25 A t once the girl went to Herod. She said, “I want you to give me the head of John the Baptist on a plate now.”
Entonces ella entró apresuradamente ante el rey, y pidió diciendo: —Quiero que ahora mismo me des en un plato la cabeza de Juan el Bautista.
26 H erod was very sorry. He had to do it because of his promise and because of those who ate with him.
El rey se entristeció mucho, pero a causa del juramento y de los que estaban con él a la mesa, no quiso desairarla.
27 A t once he sent one of his soldiers and told him to bring the head of John the Baptist. The soldier went to the prison and cut off John’s head.
En seguida el rey, enviando a uno de la guardia, mandó que fuera traída la cabeza de Juan.
28 H e took John’s head in on a plate and gave it to the girl. The girl gave it to her mother.
El guarda fue y lo decapitó en la cárcel, trajo su cabeza en un plato y la dio a la muchacha, y la muchacha la dio a su madre.
29 J ohn’s followers heard this. They went and took his body and buried it. The Feeding of the Five Thousand
Cuando oyeron esto sus discípulos, vinieron y tomaron su cuerpo, y lo pusieron en un sepulcro. Alimentación de los cinco mil
30 T he followers of Jesus came back to Him. They told Jesus all they had done and taught.
Entonces los apóstoles se reunieron con Jesús y le contaron todo lo que habían hecho y lo que habían enseñado.
31 H e said to them, “Come away from the people. Be by yourselves and rest.” There were many people coming and going. They had had no time even to eat.
Él les dijo: —Venid vosotros aparte, a un lugar desierto, y descansad un poco. (Eran muchos los que iban y venían, de manera que ni aun tenían tiempo para comer.)
32 T hey went by themselves in a boat to a desert.
Y se fueron solos en una barca a un lugar desierto.
33 M any people saw them leave and knew who they were. People ran fast from all the cities and got there first.
Pero muchos los vieron ir y lo reconocieron; entonces muchos fueron allá a pie desde las ciudades, y llegaron antes que ellos, y se juntaron a él.
34 W hen Jesus got out of the boat, He saw many people gathered together. He had loving-pity for them. They were like sheep without a shepherd. He began to teach them many things.
Salió Jesús y vio una gran multitud, y tuvo compasión de ellos, porque eran como ovejas que no tenían pastor; y comenzó a enseñarles muchas cosas.
35 T he day was almost gone. The followers of Jesus came to Him. They said, “This is a desert. It is getting late.
Cuando ya era muy avanzada la hora, sus discípulos se acercaron a él, y le dijeron: —El lugar es desierto y la hora ya muy avanzada.
36 T ell the people to go to the towns and villages and buy food for themselves.”
Despídelos para que vayan a los campos y aldeas de alrededor y compren pan, pues no tienen qué comer.
37 H e said to them, “Give them something to eat.” They said to Him, “Are we to go and buy many loaves of bread and give it to them?”
Respondiendo él, les dijo: —Dadles vosotros de comer. Ellos le dijeron: —¿Quieres que vayamos y compremos pan por doscientos denarios y les demos de comer?
38 H e said to them, “How many loaves of bread do you have here? Go and see.” When they knew, they said, “Five loaves of bread and two fish.”
Él les preguntó: —¿Cuántos panes tenéis? Id a ver. Y al saberlo, dijeron: —Cinco, y dos peces.
39 T hen He told them to have all the people sit down together in groups on the green grass.
Entonces les mandó que hicieran recostar a todos por grupos sobre la hierba verde.
40 T hey sat down in groups of fifty people and in groups of one hundred people.
Se recostaron por grupos, de ciento en ciento, y de cincuenta en cincuenta.
41 J esus took the five loaves of bread and two fish. He looked up to heaven and gave thanks. He broke the loaves in pieces and gave them to the followers to set before the people. He divided the two fish among them all.
Entonces tomó los cinco panes y los dos peces y, levantando los ojos al cielo, bendijo, y partió los panes y dio a sus discípulos para que los pusieran delante; también repartió los dos peces entre todos.
42 T hey all ate and were filled.
Comieron todos y se saciaron.
43 A fter that the followers picked up twelve baskets full of pieces of bread and fish.
Y recogieron, de los pedazos y de lo que sobró de los peces, doce cestas llenas.
44 A bout five thousand men ate the bread. Jesus Walks On The Water
Los que comieron eran cinco mil hombres. Jesús anda sobre el mar
45 A t once Jesus had His followers get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side to the town of Bethsaida. He sent the people away.
En seguida hizo a sus discípulos entrar en la barca e ir delante de él a Betsaida, en la otra ribera, entre tanto que él despedía a la multitud.
46 W hen they were all gone, He went up to the mountain to pray.
Y después que los despidió, se fue al monte a orar.
47 I t was evening. The boat was half-way across the sea. Jesus was alone on the land.
Al llegar la noche, la barca estaba en medio del mar, y él solo en tierra.
48 H e saw His followers were in trouble. The wind was against them. They were working very hard rowing the boat. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came to them walking on the sea. He would have gone past them.
Viéndolos remar con gran esfuerzo, porque el viento les era contrario, cerca de la cuarta vigilia de la noche vino a ellos andando sobre el mar, y quería adelantárseles.
49 W hen the followers saw Him walking on the water, they thought it was a spirit and cried out with fear.
Viéndolo ellos andar sobre el mar, pensaron que era un fantasma y gritaron,
50 F or they all saw Him and were afraid. At once Jesus talked to them. He said, “Take hope. It is I, do not be afraid.”
porque todos lo veían, y se asustaron. Pero en seguida habló con ellos, y les dijo: —¡Tened ánimo! Soy yo, no temáis.
51 H e came over to them and got into the boat. The wind stopped. They were very much surprised and wondered about it.
Subió a la barca con ellos, y se calmó el viento. Ellos se asustaron mucho, y se maravillaban,
52 T hey had not learned what they should have learned from the loaves because their hearts were hard. People Are Healed at Gennesaret
pues aún no habían entendido lo de los panes, por cuanto estaban endurecidos sus corazones. Jesús sana a los enfermos en Genesaret
53 T hen they crossed the sea and came to the land of Gennesaret and went to shore.
Terminada la travesía, vinieron a tierra de Genesaret y arribaron a la orilla.
54 W hen Jesus got out of the boat, the people knew Him at once.
Al salir ellos de la barca, en seguida la gente lo reconoció.
55 T hey ran through all the country bringing people who were sick on their beds to Jesus.
Mientras recorrían toda la tierra de alrededor, comenzaron a traer de todas partes enfermos en camillas a donde oían que estaba.
56 W herever He went, they would lay the sick people in the streets in the center of town where people gather. They begged Him that they might touch the bottom of His coat. Everyone who did was healed. This happened in the towns and in the cities and in the country where He went.
Y dondequiera que entraba, ya fuera en aldeas, en ciudades o en campos, ponían en las calles a los que estaban enfermos y le rogaban que los dejara tocar siquiera el borde de su manto; y todos los que lo tocaban quedaban sanos.