Psalm 121 ~ Salmos 121


1 I will lift up my eyes to the mountains. Where will my help come from?

Alzaré mis ojos a los montes. ¿De dónde vendrá mi socorro?

2 M y help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

Mi socorro viene de Jehová, que hizo los cielos y la tierra.

3 H e will not let your feet go out from under you. He Who watches over you will not sleep.

No dará tu pie al resbaladero ni se dormirá el que te guarda.

4 L isten, He Who watches over Israel will not close his eyes or sleep.

Por cierto, no se adormecerá ni dormirá el que guarda a Israel.

5 T he Lord watches over you. The Lord is your safe cover at your right hand.

Jehová es tu guardador, Jehová es tu sombra a tu mano derecha.

6 T he sun will not hurt you during the day and the moon will not hurt you during the night.

El sol no te fatigará de día ni la luna de noche.

7 T he Lord will keep you from all that is sinful. He will watch over your soul.

Jehová te guardará de todo mal, él guardará tu alma.

8 T he Lord will watch over your coming and going, now and forever.

Jehová guardará tu salida y tu entrada desde ahora y para siempre.