2 Peter 2 ~ 2 Pedro 2


1 B ut there were false teachers among the people. And there will be false teachers among you also. These people will work in secret ways to bring false teaching to you. They will turn against Christ Who bought them with His blood. They bring fast death on themselves.

Hubo también falsos profetas entre el pueblo, como habrá entre vosotros falsos maestros que introducirán encubiertamente herejías destructoras y hasta negarán al Señor que los rescató, atrayendo sobre sí mismos destrucción repentina.

2 M any people will follow their wrong ways. Because of what they do, people will speak bad things against the way of truth.

Y muchos seguirán su libertinaje, y por causa de ellos, el camino de la verdad será blasfemado.

3 T hey will tell lies and false stories so they can use you to get things for themselves. But God judged them long ago and their death is on the way.

Llevados por avaricia harán mercadería de vosotros con palabras fingidas. Sobre los tales ya hace tiempo la condenación los amenaza y la perdición los espera.

4 G od did not hold back from punishing the angels who sinned, but sent them down to hell. They are to be kept there in the deep hole of darkness until they stand before Him Who judges them.

Dios no perdonó a los ángeles que pecaron, sino que los arrojó al infierno y los entregó a prisiones de oscuridad, donde están reservados para el juicio.

5 G od did not hold back from punishing the people of the world who sinned long ago. He brought the flood on the world of sinners. But Noah was a preacher of right living. He and his family of seven were the only ones God saved.

Tampoco perdonó al mundo antiguo, sino que guardó a Noé, pregonero de justicia, con otras siete personas, y trajo el diluvio sobre el mundo de los impíos.

6 G od said that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty, and He destroyed them with fire. This was to show people who did not worship God what would happen to them.

También condenó por destrucción a las ciudades de Sodoma y de Gomorra, reduciéndolas a ceniza y poniéndolas de ejemplo a los que habían de vivir impíamente.

7 L ot was taken away from Sodom because he was right with God. He had been troubled by the sins that bad men did in wild living.

Pero libró al justo Lot, abrumado por la conducta pervertida de los malvados,

8 H e saw and heard how the people around him broke the Law. Everyday his own soul which was right with God was troubled because of their sinful ways.

(pues este justo, que habitaba entre ellos, afligía cada día su alma justa viendo y oyendo los hechos inicuos de ellos).

9 B ut the Lord knows how to help men who are right with God when they are tempted. He also knows how to keep the sinners suffering for their wrong-doing until the day they stand before God Who will judge them.

El Señor sabe librar de tentación a los piadosos, y reservar a los injustos para ser castigados en el día del juicio;

10 T his is true about those who keep on wanting to please their own bodies in sinful desires and those who will not obey laws. They want to please themselves and are not afraid when they laugh and say bad things about the powers in heaven.

y mayormente a aquellos que, siguiendo la carne, andan en placeres e inmundicia, y desprecian el señorío. Atrevidos y obstinados, no temen decir mal de los poderes superiores,

11 A ngels are greater in strength and power than they. But angels do not speak against these powers before the Lord.

mientras que los ángeles, que son mayores en fuerza y en poder, no pronuncian juicio de maldición contra ellos delante del Señor.

12 M en like this are like animals who are not able to think but are born to be caught and killed. They speak bad words against that which they do not understand. They will die in their own sinful ways.

Esos hombres, hablando mal de cosas que no entienden, como animales irracionales nacidos para presa y destrucción, perecerán en su propia perdición,

13 T his is the pay they will suffer for their sinful lives. They are not ashamed when they sin in the daylight. They are sores and dirty spots among you while they eat and drink big meals with you.

recibiendo la recompensa de su injusticia, ya que tienen por delicia el gozar de deleites cada día. Éstos son inmundicias y manchas, quienes aun mientras comen con vosotros se recrean en sus errores.

14 T heir eyes are full of sex sins. They never have enough sin. They get weak people to go along with them. Their hearts are always wanting something. They are people who will end up in hell because

Tienen los ojos llenos de adulterio, no se sacian de pecar, seducen a las almas inconstantes, tienen el corazón habituado a la codicia y son hijos de maldición.

15 t hey have left the right way and have gone the wrong way. They have followed the way of Balaam, who was the son of Beor. He loved the money he got for his sin.

Han dejado el camino recto y se han extraviado siguiendo el camino de Balaam hijo de Beor, el cual amó el premio de la maldad

16 B ut he was stopped in his sin. A donkey spoke to him with a man’s voice. It stopped this early preacher from going on in his crazy way.

y fue reprendido por su iniquidad, pues una muda bestia de carga, hablando con voz de hombre, refrenó la locura del profeta.

17 S uch people are like wells without water. They are like clouds before a storm. The darkest place below has been kept for them.

Esos hombres son fuentes sin agua y nubes empujadas por la tormenta, para quienes la más densa oscuridad está reservada para siempre.

18 T hey speak big-sounding words which show they are proud. They get men who are trying to keep away from sinful men to give in to the sinful desires of the flesh.

Hablando palabras infladas y vanas, seducen con pasiones de la carne y vicios a los que verdaderamente habían huido de los que viven en error.

19 T hey promise that these men will be free. But they themselves are chained to sin. For a man is chained to anything that has power over him.

Les prometen libertad, y son ellos mismos esclavos de corrupción, pues el que es vencido por alguno es hecho esclavo del que lo venció.

20 T here are men who have been made free from the sins of the world by learning to know the Lord Jesus Christ, the One Who saves. But if they do these sins again, and are not able to keep from doing them, they are worse than they were before.

Ciertamente, si habiéndose ellos escapado de las contaminaciones del mundo por el conocimiento del Señor y Salvador Jesucristo, enredándose otra vez en ellas son vencidos, su último estado viene a ser peor que el primero.

21 A fter knowing the holy Law that was given to them, they turned from it. It would have been better for them if they had not known how to be right with God.

Mejor les hubiera sido no haber conocido el camino de la justicia que, después de haberlo conocido, volverse atrás del santo mandamiento que les fue dado.

22 T hey are like the wise saying, “A dog turns back to what he has thrown up.” And, “A pig that has been washed goes back to roll in the mud.”

Pero les ha acontecido lo que con verdad dice el proverbio: «El perro vuelve a su vómito, y la puerca lavada a revolcarse en el cieno.»