1 Y o dije: Miraré por mis caminos, para no pecar con mi lengua; guardaré mi boca con freno, entre tanto que el impío fuere contra mí.
I said, I will take heed and guard my ways, that I may sin not with my tongue; I will muzzle my mouth as with a bridle while the wicked are before me.
2 E nmudecí en silencio, me callé aun de lo bueno; y se alborotó mi dolor.
I was dumb with silence, I held my peace without profit and had no comfort away from good, while my distress was renewed.
3 S e enardeció mi corazón dentro de mí; en mi meditación se encendió fuego; y hablé con mi lengua:
My heart was hot within me. While I was musing, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue:
4 H azme saber, SEÑOR, mi fin, y cuánta sea la medida de mis días; sepa yo cuánto tengo de ser del mundo.
Lord, make me to know my end and the measure of my days—what it is; let me know and realize how frail I am.
5 H e aquí como a palmos diste a mis días, y mi edad es como nada delante de ti; ciertamente es completa vanidad todo hombre que vive. (Selah.)
Behold, You have made my days as handbreadths, and my lifetime is as nothing in Your sight. Truly every man at his best is merely a breath! Selah!
6 C iertamente en tinieblas anda el hombre; ciertamente en vano se inquieta; amontona, y no sabe quién lo cogerá.
Surely every man walks to and fro—like a shadow in a pantomime; surely for futility and emptiness he is in turmoil; each one heaps up riches, not knowing who will gather them.
7 ¶ Y ahora, Señor, ¿qué esperaré? Mi esperanza en ti está.
And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are in You.
8 L íbrame de todas mis rebeliones; no me pongas por escarnio del loco.
Deliver me from all my transgressions; make me not the scorn and reproach of the fool!
9 E nmudecí, no abrí mi boca; porque tú lo hiciste.
I am dumb, I open not my mouth, for it is You Who has done it.
10 Q uita de sobre mí tu plaga; de la guerra de tu mano soy consumido.
Remove Your stroke away from me; I am consumed by the conflict and the blow of Your hand.
11 C on castigos sobre la iniquidad corriges al hombre, y haces consumirse como de polilla su grandeza; ciertamente vanidad es todo hombre. (Selah.)
When with rebukes You correct and chasten man for sin, You waste his beauty like a moth and what is dear to him consumes away; surely every man is a mere breath. Selah!
12 O ye mi oración, oh SEÑOR, y escucha mi clamor; no calles ante mis lágrimas; porque peregrino soy contigo, y advenedizo, como todos mis padres.
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; hold not Your peace at my tears! For I am Your passing guest, a temporary resident, as all my fathers were.
13 D éjame estar delante de ti, y tomaré fuerzas, antes que vaya y perezca.
O look away from me and spare me, that I may recover cheerfulness and encouraging strength and know gladness before I go and am no more!