1 В то время Ирод четвертовластник услышал молву об Иисусе
At that time King Herod heard much about Jesus.
2 и сказал служащим при нем: это Иоанн Креститель; он воскрес из мертвых, и потому чудеса делаются им.
He said to his helpers, “This must be John the Baptist. He has risen from the dead. That is why these powerful works are done by him.”
3 И бо Ирод, взяв Иоанна, связал его и посадил в темницу за Иродиаду, жену Филиппа, брата своего,
For Herod had taken John and put him in prison. It was because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip.
4 п отому что Иоанн говорил ему: не должно тебе иметь ее.
For John had said to him, “It is against the Law for you to have her.”
5 И хотел убить его, но боялся народа, потому что его почитали за пророка.
He would have killed John but he was afraid of the people. The people thought John was one who spoke for God. John the Baptist Is Killed
6 В о время же дня рождения Ирода дочь Иродиады плясала перед собранием и угодила Ироду,
On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced in front of them. Herod was made happy by her.
7 п осему он с клятвою обещал ей дать, чего она ни попросит.
He promised he would give her anything she asked.
8 О на же, по наущению матери своей, сказала: дай мне здесь на блюде голову Иоанна Крестителя.
Because her mother told her to do it, she said, “Give me the head of John the Baptist on a plate.”
9 И опечалился царь, но, ради клятвы и возлежащих с ним, повелел дать ей,
The king was sorry. But he said for it to be given because he had promised and because of those who were eating with him.
10 и послал отсечь Иоанну голову в темнице.
He sent to the prison and had John’s head cut off.
11 И принесли голову его на блюде и дали девице, а она отнесла матери своей.
It was brought in on a plate and given to the girl. She brought it to her mother.
12 У ченики же его, придя, взяли тело его и погребли его; и пошли, возвестили Иисусу.
Then the followers of John came and took his body and buried it. They went and told Jesus. The Feeding of the Five Thousand
13 И , услышав, Иисус удалился оттуда на лодке в пустынное место один; а народ, услышав о том, пошел за Ним из городов пешком.
When Jesus heard that John had been killed, He went from there by boat to a desert. He wanted to be alone. When the people knew it, they followed after Him by land from the cities.
14 И , выйдя, Иисус увидел множество людей и сжалился над ними, и исцелил больных их.
When He got out of the boat, He saw many people. He had loving-pity for them and healed those who were sick.
15 К огда же настал вечер, приступили к Нему ученики Его и сказали: место здесь пустынное и время уже позднее; отпусти народ, чтобы они пошли в селения и купили себе пищи.
When it was evening, His followers came to Him. They said, “This is a desert. The day is past. Send the people away so they may go into the towns and buy food for themselves.”
16 Н о Иисус сказал им: не нужно им идти, вы дайте им есть.
Jesus said to them, “They do not have to go away. Give them something to eat.”
17 О ни же говорят Ему: у нас здесь только пять хлебов и две рыбы.
They said to Him, “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish.”
18 О н сказал: принесите их Мне сюда.
Jesus said, “Bring them to Me.”
19 И велел народу возлечь на траву и, взяв пять хлебов и две рыбы, воззрел на небо, благословил и, преломив, дал хлебы ученикам, а ученики народу.
He told the people to sit down on the grass. Then He took the five loaves of bread and two fish. He looked up to heaven and gave thanks. He broke the loaves in pieces and gave them to His followers. The followers gave them to the people.
20 И ели все и насытились; и набрали оставшихся кусков двенадцать коробов полных;
They all ate and were filled. They picked up twelve baskets full of pieces of bread and fish after the people were finished eating.
21 а евших было около пяти тысяч человек, кроме женщин и детей.
About five thousand men ate. Women and children ate also. Jesus Walks on the Water
22 И тотчас понудил Иисус учеников Своих войти в лодку и отправиться прежде Его на другую сторону, пока Он отпустит народ.
At once Jesus had His followers get into the boat. He told them to go ahead of Him to the other side while He sent the people away.
23 И , отпустив народ, Он взошел на гору помолиться наедине; и вечером оставался там один.
After He had sent them away, He went up the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone.
24 А лодка была уже на средине моря, и ее било волнами, потому что ветер был противный.
By this time the boat was far from land and was being thrown around by the waves. The wind was strong against them.
25 В четвертую же стражу ночи пошел к ним Иисус, идя по морю.
Just before the light of day, Jesus went to them walking on the water.
26 И ученики, увидев Его идущего по морю, встревожились и говорили: это призрак; и от страха вскричали.
When the followers saw Him walking on the water, they were afraid. They said, “It is a spirit.” They cried out with fear.
27 Н о Иисус тотчас заговорил с ними и сказал: ободритесь; это Я, не бойтесь.
At once Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take hope. It is I. Do not be afraid!”
28 П етр сказал Ему в ответ: Господи! если это Ты, повели мне придти к Тебе по воде.
Peter said to Jesus, “If it is You, Lord, tell me to come to You on the water.”
29 О н же сказал: иди. И, выйдя из лодки, Петр пошел по воде, чтобы подойти к Иисусу,
Jesus said, “Come!” Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus.
30 н о, видя сильный ветер, испугался и, начав утопать, закричал: Господи! спаси меня.
But when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid. He began to go down in the water. He cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 И исус тотчас простер руку, поддержал его и говорит ему: маловерный! зачем ты усомнился?
At once Jesus put out His hand and took hold of him. Jesus said to Peter, “You have so little faith! Why did you doubt?”
32 И , когда вошли они в лодку, ветер утих.
When Jesus and Peter got into the boat, the wind stopped blowing.
33 Б ывшие же в лодке подошли, поклонились Ему и сказали: истинно Ты Сын Божий.
Those in the boat worshiped Jesus. They said, “For sure, You are the Son of God!” People Are Healed at Gennesaret
34 И , переправившись, прибыли в землю Геннисаретскую.
When they had gone over to the other side, they came to the land of Gennesaret.
35 Ж ители того места, узнав Его, послали во всю окрестность ту и принесли к Нему всех больных,
When the men of that land saw it was Jesus, they sent word into all the country around. They brought all who were sick to Jesus.
36 и просили Его, чтобы только прикоснуться к краю одежды Его; и которые прикасались, исцелялись.
They begged Him that they might touch the bottom of His coat. As many as touched the bottom of His coat were healed.