Плач Иеремии 2 ~ Lamentations 2


1 К ак помрачил Господь во гневе Своем дщерь Сиона! с небес поверг на землю красу Израиля и не вспомнил о подножии ног Своих в день гнева Своего.

How the Lord has covered Zion with a cloud in His anger! He has thrown the shining-greatness of Israel from heaven to earth. In the day of His anger He has not remembered the place where He rests His feet.

2 П огубил Господь все жилища Иакова, не пощадил, разрушил в ярости Своей укрепления дщери Иудиной, поверг на землю, отверг царство и князей его, как нечистых:

The Lord has destroyed all the places of Jacob. In His anger He has broken down the strong-places of Judah. He has brought the nation and its leaders down to the ground in shame.

3 в пылу гнева сломил все роги Израилевы, отвел десницу Свою от неприятеля и воспылал в Иакове, как палящий огонь, пожиравший все вокруг;

In burning anger He has cut off all the strength of Israel. He would not help us fight against those who hate us. He has burned like a hot fire in Jacob, destroying everything around it.

4 н атянул лук Свой, как неприятель, направил десницу Свою, как враг, и убил все, вожделенное для глаз; на скинию дщери Сиона излил ярость Свою, как огонь.

He has pulled back His bow string like one who fights against us. He has set His right hand like one who hates us, and has killed all that we liked to see. He has poured out His anger like fire on the tent of Zion.

5 Г осподь стал как неприятель, истребил Израиля, разорил все чертоги его, разрушил укрепления его и распространил у дщери Иудиной сетование и плач.

The Lord has become like one who hates us. He has destroyed Israel. He has destroyed all its beautiful houses. He has destroyed its strong-places, and has caused much sorrow and crying for the people of Judah.

6 И отнял ограду Свою, как у сада; разорил Свое место собраний, заставил Господь забыть на Сионе празднества и субботы; и в негодовании гнева Своего отверг царя и священника.

He has broken down His house like a garden tent. He has destroyed His chosen meeting place. The Lord has caused the special suppers and Day of Rest to be forgotten in Zion. And He has hated the king and the religious leader in His anger.

7 О тверг Господь жертвенник Свой, отвратил сердце Свое от святилища Своего, предал в руки врагов стены чертогов его; в доме Господнем они шумели, как в праздничный день.

The Lord has had nothing to do with His altar. He has left His holy place. He has given the walls of her beautiful houses over to those who hate us. They have made a noise in the house of the Lord as on the day of a special supper.

8 Г осподь определил разрушить стену дщери Сиона, протянул вервь, не отклонил руки Своей от разорения; истребил внешние укрепления, и стены вместе разрушены.

The Lord plans to destroy the wall of the people of Zion. He marked how long it was, and has not kept His hand from destroying. He has caused tower and wall to cry in sorrow. They suffer together.

9 В орота ее вдались в землю; Он разрушил и сокрушил запоры их; царь ее и князья ее--среди язычников; не стало закона, и пророки ее не сподобляются видений от Господа.

Her gates have gone down into the ground. He has destroyed and broken her iron pieces. Her king and leaders have been sent among the nations. The Law is no more. And her men who spoke for God have no more special dreams from the Lord.

10 С идят на земле безмолвно старцы дщери Сионовой, посыпали пеплом свои головы, препоясались вретищем; опустили к земле головы свои девы Иерусалимские.

The leaders of the people of Zion sit quietly on the ground. They have thrown dust on their heads, and have dressed themselves in cloth made from hair. The pure young women of Jerusalem have bowed their heads to the ground.

11 И стощились от слез глаза мои, волнуется во мне внутренность моя, изливается на землю печень моя от гибели дщери народа моего, когда дети и грудные младенцы умирают от голода среди городских улиц.

My eyes become weak from crying. My spirit is very troubled. My heart is poured out in sorrow, because my people have been destroyed, and because children and babies fall down weak in the city streets.

12 М атерям своим говорят они: 'где хлеб и вино?', умирая, подобно раненым, на улицах городских, изливая души свои в лоно матерей своих.

They cry to their mothers, “Where is bread and wine?” as they fall down weak in the city streets like a man hurt in battle, and as they die in their mothers’ arms.

13 Ч то мне сказать тебе, с чем сравнить тебя, дщерь Иерусалима? чему уподобить тебя, чтобы утешить тебя, дева, дщерь Сиона? ибо рана твоя велика, как море; кто может исцелить тебя?

What can I say for you? What can I compare you with, O people of Jerusalem? What can I compare you with, that I may comfort you, O pure daughter of Zion? For you have been destroyed as much as the sea is large. And who can heal you?

14 П ророки твои провещали тебе пустое и ложное и не раскрывали твоего беззакония, чтобы отвратить твое пленение, и изрекали тебе откровения ложные и приведшие тебя к изгнанию.

Your men who speak in God’s name have given you false and foolish dreams. They have not made your sin known, so you could return from where you are held. But they have told you false dreams that have led you the wrong way.

15 Р уками всплескивают о тебе все проходящие путем, свищут и качают головою своею о дщери Иерусалима, говоря: 'это ли город, который называли совершенством красоты, радостью всей земли?'

All who pass by clap their hands at you. They make fun of you and shake their heads at the people of Jerusalem, saying, “Is this the city which was called perfect in beauty, the joy of all the earth?”

16 Р азинули на тебя пасть свою все враги твои, свищут и скрежещут зубами, говорят: 'поглотили мы его, только этого дня и ждали мы, дождались, увидели!'

All who hate you have opened their mouths wide against you. They make fun of you and grind their teeth and say, “We have destroyed her! For sure this is the day we have waited for! We have lived to see it!”

17 С овершил Господь, что определил, исполнил слово Свое, изреченное в древние дни, разорил без пощады и дал врагу порадоваться над тобою, вознес рог неприятелей твоих.

The Lord has done what He planned. He has done what He had said He would do long ago. He has destroyed without pity. He has caused those who hate you to have joy over you. He has given strength to those who fight against you.

18 С ердце их вопиет к Господу: стена дщери Сиона! лей ручьем слезы день и ночь, не давай себе покоя, не спускай зениц очей твоих.

Let your heart cry out to the Lord. O wall of the people of Zion, let your tears flow down like a river day and night. Give yourself no rest. Do not let your eyes stop crying.

19 В ставай, взывай ночью, при начале каждой стражи; изливай, как воду, сердце твое пред лицем Господа; простирай к Нему руки твои о душе детей твоих, издыхающих от голода на углах всех улиц.

Get up and cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night hours. Pour out your heart like water before the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children who are weak with hunger on every street.”

20 ' Воззри, Господи, и посмотри: кому Ты сделал так, чтобы женщины ели плод свой, младенцев, вскормленных ими? чтобы убиваемы были в святилище Господнем священник и пророк?

See, O Lord, and look! To whom have You done this? Should women eat their children, the little ones they have cared for? Should religious leaders and men of God be killed in the Lord’s holy place?

21 Д ети и старцы лежат на земле по улицам; девы мои и юноши мои пали от меча; Ты убивал их в день гнева Твоего, заколал без пощады.

The young and the old lie in the dust of the streets. My pure young women and young men have been killed by the sword. You have killed them in the day of Your anger. You have killed without pity.

22 Т ы созвал отовсюду, как на праздник, ужасы мои, и в день гнева Господня никто не спасся, никто не уцелел; тех, которые были мною вскормлены и вырощены, враг мой истребил'.

As people are asked to come to a special supper, You have sent trouble on every side. And no one got away or stayed alive in the day of the Lord’s anger. Those I have cared for and brought up have been destroyed by those who hate me.