1 ( 75-1) ^^Начальнику хора. На струнных. Псалом Асафа. Песнь.^^ (75-2) Ведом в Иудее Бог; у Израиля велико имя Его.
God is known in Judah. His name is great in Israel.
2 ( 75-3) И было в Салиме жилище Его и пребывание Его на Сионе.
His holy tent of worship is in Salem. He lives in Zion.
3 ( 75-4) Там сокрушил Он стрелы лука, щит и меч и брань.
There He broke the burning arrows, the iron covering and the sword, and all the things used for fighting in war.
4 ( 75-5) Ты славен, могущественнее гор хищнических.
You are shining with greatness, more beautiful than the mountains with many animals.
5 ( 75-6) Крепкие сердцем стали добычею, уснули сном своим, и не нашли все мужи силы рук своих.
Strong men have been robbed. They sleep their last sleep. Not one of the soldiers can lift his hands.
6 ( 75-7) От прещения Твоего, Боже Иакова, вздремали и колесница и конь.
O God of Jacob, both soldier and horse were put in a dead sleep because of Your sharp words.
7 ( 75-8) Ты страшен, и кто устоит пред лицем Твоим во время гнева Твоего?
You alone are to be feared. Who may stand before You when You are angry?
8 ( 75-9) С небес Ты возвестил суд; земля убоялась и утихла,
You said from heaven who is guilty or not. The earth was afraid and quiet
9 ( 75-10) когда восстал Бог на суд, чтобы спасти всех угнетенных земли.
when God stood up to say who is guilty or not, and to save all the people of the earth who are not proud.
10 ( 75-11) И гнев человеческий обратится во славу Тебе: остаток гнева Ты укротишь.
For the anger of man will praise You. And You will keep what is left of anger around You.
11 ( 75-12) Делайте и воздавайте обеты Господу, Богу вашему; все, которые вокруг Него, да принесут дары Страшному:
Make promises to the Lord your God and keep them. Let all who are around Him bring gifts to Him, Who is to be feared.
12 ( 75-13) Он укрощает дух князей, Он страшен для царей земных.
He will cut off the spirit of princes. He is feared by the kings of the earth.