Job 14 ~ Job 14


1 Man who is born of woman lives only a short time and is full of trouble.

Ko te tangata i whanau i te wahine, he torutoru ona ra; ki tonu ano i te raruraru.

2 H e grows up and dries like a flower. He leaves like a shadow and does not stay.

Ano he puawai ia e puta mai ana, e kotia iho ana: rere ana ia, ano he atarangi, kahore hoki he tumautanga.

3 Y ou open Your eyes on him and decide about him.

E titiro mai ano ranei ou kanohi ki te penei? E mea ranei koe i ahau kia whakawa taua ki a taua?

4 W ho can make clean what is unclean? No one!

Ko wai hei homai i te mea ma i roto i te mea poke? Hore rawa.

5 A man’s days are numbered. You know the number of his months. He cannot live longer than the time You have set.

Kua rite na hoki nga ra mona: kei a koe te maha o ona marama; takoto rawa i a koe te tikanga mona, a e kore ia e whiti ki tua.

6 S o now look away from him that he may rest, until he has lived the time set for him like a man paid to work.

Tahuri ke atu te titiro i a ia, kia ai ona pariratanga, kia ata tutuki ai tona ra, kia rite ai ki o te kaimahi.

7 For there is hope for a tree, when it is cut down, that it will grow again, and that its branches will not stop growing.

Ka ai hoki he whakaaronga ki te rakau i tapahia, tera ano e pariri, e kore ano hoki e mutu te wana o tona pihi.

8 I ts roots grow old in the ground, and the base of the tree dies in the dry ground.

Ahakoa kua tawhitotia tona pakiaka a ki te whenua, a kua mate tona tinana i roto i te oneone;

9 B ut with water it will grow. Branches will grow from it like a plant.

Heoi ma te haunga o te wai ka pihi, ka kokiri ona peka ano ko ta te mea tupu.

10 B ut man dies and is laid low. Man dies, and where is he?

Ko te tangata ia, mate iho, marere noa iho; ae, ka hamo te tangata, a kei hea ia?

11 A s water goes into the air from the sea, and the river wastes away and dries up,

Pera i nga wai e he mai nei i te moana, i te awa e mimiti ana, ka maroke;

12 s o man lies down and does not get up again. Until the heavens are no more, he will not wake up or come out of his sleep.

E pera ana ano te tangata, e takoto ana a kahore he whakatikanga ake: kahore he marangatanga ake mo ratou, a kia kore ra ano nga rangi; e kore ano ratou e ara i to ratou moe.

13 If only You would hide me in the place of the dead! If only You would hide me until Your anger is past, and set a time for me and remember me!

Aue, kia huna noatia oti ahau e koe ki te po, kia waihotia noatia iho ahau e koe kia ngaro ana, kia hoki ra ano tou riri; kia rohea noatia mai e koe tetahi wa moku, a ka mahara mai ai ano ki ahau!

14 I f a man dies, will he live again? I will wait all the days of my trouble until a change comes.

Ki te mate te tangata, e ora ano ranei ia? Ka tatari ahau i nga ra katoa o toku ngananga, kia tae mai ra ano he whakaputanga moku.

15 Y ou will call and I will answer You. You will wait for the work of Your hands.

Mau e karanga, kia whakao atu ai ahau; kahore hoki e kore ka matenui koe ki te mahi a ou ringa.

16 F or now You number my steps. You do not write down my sin.

Inaianei hoki e taua ana e koe oku hikoinga; he teka ianei e matatau tonu mai ana koe ki toku hara?

17 M y sin is locked up in a bag. You cover my wrong-doing.

Hiri rawa toku he ki roto ki te putea, tuitui rawa e koe toku kino.

18 But the mountain falls and breaks apart to nothing. The rock moves from its place.

He pono ko te maunga e horo ana e memeha noa ake ana, e nekehia ana te toka i tona wahi;

19 W ater wears away the stones. Its floods wash away the dust of the earth. So You destroy man’s hope.

E ngau ana te wai i nga kohatu; ma tona puhaketanga e horoi atu te puehu o te whenua; a whakangaromia iho e koe te tumanako a te tangata.

20 Y ou have power over him forever, and he leaves. You change what he looks like and send him away.

Taea ana ia e koe ake tonu atu, a pahure ana ia; puta ke ana i a koe tona mata, a tonoa atu ana ia kia haere.

21 H is sons receive honor, but he does not know it. Or they lose honor, but he does not see it.

Ko te whakahonoretanga o ana tama, kahore e mohiotia e ia; ka hoki iho ratou hei ware, heoi kahore tetahi aha o ratou e maharatia e ia.

22 H is body gives him pain, and he has sorrow only for himself.”

E mamae ano ia te kikokiko o tona tinana, a ka tangi tona wairua i roto i a ia.