Isaiah 51 ~ Isaiah 51


1 Listen to me, you who are following what is right and good, and who are looking for the Lord. Look to the rock from which you were cut out, and to the hole from which you were dug.

Whakarongo ki ahau, e koutou e whai na i te tika, e rapu na i a Ihowa; titiro ki te kohatu i haua mai ai koutou, ki te poka i te rua i keria mai ai koutou.

2 L ook to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain. When he was but one, I called him. Then I brought good to him and made him many.”

Titiro ki a Aperahama, ki to koutou matua, ki a Hera hoki i whanau ai koutou: he kotahi hoki ia, karangatia ana ia e ahau, manaakitia ana, whakanuia ana.

3 F or the Lord will comfort Zion. He will comfort all her waste places. He will make her desert like Eden, like the garden of the Lord. Joy and happiness will be found in her. There will be much giving of thanks and much singing.

Ta te mea kua whakamarie a Ihowa i Hiona; kua whakamarie ia i ona wahi katoa ka ururuatia, kua mea hoki i tona wahi koraha kia rite ki Erene, i tona wahi titohea kia rite ki te kari a Ihowa; he koa, he hari, ka kitea i roto, he whakawhetai, me te reo hoki e waiata ana.

4 Listen to Me, O My people. Hear Me, O My nation. The Law will go out from Me and My Law will be a light to the people.

Whakarongo ki ahau, e aku tangata, kia whai taringa ki ahau, e taku iwi: ka puta atu hoki he ture i roto i ahau, ka takoto ano i ahau taku whakawa hei whakamarama mo nga iwi.

5 M y being right and good is near. My saving power has gone out, and My arms will judge the people. The islands will wait for Me. They will trust with hope for My arm.

Kei te tata mai toku tika; kua puta taku whakaora, ma oku ringa e whakawa mo nga iwi: ka tatari ki ahau nga motu, ka okioki ki toku ringa.

6 L ift up your eyes to the sky, and look to the earth below. For the sky will go away like smoke. And the earth will wear out like a piece of clothing and those who live in it will die like flies. But My saving power will be forever. My being right and good will not come to an end.

Anga ake o koutou kanohi ki nga rangi, tirohia iho te whenua i raro; ka memeha atu hoki nga rangi, ano he paowa, ka tawhitotia te whenua, me he kakahu, ko te hunga hoki e noho ana i reira ka apena te mate: ko taku whakaoranga ia ka mau tonu: e ko re ano toku tika e heke.

7 L isten to Me, you who know what is right and good, you people who have My Law in your hearts. Do not fear the shame of strong words from man. Do not be troubled when they speak against you.

Whakarongo ki ahau, e koutou e mohio na ki te tika, e te hunga kei o koutou ngakau nei taku ture; kei wehi i te tawai a te tangata, kei numinumi i a ratou taunu.

8 F or the moth will eat them like a piece of clothing. And the worm will eat them like wool. But My being right and good will be forever. My saving power will be to all children’s children to come.”

Ka kai hoki te purehurehu i a ratou, ano he kakahu, ka pau ratou, ano he huruhuru hipi i te huhu: ka mau tonu ia toku tika, taku whakaora ki nga whakapaparanga katoa.

9 A wake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord. Awake as in the days of old, as You did with the people who lived long ago. Was it not You Who cut Rahab in pieces, and Who cut through the big dragon?

Maranga, maranga, kakahuria te kaha, e te ringa o Ihowa! maranga, kia rite ki nga ra o mua ra, ki nga whakatupuranga onamata. Ehara oti i a koe nana i kotikoti a Rahapa, i wero te tarakona?

10 W as it not You Who dried up the sea, the deep waters, and Who made a path through the deep sea for Your saved people to cross over?

Ehara oti i a koe nana i whakamaroke te moana, nga wai o te rire nui? ko nga wai hohonu o te moana waiho ake e koe hei huarahi haerenga mo te hunga kua oti te hoko.

11 S o the people, for whom the Lord paid the price to be saved, will return. They will come with songs of joy to Zion. Joy that lasts forever will be on their heads. They will receive joy and happiness, and sorrow and sad voices will hurry away.

Na, ko a Ihowa i hoko ai ka hoki mai, ka haere mai ki Hiona, me te waiata ano ratou: i runga i o ratou mahunga he hari e kore e mutu: ka whiwhi ratou ki te koa, ki te hari; a rere ana te pouri me te aue.

12 I, even I, am He Who comforts you. Who are you that you are afraid of a man who dies? Why are you afraid of the sons of men who are made like grass,

Ko ahau, ina, maku koutou e whakamarie; ko wai koe, e wehi na i te tangata e matemate nei, i te tama a te tangata ka meinga nei hei tarutaru?

13 t hat you have forgotten the Lord Who made you? He spread out the heavens and put the earth in its place. Why do you live in fear all day long because of the anger of the one who makes it hard for you as he makes ready to destroy? But where is his anger?

Ka wareware nei hoki ki a Ihowa, ki tou kaihanga, nana nga rangi i hora, nana i whakatakoto te turanga mo te whenua; ka pawera tonu koe i nga ra katoa i te riri o te kaiwhakawhiu, i te mea e anga mai ana ia ki te whakamate? a kei hea te riri o t e kaiwhakawhiu?

14 T he one in chains will soon be set free, and will not die in prison. And he will always have enough bread.

Hohoro tonu te wetekina o te herehere i whakaraua; e kore hoki ia e mate, e heke ki te poka, e kore hoki e whakakorea he taro mana.

15 F or I am the Lord your God, Who fills the sea with action so that its waves sound: The Lord of All is His name.

Ko Ihowa ia ahau, ko tou Atua, i whakakorikori nei i te moana, a hamama ana ona ngaru: ko Ihowa o nga mano tona ingoa.

16 I have put My words in your mouth, and have covered you with the shadow of My hand. I spread out the heavens and put the earth in its place, and say to Zion, ‘You are My people.’” No More Suffering for Jerusalem

A kua hoatu e ahau aku kupu ki tou mangai; kua hipokina koe ki te marumaru o toku ringa, kia whakatokia ai nga rangi, kia takoto ai te turanga mo te whenua, hei mea hoki ki Hiona, Ko koe taku iwi.

17 A wake! awake! Stand up, O Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the Lord’s hand the cup of His anger. You drank it down, and you had trouble walking.

Maranga, maranga, whakatika, e Hiruharama, i whakainumia nei e te ringa o Ihowa ki te kapu o tona riri: kua inu koe i nga nganga o te kapu wiri, he mea tatau nau.

18 T here is no one to lead her among all the sons born of her. There is no one to take her by the hand among all the sons she has brought up.

Kohore kau tetahi hei tautiti i a ia o nga tama katoa i whanau i roto i a ia; kahore hoki tetahi o nga tama i atawhaitia e ia hei pupuri i tona ringa.

19 T hese two things have come upon you: Being laid waste and destroyed, hunger and the sword. Who will have sorrow for you? How can I comfort you?

Ka rua enei mea ka pono nei ki a koe; ko wai hei tangi ki a koe/ ko te whakangaromanga, ko te wawahanga, ko te matekai, ko te hoari: me pehea taku whakamarie i a koe?

20 Y our sons have become weak and have fallen down. They cannot help themselves and they lie at the top of every street, like a deer in a net. The Lord has poured out His anger and sharp words upon them.

Kua hemo au tama; e takoto ana i te ahunga mai o nga ara katoa, ano he anaterope i roto i te kupenga; ki tonu ratou i te riri o Ihowa, i te whakatupehupehu o tou Atua.

21 S o hear this, you who are suffering, who are drunk, but not with wine.

Mo reira, whakarongo ki tenei, e koe kua tukinotia nei; e haurangi ana, raia, ehara i te haurangi waina.

22 Y our Lord, the Lord your God Who fights for His people, says, “See, I have taken out of your hand the cup that makes you have trouble walking. You will never drink from the cup of My anger again.

Ko te kupu tenei a tou Ariki, a Ihowa, ara a tou Atua, e tohe nei i ta tona iwi, Nana, ka tangohia e ahau te kapu wiri i tou ringa, nga nganga o te kapu o toku riri; e kore e inumia ano e koe a muri ake nei.

23 I will put it into the hand of those who make it hard for you, who have said to you, ‘Lie down that we may walk over you.’ You have made your back like the ground and like the street for them to walk over.”

A ka hoatu e ahau ki te ringa o te hunga e whakatupu kino nei i a koe, i mea ra ki tou wairua, Piko iho nei, kia haere atu ai matou; na kua whakatakotoria e koe tou tuara hei whenua, hei huarahi mo te hunga i haere atu ra.