1 O ur body is like a house we live in here on earth. When it is destroyed, we know that God has another body for us in heaven. The new one will not be made by human hands as a house is made. This body will last forever.
E matau ana hoki tatou, ki te wahia to tatou whare wharau, te mea whenua nei, he whare ano to tatou, he mea hanga na te Atua, ehara i te whare hanga e te ringa, he mea mau tonu, i nga rangi.
2 R ight now we cry inside ourselves because we wish we could have our new body which we will have in heaven.
He pono hoki i tenei e aue ana tatou, e hiahia ana ki to tatou whare o te rangi hei kakahu mo tatou:
3 W e will not be without a body. We will live in a new body.
Mehemea ia ki te whai kakahu tatou, e kore e rokohanga mai e noho tahanga ana.
4 W hile we are in this body, we cry inside ourselves because things are hard for us. It is not that we want to die. Instead, we want to live in our new bodies. We want this dying body to be changed into a living body that lasts forever.
Kei te aue hoki tatou, te hunga i tenei whare wharau, i te taimaha: ehara i te mea e hiahia ana kia unuhia o tatou nei, engari kia kakahuria iho kia horomia ai te mea matemate e te ora.
5 I t is God Who has made us ready for this change. He has given us His Spirit to show us what He has for us.
Na, ko te kaihanga i a tatou mo taua mea nei ano, ko te Atua, nana nei hoki i homai ki a tatou te wahi tuatahi, ara te Wairua.
6 W e are sure of this. We know that while we are at home in this body we are not with the Lord.
No reira i te mea e maia tonu ana tatou, e matau ana hoki, i a tatou e noho nei i te tinana, he mea motu ke mai i te Ariki ta tatou noho:
7 O ur life is lived by faith. We do not live by what we see in front of us.
Ko ta tatou haere hoki kei runga i te whakapono, kahore i runga i te titiro;
8 W e are sure we will be glad to be free of these bodies. It will be good to be at home with the Lord.
E mea ana ahau, e maia ana ano tatou, ko ta tatou hoki e tino pai ai, kia noho motu ke i te tinana, kia noho ai i te Ariki.
9 S o if we stay here on earth or go home to Him, we always want to please Him.
Koia hoki tatou ka whai nei, ahakoa i konei e noho ana, ahakoa e noho ke ana, kia ahuarekaina mai tatou e ia.
10 F or all of us must stand before Christ when He says who is guilty or not guilty. Each one will receive pay for what he has done. He will be paid for the good or the bad done while he lived in this body.
Kua takoto hoki te tikanga kia kitea tatou katoa ki mua i te nohoanga whakawa o te Karaiti; kia riro mai ai i tenei, i tenei, nga mea i mahia i te tinana, kia rite hoki ki tana i mahi ai, ahakoa pai, ahakoa kino.
11 B ecause of this, we know the fear of God. So we try to get men to put their trust in Christ. God knows us. I hope that your hearts know me well also.
Na, ka matau nei matou ki te wehi o te Atua, ka kukume matou i nga tangata, otira e kitea ana ano matou e te Atua; a e u ana toku whakaaro, kua kitea ano matou e o koutou hinengaro.
12 W e do not want to sound as if we think we are so important. Instead, we are making it easy for you to be proud of us. In that way, you will be able to tell them about us. They always talk about the way people look, but do not care about their hearts.
Ehara i te mea e whakapai ana ano matou i a matou ki a koutou, engari e korero ana hei hoatu i te take ki a koutou e whakamanamana ai koutou ki a matou, kia ai ai he mea hei whakautu ma koutou ki te hunga e whakamanamana ana ki to te kanohi, kah ore ki to te ngakau.
13 A re we crazy to talk like this? It is all because of what God has done. If we are using our minds well, it is for you.
Ahakoa hoki porangi matou, hei mea ia mo te Atua: ahakoa ranei tika o matou mahara, hei mea mo koutou.
14 F or the love of Christ puts us into action. We are sure that Christ died for everyone. So, because of that, everyone has a part in His death.
E akiakina ana hoki matou e te aroha o te Karaiti; i a matou e whakaaro ana i tenei, kotahi i mate mo te katoa, no reira he hunga mate te katoa;
15 C hrist died for everyone so that they would live for Him. They should not live to please themselves but for Christ Who died on a cross and was raised from the dead for them.
I mate hoki ia mo te katoa, kia kaua ai te hunga e ora ana e ora mo ratou ano a muri ake nei, engari mo tenei i mate nei mo ratou, a i ara ake ano.
16 S o from now on, we do not think about what people are like by looking at them. We even thought about Christ that way one time. But we do not think of Him that way anymore.
No reira a mua ake nei e kore matou e matau ki te tangata, ara ki tona kikokiko: ae ra, ahakoa matau matou ki a te Karaiti, ara ki tona kikokiko, otiia e kore matou e matau pena ki a ia a mua ake nei.
17 F or if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new person. The old life is gone. New life has begun.
Na ki te mea kei roto i a te Karaiti tetahi, he mahinga hou ia: kua pahemo nga mea tawhito, na kua hou nga mea katoa.
18 A ll this comes from God. He is the One Who brought us to Himself when we hated Him. He did this through Christ. Then He gave us the work of bringing others to Him.
Ko te putake ia o nga mea katoa ko te Atua, i hohou nei i ta tatou rongo ki a ia i runga i a te Karaiti, a homai ana e ia ki a matou te minitatanga o te houhanga rongo;
19 G od was in Christ. He was working through Christ to bring the whole world back to Himself. God no longer held men’s sins against them. And He gave us the work of telling and showing men this.
Ara, i roto te Atua i a te Karaiti e hohou ana i ta te ao rongo ki a ia, kore ake e whakairia ki a ratou o ratou he; a kua tukua mai ki a matou te kupu mo te houhanga rongo.
20 W e are Christ’s missionaries. God is speaking to you through us. We are speaking for Christ and we ask you from our hearts to turn from your sins and come to God.
Na he karere matou na te Karaiti, me te mea ano ko te Atua tenei kei roto i a matou e karanga ana; ko matou hei whakakapi mo te Karaiti ki te tohe atu kia koutou, kia hohia ta koutou rongo ki te Atua.
21 C hrist never sinned but God put our sin on Him. Then we are made right with God because of what Christ has done for us.
Ko ia, kihai nei i matau ki te hara, meinga ana hei hara mo tatou, kia meinga ai tatou ko te tika o te Atua i roto i a ia.