1 Kings 4 ~ 1 Kings 4


1 N ow King Solomon was the king of all Israel.

Na ko Kingi Horomona te kingi o Iharaira katoa.

2 T hese were the king’s men. Azariah the son of Zadok was the religious leader.

A ko ana rangatira enei; ko Ataria tama a Haroko te tohunga;

3 S hisha’s sons Elihoreph and Ahijah were the heads of meetings. Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was the one who wrote down the things of the nation.

Ko Erihorepe raua ko Ahia nga kaituhituhi, he tama na Hiha; ko Iehohapata tama a Ahiruru te kaiwhakamahara;

4 B enaiah the son of Jehoiada was captain of the army. Zadok and Abiathar were religious leaders.

Ko Penaia tama a Iehoiara te rangatira ope; ko Haroko raua ko Apiatara nga tohunga;

5 A zariah the son of Nathan was over the leaders. Zabud the son of Nathan was a religious leader and the king’s friend.

Ko Ataria tama a Natana te rangatira o nga kaitohutohu; ko Tapuru tama a Natana te tohunga, te takahoa o te kingi;

6 A hishar was head of the king’s house. And Adoniram the son of Abda was head of the men who were made to work.

Ko Ahihara te rangatira o te whare; ko Aronirama tama a Apara to nga takoha.

7 S olomon had twelve men over all Israel, who brought food for the king and those of his house. Each man had to bring food for one month in the year.

Na kotahi tekau ma rua nga kaitohutohu a Horomona mo Iharaira katoa, hei mea kai ma te kingi ratou ko tona whare: kotahi ano te marama mea kai o tetahi, o tetahi, i te tau.

8 T hese were their names. There was Ben-hur, in the hill country of Ephraim,

Na ko o ratou ingoa enei: ko Penehuru te whenua pukepuke o Eparaima:

9 a nd Ben-deker in Makaz. There were Shaalbim, Beth-shemesh, Elonbeth-hanan,

Ko Penerekara i Makaha, i Haarapimi, i Petehemehe, i Erono Petehanana:

10 B en-hesed in Arrubboth (Socoh and all the land of Hepher belonged to him),

Ko Penehehere i Arupoto; i a ia Hokoho me te whenua katoa o Hewhere:

11 a nd Ben-abinadab in all Naphath-Dor (Solomon’s daughter Taphath was his wife).

Ko Pene Apinarapa i te taupae katoa o Roro; i a ia a Tapata tamahine a Horomona hei wahine mana:

12 T here was Baana the son of Ahilud, in Taanach and Megiddo and all Beth-shean which is beside Zarethan below Jezreel, from Beth-shean to Abel-meholah as far as the other side of Jokmeam.

Ko Paana tama a Ahiruru i Taanaka, i Mekiro, i Peteheana katoa, tera i Taretana i raro i Ietereere, o Peteheana atu a tae noa ki Aperemehora, ki tua atu o Iokomeama:

13 T here was Bengeber in Ramoth-gilead. (The towns of Manasseh’s son Jair which are in Gilead were his. And he had the land of Argob in Bashan, where there were sixty big cities with walls and locks of brass.)

Ko Penekepere i Ramoto Kireara: i a ia nga pa o Haira tama a Manahi i Kireara; i a ia nga wahi i Arakopa i Pahana, e ono tekau nga pa nunui, taiepa rawa, tutaki rawa ki te parahi:

14 T here was Ahinadab the son of Iddo in Mahanaim,

Ko Mahanaima i a Ahinarapa tama a Iro:

15 A himaaz in Naphtali (who married Solomon’s daughter Basemath),

I Napatari a Ahimaata; i tangohia ano hoki e ia a Pahemata tamahine a Horomona hei wahine mana:

16 a nd Baana the son of Hushai in Asher and Bealoth.

I Ahera, i Aroto a Paana tama a Huhai:

17 A nd there was Jehoshaphat the son of Paruah in Issachar,

I Ihakara a Iehohapata tama a Parua:

18 S himei the son of Ela in Benjamin,

Ko Himei tama a Eraha i Pineamine:

19 a nd Geber the son of Uri in the land of Gilead, the country of Sihon king of the Amorites and of Og king of Bashan. He was the only leader in the land. Solomon’s Riches

Ko Kepere tama a Uri i te whenua o Kireara, i te whenua o Hihona kingi o nga Amori raua ko Oka kingi o Pahana; ko ia anake hoki te kaitohutohu o te whenua.

20 T here were many people in Judah and Israel, as much as the sand beside the sea. They were eating and drinking and full of joy.

Na tini iho a Hura raua ko Iharaira, me te onepu i te taha o te moana te tini, kai ana ratou, inu ana, hari ana.

21 S olomon ruled over all the nations from the Euphrates River to the land of the Philistines and to the land of Egypt. They brought taxes and worked for Solomon all the days of his life.

Na ko Horomona te kingi o nga kingitanga katoa, o te awa a tae noa ki te whenua o nga Pirihitini, ki te rohe ra ano o Ihipa: i mau hakari mai ano ratou, a mahi ana i nga mahi a Horomona i nga ra katoa i ora ai ia.

22 T he food brought to Solomon for one day was 300 baskets of fine flour, 600 baskets of seeds,

Na, ko te kai a Horomona o te ra kotahi, e toru tekau mehua paraoa pai, e ono tekau mehua paraoa ke;

23 t en fat bulls, twenty grass-fed bulls, 100 sheep, and deer, gazelles, roebucks and fat birds.

Kotahi tekau nga kau, he mea momona, e rua tekau nga kau o nga haerenga kau, kotahi rau nga hipi, apititia iho ki nga hata, ki nga kakera, ki nga ropaka, ki nga manu whangai.

24 S olomon ruled over everything west of the Euphrates River, from Tiphsah to Gaza. He ruled over all the kings west of the Euphrates. And he had peace around him on all sides.

Ko ia hoki te kingi i runga i te takiwa i tenei taha katoa o te awa, o Tipiha, tae noa ki Kaha, i runga ano i nga kingi katoa o tenei taha o te awa: a he rongo mau i ona taha katoa.

25 S o Judah and Israel were safe. Every man was safe under his vine and fig tree, from Dan to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.

A noho hu noa iho a Hura raua ko Iharaira, tera, tera, i raro i tana waina, i tana piki, no Rana mai ano a Peerehepa atu ana, i nga ra katoa o Horomona.

26 S olomon had 40, 000 rooms for his war-wagon horses, and 12, 000 horsemen.

Na e wha tekau mano nga turanga a Horomona mo nga hoiho o ona hariata, kotahi tekau ma rua mano nga kaieke hoiho.

27 T hose leaders brought food for King Solomon and all who came to his table, each during his month. They made sure nothing was missing.

A na aua kaitohutohu i mea he kai ma Kingi Horomona, ma te hunga katoa e haere ana ki te tepu a Kingi Horomona, tenei tangata i tona marama, tenei tangata i tona marama: kahore he mea i kore i a ratou.

28 T hey brought barley and straw for the fast horses and the war-wagon horses, where it was needed. Each man did the work he had been given to do.

I kawea mai ano e ratou he parei, he kakau witi, ma nga hoiho, ma nga muera, ki te wahi i reira nei nga kaitohutohu, ia tangata ki tana mahi.

29 G od gave Solomon wisdom and much understanding and learning, as much as the sand beside the sea.

Na homai ana e te Atua he mohio ki a Horomona, me te mahara nui rawa, me te ngakau nui, koia ano kei te onepu i te taha o te moana.

30 S olomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt.

Nui atu hoki te mohio o Horomona i te mohio o nga tama katoa o te rawhiti, i te mohio katoa o Ihipa.

31 H e was wiser than all men, than Ethan the Ezrahite, Heman, Calcol, Darda, and the sons of Mahol. His name was known in all the nations around him.

Nui atu hoki tona mohio i to nga tangata katoa; i to Etana Eterahi, i to Hemana, i to Karakoro, i to Rarara, ara i to nga tama a Mahoro; a paku ana tona ingoa ki nga iwi katoa a tawhio noa.

32 H e spoke 3, 000 wise sayings and wrote 1, 005 songs.

Na e toru mano nga whakatauki i korerotia e ia; a ko ana waiata kotahi mano ma rima.

33 H e spoke of trees, from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows on the wall. He spoke of animals, birds, things that moved upon the ground, and fish.

I korerotia ano e ia nga rakau, te hita i Repanona, a tae iho ana ki te hihopa e tupu nei ki te taiepa: i korerotia ano e ia nga kararehe, nga manu, nga mea ngoki, me nga ika.

34 M en came from all nations to hear the wisdom of Solomon. They came from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.

A ka haere mai etahi i nga iwi katoa ki te whakarongo ki te mohio o Horomona, i nga kingi katoa o te whenua i rongo nei ki tona mohio.