Revelation 18 ~ Revelation 18


1 T hen I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had much power. The earth was made bright with his shining-greatness.

A muri iho i enei mea ka kite ahau i tetahi atu anahera e heke iho ana i te rangi, he mana nui tona; marama tonu hoki te ao i tona kororia.

2 H e cried out with a loud voice, “The big and powerful city of Babylon is destroyed. Demons and every kind of unclean spirit live there. Unclean birds that are hated are there.

He nui hoki tona reo ki te karanga, ki te mea, Kua horo, kua horo a Papurona nui, kua meinga hei kainga rewera, hei whare herehere hoki mo nga wairua poke katoa, hei whare herehere mo nga manu poke katoa, mo nga manu whakarihariha.

3 F or she gave her wine to the nations of the world. It was the wine of her desire for sex sins. The kings of the earth have done these sex sins with her. The men of the earth who buy and sell have become rich from the riches she received while living in sin.”

Na te waina hoki o te riri o tona moepuku i horo ai nga tauiwi katoa; i moepuku hoki nga kingi o te whenua ki a ia, a kua whiwhi nui nga kaihoko o te ao i te taonga i te nui o ana mea whakaahuareka.

4 I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out from her, my people. Do not be a part of her sins so you will not share her troubles.

I rongo ano ahau i tetahi atu reo i te rangi, e mea ana, Puta mai koutou i roto i a ia, e toku iwi, kei uru tahi koutou ki ona hara, kei pangia koutou e ona whiu:

5 F or her sins are as high as heaven. God is ready to punish her for her sins.

Kua tutuki hoki ona hara ki te rangi, kua mahara te Atua ki ana mahi he.

6 P ay her back for what she has paid you. Give back to her twice as much for what she has done. In her own cup give her twice as much as she gave.

Hoatu ki a ia tana i homai ai ki a koutou, takiruatia nga mea mona, kia rite ki ana mahi: ko te kapu i whakakiia e ia kia rua a koutou whakakinga mona.

7 G ive her as much trouble and suffering as the fun and the rich living she chose for herself. In her heart she says, ‘I sit here like a queen. I am not a woman whose husband has died. I will never have sorrow.’

Na kia rite ki tana whakanuinga i a ia, ki tona toreretanga ki ana mea whakaahuareka, kia pera ano te mamae me te pouri e hoatu e koutou ki a ia: e mea ana hoki ia i tona ngakau, E noho ana ahau hei kuini, ehara hoki ahau i te pouaru, e kore ano hoki ahau e kite i te pouri.

8 B ecause of this, troubles of death and sorrow and no food will come to her in one day. She will be burned with fire. For the Lord God is powerful. He is the One Who says she is guilty. Kings Cry Because of Babylon

Mo konei ano ka tae mai ona whiu i te ra kotahi, te mate, te pouri, te matekai; a ka tahuna ia kia pau rawa i te ahi: he kaha hoki te Ariki, te Atua, e whakawa nei i a ia.

9 Then the kings of the earth will cry for her and be sorry when they see the smoke of her burning. They are the ones who did sex sins with her and lived as rich people.

A, ko nga kingi o te ao i moepuku nei ki a ia, i torere ngatahi nei ki ana mea whakaahuareka, tera e tangi ki a ia, e aue ki a ia, ina kite ratou i te paoa o tona tahunga;

10 T hey stand a long way from her because they are afraid of her sufferings. They say, ‘It is bad! It is bad for the big and powerful city of Babylon. For in one hour she is destroyed.’

Ka tu mai ratou i tawhiti i te wehi ki tona whakamamae, ka mea, Aue, aue, te pa nui, Papurona, te pa kaha! kua tae mai hoki tou whakawa i te haora kotahi.

11 T he men of the earth who buy and sell are sorry for her and cry. They cry because there is no one to buy their things anymore.

Ka tangi ano hoki nga kaihoko o te whenua, ka aue ki a ia; no te mea kahore atu he tangata hei hoko i ta ratou utanga;

12 T hey sold gold and silver and stones worth much money and pearls. They sold fine linen and purple and red silk cloth. They sold all kinds of perfumed wood. They sold things made from the teeth of animals and things made from wood that cost much money. They sold brass and iron and stone.

I te utanga o te koura, o te hiriwa, o te kohatu utu nui, o te peara, o te rinena pai, o te papura, o te hiraka, o te kahu whero; me nga rakau taina katoa, me nga tini oko rei, me nga tini oko rakau utu nui whakaharahara, oko parahi, rino, maper e,

13 T hey sold spices and perfumes of all kinds. They sold wine and olive oil and fine flour and wheat. They sold cows and sheep and horses and wagons. They sold men who are not free and they sold the lives of men.

Me te hinamona, me nga mea kakara, me te hinu kakara, me te parakihe, me te waina, me te hinu, me te paraoa pai, me te witi, me nga kararehe, me nga hipi; me te utanga o nga hoiho, o nga hariata, o nga pononga; me nga wairua tangata.

14 T hey say to her, ‘All the good things you wanted so much are gone from you. Your riches are gone. The things you liked so much are gone. You will never have them again.’

Heoi ko nga hua i matea nuitia e tou ngakau kua mawehe atu i a koe, a kua mahue hoki koe i nga mea reke katoa, i nga mea papai, a heoi ano te kitenga o aua mea e te tangata.

15 T he men of the earth who became rich by buying and selling in that city will stand a long way back because they are afraid of her sufferings. They will cry and have sorrow.

Ko nga kaihoko o enei mea, kua whai taonga nei i a ia, ka tu mai ratou i tawhiti i te wehi ki tona whakamamae, me te tangi, me te aue ano ratou,

16 T hey will say, ‘It is bad! It is bad for that powerful city. She dressed in fine linen of purple and red. She covered herself with gold and pearls and stones worth much money.

Me te ki, Aue, aue, te pa nui, i kakahuria ki te rinena pai, ki te papaura, ki te whero, i tataitia ki te koura, ki te kohatu utu nui, ki nga peara!

17 F or in one hour her riches are destroyed.’ The captain of every ship and all who traveled on ships and all who worked on ships stood a long way back.

Kotahi tonu hoki te haora a moti rawa iho taua taonga nui. Na ko nga rangatira kaipuke katoa, ko te hunga katoa e rere ana ra te kaipuke ki ia wahi, ko nga kaiwhakatere kaipuke, me te hunga katoa ano kei te moana a ratou mahi, tu mai ana ratou i tawhiti,

18 T hey cried out as they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘Has there ever been such a city as powerful as this one?’

Me te karanga ano ratou i to ratou kitenga i te paoa o tona tahunga, me te ki, Ko tehea pa i rite ki tenei pa nui?

19 T hey threw dirt on their heads. They cried out with much sorrow and said, ‘It is bad! It is bad for the powerful city! She is the place where all those who owned ships on the sea became rich from all her riches. For in one hour everything is gone!’

Opehia ana hoki e ratou he puehu ki a ratou mahunga, kei te karanga ratou, me te tangi, me te aue, kei te mea, Aue, aue, te pa nui, i whai taonga ai i ona utu nui te hunga katoa he kaipuke a ratou i te moana! kotahi tonu nei hoki te haora a moti rawa iho.

20 Be full of joy because of her, O heaven! Be full of joy, you who belong to God and missionaries and early preachers! For God has punished her for what she did to you.”

Kia hari ki a ia, e te rangi, e te hunga tapu, e nga apotoro, e nga poropiti ano hoki; kua whakaritea nei hoki e te Atua ta koutou whakawa i a ia.

21 T hen a strong angel picked up a large stone like those used for grinding wheat. He threw it into the sea, saying, “The big and strong city of Babylon will be thrown down like this. It will never be found again.

Katahi ka hapaingia ake e tetahi anahera kaha he kamaka i rite nei ki tetahi kamaka rahi no te mira, a maka ana e ia ki te moana, me te ki ano ia, Ka peneitia a Papurona, te pa nui, ka maka whakareretia atu, e kore ano hoki e kitea i muri nei.

22 T he sound of those playing on harps and on flutes and on horns will not be heard in you again. No workman doing any kind of work will be found in you again. The sound of the grinding-stone will not be heard in you again.

Na heoi ano rongonga i roto i a koe ki te reo o nga kaiwhakatangi hapa, o nga kaiwhakatakoto rangi waiata, o nga kaiwhakatangi i nga putorino, i nga tetere; e kore ano hoki e kitea i nga wa i muri nei tetahi kaimahi o nga tini mahi i roto i a ko e; e kore ano hoki e rangona i nga wa i muri nei te haruru o te kohatu mira i roto i a koe;

23 N o light will ever shine in you again. There will be no more happy voices from a wedding heard in you. Your men who bought and sold were the most powerful on earth. You fooled people over all the world by your witchcraft.

E kore ano hoki e whiti i nga wa i muri nei te marama o te rama i roto i a koe; e kore ano hoki e rangona i nga wa i muri nei te reo o te tane marena hou, o te wahine marena hou, i roto i a koe: ou kaihokohoko hoki ko nga tangata nunui o te ao; na au mahi makutu ano hoki i pohehe ai nga iwi katoa.

24 A nd in this city was found the blood of the early preachers and of those who belonged to God and of all those who had been killed on the earth.”

I kitea ano hoki i roto i a ia nga toto o nga poropiti, o te hunga tapu, o te hunga katoa hoki i whakamatea ki runga ki te whenua.