Jeremiah 7 ~ Jeremiah 7


1 T his word came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,

Ko te kupu i a Heremaia, he mea na Ihowa; i ki mai ia,

2 Stand in the gate of the Lord’s house and make this word known: ‘Hear the Word of the Lord, all you men of Judah who go through these gates to worship the Lord!’”

E tu ki te kuwaha o te whare o Ihowa, ka karanga i tenei kupu ki reira, ka mea, Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e Hura katoa e tomo nei ki enei kuwaha ki te koropiko ki a Ihowa.

3 T he Lord of All, the God of Israel, says, “Change your ways and your works for the better, and I will let you live in this place.

Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira, Whakapaia o koutou ara me a koutou mahi, a ka meinga e ahau kia noho koutou ki tenei wahi.

4 D o not trust the lies that say, ‘This is the house of the Lord, the house of the Lord, the house of the Lord.’

Kei whakawhirinaki ki nga kupu teka noa, kei ki, Ko te temepara o Ihowa, ko te temepara o Ihowa, ko te temepara o Ihowa enei.

5 F or if you for sure change your ways and what you do for the better, if you are fair as you judge between a man and his neighbor,

Ki te whakapaia rawatia hoki o koutou ara, me a koutou mahi; ki te mea ka tika rawa ta koutou whakarite whakawa i waenganui i te tangata raua ko tona hoa;

6 i f you do not make it hard for the stranger from another land, or the child whose parents have died, or the woman whose husband has died, and do not kill those who are not guilty in this place, and stop going after other gods, for that will destroy you,

Ki te kore koutou e tukino i te manene, i te pani, i te pouaru, a kahore e whakaheke i nga toto o te harakore ki tenei wahi, kahore hoki e haere, e whai i nga atua ke hei he mo koutou:

7 t hen I will let you live in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever.

Katahi ahau ka mea i a koutou kia noho ki tenei wahi, ki te whenua i hoatu e ahau ki o koutou matua inamata ake ake.

8 See, you are trusting in lies which cannot help you.

Nana, kei te whakawhirinaki na koutou ki nga kupu teka, kahore nei he pai.

9 W ill you steal, kill, do sex sins, make false promises, give gifts to the false god Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known,

E tahae ranei koutou, e patu tangata, e puremu? e oati teka ranei? e tahu whakakakara ranei ki a Paara, e whai ranei i nga atua ke kihai i matauria e koutou;

10 a nd then come and stand before Me in this house which is called by My name, and say, ‘We are safe and free!’ and still do all these hated sins?

A ka haere mai, ka tu ki toku aroaro i tenei whare kua huaina nei ki toku ingoa, ka mea, Kua ora matou; kia mahi ai koutou i enei mea whakarihariha katoa?

11 H as this house which is called by My name become a place of robbers in your eyes? See, I Myself have seen it,” says the Lord.

Ki ta koutou titiro kua waiho koia hei ana mo nga kaipahua tenei whare kua huaina nei ki toku ingoa? Nana, kua kite ahau, ahau nei ano, e ai ta Ihowa.

12 But go now to the place in Shiloh where I first made a place for My name. And see what I did to it because of the sin of My people Israel.

Engari haere ra ki toku wahi i Hiro, ki te wahi i whakanohoia mataatitia ai e ahau toku ingoa, tirohia taku i mea ai ki reira mo te kino o taku iwi, o Iharaira.

13 N ow you have done all these things,” says the Lord. “I spoke to you again and again, but you did not hear. I called you but you did not answer.

Na, inaianei, i ta koutou meatanga i enei mea katoa, e ai ta Ihowa, i korero ano ahau ki a koutou; maranga wawe ana ahau, korero ana, heoi kihai koutou i rongo mai; karanga ana ahau ki a koutou, a kihai i utua taku;

14 S o as I did to Shiloh, I will do to the house that is called by My name and in which you trust, and to the place that I gave you and your fathers.

Na, ko taku e mea ai ki tenei whare i huaina nei ki toku ingoa, ki ta koutou e whakawhirinaki nei, ki te wahi ano i hoatu nei e ahau ki a koutou, ki o koutou matua, ka rite ki taku i mea ai ki Hiro.

15 I will send you away from My eyes, as I have sent away all your brothers, all the children of Ephraim. Israel Does Not Obey

Ka akiritia atu ano koutou e ahau i toku aroaro, ka peratia me taku akiritanga i o koutou teina katoa, i nga uri katoa o Eparaima.

16 As for you, do not pray for these people. Do not lift up a cry or prayer for them. Do not speak with Me about them, for I do not hear you.

Heoi, kaua koe e inoi mo tenei iwi; kei ara hoki tetahi tangi, tetahi kupu wawao au mo ratou, kaua hoki ahau e whakamarietia, no te mea e kore ahau e rongo ki a koe.

17 D o you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?

Kahore ianei koe i te kite i ta ratou e mea nei i nga pa o Hura, i nga ara ano o Hiruharama?

18 T he children gather wood. The fathers make the fire. And the women make bread and cakes for the queen of heaven. They pour out drink gifts to other gods to make Me angry.

Ko nga tamariki kei te kohikohi wahie, ko nga matua kei te whakau i te ahi, ko nga wahine kei te pokepoke i te paraoa hei hanga i etahi keke, he mea ki te kuini o te rangi, riringi tonu iho i te ringihanga ki nga atua ke, hei whakapataritari i a hau.

19 D o they make Me angry?” says the Lord. “Is it not themselves they hurt, to their own shame?”

He whakapataritari ranei ta ratou ki ahau? e ai ta Ihowa; te teka ianei ki a ratou ano, a whakama iho o ratou mata?

20 S o the Lord God says, “See, My anger will be poured out on this place, on man and animal, on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground. It will burn and not be stopped.”

Na, ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa, Nana, ka ringihia toku riri, toku aritarita, ki runga ki tenei wahi, ki runga ki te tangata, ki te kararehe, ki te rakau o te mara, ki nga hua o te oneone; a ka ngiha, e kore ano e tineia.

21 T he Lord of All, the God of Israel, says, “Add your burnt gifts to the animals you kill on the altar, and eat the flesh.

Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira, Ko a koutou tahunga tinana tapiritia iho ki runga ki a koutou patunga tapu, kainga hoki he kikokiko.

22 F or when I brought your fathers out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak to them or tell them what to do about burnt gifts and animals killed on the altar.

Kahore hoki aku korero ki o koutou matua, kahore aku whakahau ki a ratou i te ra i kawea mai ai ratou e ahau i te whenua o Ihipa, mo nga tahunga tinana, mo nga patunga tapu.

23 B ut I did tell them, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people. Walk in all the way that I tell you, that it may be well with you.’

Engari ko te kupu tenei i whakahaua e ahau ki a ratou; i ki ahau, Whakarongo ki toku reo, a hei Atua ahau mo koutou, ko koutou hoki hei iwi maku, me haere ano koutou i runga i te ara katoa ka whakahaua nei e ahau ki a koutou, kia whiwhi ai ki te pai.

24 Y et they did not obey or listen, but walked in the way they wanted to and in the strong-will of their sinful heart. They only stepped back and did not go on.

Otiia kihai ratou i rongo, kihai ano i tahuri to ratou taringa; na haere ana ratou i runga i o ratou ake whakaaro, i nga tikanga pakeke o o ratou ngakau kino; ko ta ratou he anga ki muri, kihai hoki i anga ki mua.

25 S ince the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have sent you all My servants who speak for Me. I have risen up early and sent them day after day.

No te ra i haere mai ai o koutou matua i te whenua o Ihipa tae mai ki tenei ra taku tononga atu i aku pononga katoa, i nga poropiti, ki a koutou, maranga wawe ana ahau i tenei ra, i tenei ra, unga ana ratou e ahau.

26 Y et they did not listen to Me or turn their ear to Me, but made their neck hard. They sinned more than their fathers. Israel’s Sinful Actions

Heoi kihai ratou i rongo ki ahau, kihai ano i tahuri to ratou taringa; na whakapakeketia ana e ratou to ratou kaki: kino iho ta ratou i ta o ratou matua.

27 You will speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You will call to them, but they will not answer you.

Na mau e korero enei kupu katoa ki a ratou, e kore ia ratou e rongo ki a koe: karanga ki a ratou; e kore ano e utua tau.

28 A nd you will say to them, ‘This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the Lord their God or receive His strong teaching. They have lost the truth. It has been cut off from their mouth.

A me ki atu ki a ratou, Ko te iwi tenei kihai nei i rongo ki te reo o Ihowa, o to ratou Atua, kihai hoki i pai ki te ako: kua kore te pono, kua tapahia atu i to ratou mangai.

29 C ut off your hair and throw it away. And cry in sorrow on the open hill-tops. For the Lord has turned away and left the people who made Him angry.’

Waruhia ou makawe, e Hiruharama, maka atu, anga atu ki te tangi ki runga ki nga wahi tiketike: kua paopaongia nei hoki e Ihowa, kua whakarerea te whakatupuranga i riri ai ia.

30 F or the sons of Judah have done what is sinful in My eyes,” says the Lord. “They have put their hated things in the house that is called by My name, to make it unclean.

He kino hoki te mahi a nga tama a Hura ki taku titiro, e ai ta Ihowa; whakaturia ake e ratou a ratou mea whakarihariha ki te whare kua huaina nei ki toku ingoa, whakapokea iho e ratou.

31 A nd they have built the high places of Topheth, in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and daughters in the fire. I did not tell them to do this. It did not come into My mind.

Hanga ake e ratou nga wahi tiketike o Topete, o tera i te raorao o te tama a Hinomo, hei tahunga mo a ratou tama, mo a ratou tamahine ki te ahi; he mea kihai nei i whakahaua e ahau, kihai ano i puta ake i roto i toku ngakau.

32 S o the days are coming,” says the Lord, “when it will not be called Topheth any more, or the valley of the son of Hinnom. But it will be called the valley of Killing. For they will bury in Topheth because there is no other place.

Mo reira, na, kei te haere mai nga ra, e ai ta Ihowa, e kore ai e kiia i muri, Ko Topete, Ko te raorao o te tama a Hinomo, ranei; engari Ko te raorao i te parekura: ka tanu tangata hoki ratou ki Topete, a kia kore ra ano he wahi hei tanumanga.

33 T he dead bodies of these people will be food for the birds of the sky and for the wild animals of the earth. And no one will send them away in fear.

A ka waiho nga tinana o tenei iwi hei kai ma nga manu o te rangi, ma nga kararehe o te whenua; kahore hoki he kaiwhakawehi atu.

34 T hen in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, I will put an end to the voice of joy and the voice of happiness, the voice of the man to be married and the voice of the bride. For the land will become a waste.

Ka whakamutua ano e ahau i roto i nga pa o Hura, i nga ara ano o Hiruharama, te reo koa, te reo hari, te reo o te tane marena hou, te reo o te wahine marena hou: no te mea ka ururuatia te whenua.