Psalm 20 ~ Psalm 20


1 M ay the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe.

Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. He himene na Rawiri. Ma Ihowa e whakahoki he kupu ki a koe i te ra o te he; ma te ingoa o te Atua o Hakopa koe e tiaki;

2 M ay He send you help from the house of God, and give you strength from Zion.

Mana e tono mai he awhina mou i te wahi tapu, e whakau hoki koe i Hiona;

3 M ay He remember all your gifts of grain given on the altar in worship. And may He be pleased with your burnt gifts.

Mana e mahara ki au whakahere katoa, e manako ki au tahunga tinana. (Hera.

4 M ay He give you the desire of your heart, and make all your plans go well.

Mana e homai ki a koe ta tou ngakau e mea ai, e whakamana katoa hoki tau e wawata ai.

5 W e will sing for joy when you win. In the name of our God we will lift up our flags. May the Lord give you all the things you ask Him for.

Ka hari matou ki tau whakaoranga, ka whakatu hoki i o matou kara i runga i te ingoa o to matou Atua: ma Ihowa e whakarite au inoi katoa.

6 N ow I know that the Lord saves His chosen one. He will answer him from His holy heaven, with the saving power of His right hand.

Katahi ahau ka matau e whakaora ana a Ihowa i tana tangata i whakawahi ai, ka whakahoki kupu ia ki a ia i tona rangi tapu, me te kaha ano tona ringa matau ki te whakaora.

7 S ome trust in wagons and some in horses. But we will trust in the name of the Lord, our God.

Ko ta etahi he hariata, ko ta etahi he hoiho: ko tatou ia ka whakahua i te ingoa o Ihowa, o to tatou Atua.

8 T hey have fallen on their knees. But we rise up and stand straight.

Kua piko ratou, kua hinga: ko tatou ia kua ara, kua tu ki runga.

9 O Lord, save! May the King answer us when we call.

Whakaorangia, e Ihowa: kia whakahoki kupu mai te Kingi ina karanga matou.