Mark 1 ~ Mark 1


1 T he Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

Ko te timatanga o te rongopai o Ihu Karaiti, o te Tama a te Atua;

2 b egins with the words of the early preachers: “Listen! I will send My helper to carry the news ahead of you. He will make the way ready.

Ko te mea ia i tuhituhia i roto i ta Ihaia poropiti, Na ka tonoa e ahau taku karere i mua i tou aroaro, mana e whakapai tou ara i mua i a koe.

3 H is voice calls out in the desert, ‘Make the way ready for the Lord. Make the road straight for Him!’”

He reo no tetahi i te koraha e karanga ana, Whakapaia te huarahi o te Ariki, Whakatikaia ona ara.

4 J ohn the Baptist preached in the desert. He preached that people should be baptized because they were sorry for their sins and had turned from them. And they would be forgiven.

I haere mai a Hoani, ka iriiri i te koraha, ka kauwhau i te iriiri ripeneta hei murunga hara.

5 P eople from over all the country of Judea and from Jerusalem came to him. They told of their sins and were baptized by John in the Jordan River.

Na ka haere ki a ia te whenua katoa o Huria, me nga tangata o Hiruharama, a iriiria katoatia ana e ia ki te awa ki Horano, me te whaki ano i o ratou hara.

6 J ohn wore clothes made of hair from camels. He had a leather belt around him. His food was locusts and wild honey.

Na ko te kakahu o Hoani he huruhuru kamera, he hiako hoki te whitiki o tona hope; ko tana kai he mawhitiwhiti he honi koraha.

7 H e preached, saying, “One is coming after me Who is greater than I. I am not good enough to get down and help Him take off His shoes.

A i kauwhau ia, i mea, Tenei te haere mai nei i muri i ahau tetahi he kaha rawa ake i ahau, e kore ahau e tau ki te piko iho wewete ai i te here o ona hu.

8 I have baptized you with water. But He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” The Baptism of Jesus

Ko ahau nei, he iriiri taku i a koutou ki te wai: mana ia koutou e iriiri ki te Wairua Tapu.

9 J esus came to the Jordan River from the town of Nazareth in the country of Galilee. He was baptized by John.

A i aua ra ka haere mai a Ihu i Nahareta o Kariri, ka iriiria e Hoani ki Horano.

10 A s soon as Jesus came up out of the water, He saw heaven open up. The Holy Spirit came down on Him like a dove.

A, i taua wa ano i a ia e haere ake ana i te wai, ka kaite ia i nga rangi e wahia ana kia tuwhera, me te Wairua, ano he kukupa, e heke iho ana ki a ia:

11 A voice came from heaven and said, “You are My much-loved Son. I am very happy with You.” Jesus Was Tempted

A ka puta mai he reo no te rangi, e mea ana, Ko koe taku Tama i aroha ai, taku i ahuareka ai.

12 A t once the Holy Spirit sent Jesus to a desert.

A i reira pu ano ka tonoa ia e te Wairua ki te koraha.

13 H e was tempted by Satan for forty days there. He was with wild animals but angels took care of Him. Jesus Preaches in Galilee

A e wha tekau ona ra i reira i te koraha e whakamatautauria ana e Hatana; i roto ia i nga kararehe mohoao: ko nga anahera hoki ki te mahi mea mana.

14 A fter John the Baptist was put in prison, Jesus came to the country of Galilee. He preached the Good News of God.

Na, i muri i a Hoani i tukua ai ki te herehere, ka haere a Ihu ki Kariri, ka kauwhau i te rongopai o te Atua,

15 H e said, “The time has come. The holy nation of God is near. Be sorry for your sins, turn from them, and believe the Good News.” Jesus Calls Simon and Andrew

Ka mea, Kua rite tenei te wa, kua tata hoki te rangatiratanga o te Atua: ripeneta, whakaponohia te rongopai.

16 J esus was walking by the Sea of Galilee. He saw Simon and his brother Andrew putting a net into the sea. They were fishermen.

Na, i a ia e haere ana i te taha o te moana o Kariri, ka kite i a Haimona raua ko tona teina, ko Anaru, e maka ana i te kupenga ki te moana: he kaihao ika hoki raua.

17 J esus said to them, “Follow Me. I will make you fish for men!”

Na ka mea a Ihu ki a raua, Haere mai i muri i ahau, a maku korua e mea hei kaihao tangata.

18 A t once they left their nets and followed Him. Jesus Calls James and John

A mahue tonu ake i a raua nga kupenga, aru ana i a ia.

19 J esus went on a little farther. He saw James and his brother John who were sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat mending their nets.

A, haere tata atu ana i reira, ka kite ia i a Hemi, tama a Heperi, raua ko tona teina ko Hoani, i te kaipuke ano raua e ta ana i nga korenga o a ratou kupenga.

20 J esus called them and they left their father Zebedee. He was in the boat with men who were working for him. Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

Na karanga tonu atu ia i a raua: a mahue ake i a raua to raua matua a Heperi i te kaipuke me nga kaimahi, a haere ana i muri i a ia.

21 J esus and His followers went to the city of Capernaum on the Day of Rest. They went to the Jewish place of worship where Jesus taught the people.

A ka tomo ratou ki Kaperenauma; na haere tonu ia i te hapati ki te whare karakia, ka whakaako.

22 T he people were surprised and wondered about His teaching. He taught them as One Who had the right and the power to teach and not as the teachers of the Law.

A miharo ana ratou ki tana ako: i rite hoki tana ako i a ratou ki ta te tangata whai mana, kihai i rite ki ta nga karaipi.

23 T here was a man in the Jewish place of worship who had a demon. The demon cried out,

Na i to ratou whare karakia tetahi tangata, he wairua poke tona; a ka karanga ia,

24 What do You want of us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know Who You are. You are the Holy One of God.”

Ka mea, Kati ra, he aha ta matou ki a koe, e Ihu o Nahareta? kua tae mai ranei koe ki te whakangaro i a matou? e matau ana ahau ko wai koe, ko te Mea Tapu a te Atua.

25 J esus spoke sharp words to the demon and said, “Do not talk! Come out of the man!”

A ka riri a Ihu ki a ia, ka mea, Kati te korero, puta mai i roto i a ia.

26 T he demon threw the man down and gave a loud cry. Then he came out of him.

Na ka haehae te wairua kino i a ia, nui atu hoki tona reo ki te karanga, a puta ana mai i roto i a ia.

27 T he people were all surprised and wondered. They asked each other, “What is this? Is this a new teaching? He speaks with power even to the demons and they obey Him!”

A miharo noa ratou katoa, uiui ana ki a ratou ano, mea ana, He aha tenei? he aha tenei ako hou? mana tonu tana nei tono i nga wairua poke, a rongo rawa ki a ia.

28 A t once the news about Jesus went through all the country around Galilee. Peter’s Mother-In-law Healed

Na paku tonu atu tona rongo ki nga wahi katoa e tata ana ki Kariri.

29 J esus and His followers came out of the Jewish place of worship. Then they went to the house of Simon and Andrew. James and John went with them.

Na i reira tonu, i to ratou putanga mai i te whare karakia, tomo tonu atu ratou ko hemi, ko Hoani, ki te whare o Haimona raua ko Anaru.

30 T hey told Jesus about Simon’s mother-in-law who was in bed, very sick.

Na i te takoto te hungawai wahine o Haimona, he kirika, a korerotia tonutia atu ia e ratou ki a ia.

31 H e went and took her by the hand and raised her up. At once her sickness was gone. She got up and cared for them. Jesus Heals in Galilee

Heoi, i tona taenga atu, ka mau ki tona ringa, whakaarahia ana ia; mutu tonu ake tona kirika, ka tahuri ki te taka mea ma ratou.

32 I n the evening as the sun went down, the people took all who were sick to Jesus. They took those who had demons to Him.

Na i te ahiahi, i te toenetanga o te ra, ka mauria mai ki a ia nga turoro katoa, me te hunga e nohoia ana e nga rewera.

33 A ll the town gathered at the door.

A huihui katoa ana te pa ki te kuwaha.

34 J esus healed those who were sick of many kinds of diseases. He put out many demons. Jesus would not allow the demons to speak because they knew Who He was. Jesus Keeps On Preaching in Galilee

He tokomaha te hunga e ngaua ana e te tini o nga mate i whakaorangia e ia, he maha hoki nga rewera i peia; a kihai i tukua e ia nga rewera kia korero, no te mea i matau ratou ki a ia.

35 I n the morning before the sun was up, Jesus went to a place where He could be alone. He prayed there.

Na i te atatu, i mua noa atu o te awatea, ka ara ia, ka puta ki waho, ka haere ki te wahi koraha, ki reira inoi ai.

36 S imon and the others looked for Jesus.

Na ka whai a Haimona ratou ko ona hoa i a ia.

37 T hey found Him and said, “All the people are looking for You.”

A, ka kitea ia, ka mea ki a ia, E rapu ana nga tangata katoa i a koe.

38 J esus said to the followers, “Let us go to the towns near here so I can preach there also. That is why I came.”

Katahi ia ka mea ki a ratou, Tatou ka haere he wahi ke ki nga kainga tata, ki reira ahau kauwhau ai: ko taku hoki tera i haere mai ai.

39 H e went through Galilee. He preached in their places of worship and put out demons. Jesus Heals a Man with a Bad Skin Disease

Na ka tomo ia ki roto i o ratou whare karakia puta noa i Kariri, ka kauwhau, ka pei hoki i nga rewera ki waho.

40 A man came to Jesus with a bad skin disease. This man got down on his knees and begged Jesus, saying, “If You want to, You can heal me.”

A ka haere mai ki a ia tetahi repera, ka inoi ki a ia, tuku rawa nga turi ki a ia, ka mea, Ki te pai koe, e taea ahau e koe te mea kia ma.

41 J esus put His hand on him with loving-pity. He said, “I want to. Be healed.”

Na ka aroha a Ihu, ka totoro tona ringa, ka pa ki a ia, ka mea ki a ia, E pai ana ahau; kia ma koe.

42 A t once the disease was gone and the man was healed.

A, puaki kau tona reo, kua kore tona repera, na kua ma.

43 J esus spoke strong words to the man before He sent him away.

Na ka whakatupato ia ki a ia, a tonoa tonutia atu,

44 H e said to him, “Tell no one about this. Go and let the religious leader of the Jews see you. Give the gifts Moses has told you to give when a man is healed of a disease. Let the leaders know you have been healed.”

Ka mea atu hoki ki a ia, Kei korerotia tetahi mea ki te tangata: engari haere, kia kite te tohunga i a koe, a mauria atu mo tou whakamakanga nga mea i whakaritea e Mohi, hei mea whakaatu ki a ratou.

45 B ut the man went out and talked about it everywhere. After this Jesus could not go to any town if people knew He was there. He had to stay in the desert. People came to Him from everywhere.

Heoi, i tona putanga atu, ka anga ki te kororo nui haere, ka whakapuakina taua mea, a kihai a Ihu i ahei te haere nui ki te pa i muri iho, engari i noho ia i waho i nga wahi koraha: a haere ana mai ratou ki a ia i nga wahi katoa.