1 John 1 ~ 1 John 1


1 C hrist is the Word of Life. He was from the beginning. We have heard Him and have seen Him with our own eyes. We have looked at Him and put our hands on Him.

Ko te mea o te timatanga, ko ta matou i rongo ai, ko ta o matou kanohi i kite ai, ko ta matou i titiro atu ai, ko ta o matou ringaringa i whawha atu ai, ko nga mea o te Kupu o te ora;

2 C hrist Who is Life was shown to us. We saw Him. We tell you and preach about the Life that lasts forever. He was with the Father and He has come down to us.

I whakakitea mai hoki te ora, a kite ana matou, na ka whakaatu nei, ka kauwhau nei ki a koutou i te ora tonu, i tera i te Matua i mua, a kua whakakitea mai nei ki a matou;

3 W e are preaching what we have heard and seen. We want you to share together with us what we have with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.

Ko ta matou ra i kite ai, i rongo ai, e kauwhautia atu nei e matou ki a koutou, kia whakahoatia ai koutou ki a matou: na, ko to tatou whakahoanga kei te Matua, kei tana Tama hoki, kei a Ihu Karaiti.

4 W e are writing this to you so our joy may be full. Christians Are to Live in the Light

Na ka tuhituhia atu nei enei mea e matou ki a koutou, kia tino nui ai to koutou hari.

5 T his is what we heard Him tell us. We are passing it on to you. God is light. There is no darkness in Him.

Ko te korero ano tenei i rongo ai matou ki a ia, a ka korerotia atu nei e matou ki a koutou, na, he marama te Atua, kahore rawa hoki he pouri i a ia.

6 I f we say we are joined together with Him but live in darkness, we are telling a lie. We are not living the truth.

Ki te mea tatou e whakahoa ana tatou ki a ia, me te haere ano tatou i te pouri, e korero teka ana tatou, ehara hoki i te pono ta tatou e mahi nei;

7 I f we live in the light as He is in the light, we share what we have in God with each other. And the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, makes our lives clean from all sin.

Ki te haere ia tatou i te marama, me ia hoki e noho nei i te marama, na ka whakahoa tatou tetahi ki tetahi, e horoia ana ano o tatou hara katoa e nga toto o tana Tama, o Ihu Karaiti.

8 I f we say that we have no sin, we lie to ourselves and the truth is not in us.

Ki te mea tatou kahore o tatou hara, e whakapohehe ana tatou i a tatou ano, a kahore te pono i roto i a tatou.

9 I f we tell Him our sins, He is faithful and we can depend on Him to forgive us of our sins. He will make our lives clean from all sin.

Ki te whaki tatou i o tatou hara, e pono ana ia, e tika ana, a ka murua e ia o tatou hara, ka horoia atu hoki o tatou he katoa.

10 I f we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar. And His Word is not in our hearts.

Ki te mea tatou kahore tatou i hara, ka meinga ia he kaikorero teka, kahore hoki tana kupu i roto i a tatou.