Mark 11 ~ Mark 11


1 J esus and His followers were near Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives. They were in the towns of Bethphage and Bethany. Jesus sent two of His followers on ahead.

A, no ka tata ratou ki Hiruharama, ki Petapaki, ki Petani, a ka tae ki Maunga Oriwa, tokorua ana akonga i tonoa e ia,

2 H e said to them, “Go into the town over there. As soon as you get there, you will find a young donkey tied. No man has ever sat on it. Let the donkey loose and bring it here.

A i mea ia ki a raua, Haere ki te kainga e anga mai ana ki a korua: e tomo kau ki reira, ka kite korua i tetahi kuao e here ana, kahore ano kia nohoia e te tangata; wetekina, arahina mai.

3 I f anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing that?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it. He will send it back again soon.’”

A ki te ki mai tetahi tangata ki a korua, He aha tenei ka meinga ai e korua? ka mea atu, E mea ana te Ariki ki a ia mana: na ka tukua tonutia mai ki konei.

4 T he two followers went on their way. They found the young donkey tied by the door where two streets crossed. They took the rope off its neck.

Na haere ana raua, ka kite i te kuao e here ana ki te kuwaha i waho i te ara; a wetekina ana e raua.

5 S ome men were standing there. They said to the two followers, “Why are you taking the rope off that young donkey?”

A ka mea etahi o te hunga e tu ana i reira ki a raua, he aha ta korua e wewete na i te kuao?

6 T he two followers told them what Jesus had said and the men let them take the donkey.

Na ka korerotia e raua ki a ratou ta Ihu i mea ai: a tukua ana raua e ratou.

7 T hey brought it to Jesus and put their coats over it. Jesus sat on the donkey.

Ka arahina te kuao ki a Ihu, na wharikitia ana o raua kakahu ki runga ki a ia; a noho ana ia i runga.

8 M any people put their clothes down on the road. Others cut branches off the trees and put them down on the road.

Na he tokomaha i whariki i o ratou kakahu ki te ara: ko etahi i kokoti i nga manga o nga rakau, wharikitia ana ki te ara.

9 T hose who went in front and those who followed spoke with loud voices, “Greatest One! Great and honored is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!

Ko te hunga i haere i mua, me te hunga i haere i muri, i karanga, i mea, Ohana: Ka whakapaingia ia e haere mai ana i runga i te ingoa o te Ariki:

10 G reat is the coming holy nation of our father David. It will come in the name of the Lord, Greatest One in the highest heaven.”

Ka whakapaingia te rangatiratanga e haere mai ana, te rangatiratanga o to tatou matua o Rawiri: Ohana i runga rawa.

11 J esus came to Jerusalem and went into the house of God. He looked around at everything. Then He went with the twelve followers to the town of Bethany because it was late. The Fig Tree with No Fruit

Na ka tomo a Ihu ki Hiruharama, ki roto hoki ki te temepara: a, ka mutu tana tirotiro i nga mea katoa, ko te wa hoki o te ahiahi, ka haere ratou ko te tekau ma rua ki Petani.

12 T hey came from Bethany the next morning. Jesus was hungry.

Na, i te aonga ake, i a ratou kua puta i Petani, ka hiakai ia:

13 A long the road He saw a fig tree with leaves on it. He went over to see if it had any fruit. He saw nothing but leaves. It was not the right time for figs.

A, i tona kitenga i tetahi piki i tawhiti, he rau ona, ka haere ia, me kore e kitea tetahi mea i runga: a, no tona taenga, kihai i kitea e ia tetahi mea, he rau anake: ehara hoki i te wa o te piki.

14 J esus said to the tree, “Let no one ever again eat fruit from you.” His followers heard Him say it. Jesus Stops the Buying and the Selling in the House of God

Na ka oho a Ihu, ka mea ki taua rakau, Kaua rawa te tangata e kai i tetahi hua ou ake tonu atu; me te whakarongo ano ana akonga.

15 T hen they came to Jerusalem. Jesus went into the house of God. He began to make the people leave who were selling and buying in the house of God. He turned over the tables of the men who changed money. He turned over the seats of those who sold doves.

A ka tae ratou ki Hiruharama: na ka tomo a Ihu ki te temepara, ka anga ki te pei ki waho i te hunga e hoko atu ana, e hoko mai ana i roto i te temepara, a whakatahuritia ake nga tepu o nga kaiwhakawhitiwhiti moni, me nga nohoanga o nga kaihoko k ukupa;

16 H e would not allow anyone to carry a pot or pan through the house of God.

A kihai i tukua e ia kia mauria tetahi oko e te tangata ra te temepara.

17 H e taught them saying, “Is it not written, ‘My house is to be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? You have made it a place of robbers.”

A i whakaako ia, i mea ki a ratou, Kahore koia i tuhituhia, Ka kiia toku whare he whare inoi mo nga tauiwi katoa? otiia kua meinga nei e koutou hei ana mo nga kaipahua.

18 T he teachers of the Law and the religious leaders of the Jews heard it. They tried to find some way to put Jesus to death. But they were afraid of Him because all the people were surprised and wondered about His teaching.

I rongo hoki nga tohunga nui me nga karaipi, a ka rapu ki te pehea e whakangaromia ai ia: i mataku hoki ratou i a ia, no te mea i miharo te mano katoa ki tana ako.

19 W hen evening came, Jesus and His followers went out of the city. The Fig Tree Dries Up

A i nga ahiahi ka haere ia ki waho o te pa.

20 I n the morning they passed by the fig tree. They saw it was dried up from the roots.

A, i te ata i a ratou e haere ana, ka kite i te piki, kua maroke ake i nga pakiaka.

21 P eter remembered what had happened the day before and said to Jesus, “Teacher, see! The fig tree which You spoke to has dried up!”

Na ka mahara a Pita, ka mea ki a ia, E te Kaiwhakaako, na, te piki i kanga ra e koe, kua maroke.

22 J esus said to them, “Have faith in God.

Na ka whakahoki a Ihu, ka mea ki a ratou, Kia mau te whakapono ki te Atua.

23 F or sure, I tell you, a person may say to this mountain, ‘Move from here into the sea.’ And if he does not doubt, but believes that what he says will be done, it will happen.

He pono hoki taku e mea nei ki a koutou, Ki te mea tetahi ki tenei maunga, Kia ranga atu koe, kia whakataka ki te moana: e kore hoki e ruarua tona ngakau, engari ka whakapono ia tera e puta mai nga mea i kiia e ia; ka whiwhi ia ki tana i mea ai.

24 B ecause of this, I say to you, whatever you ask for when you pray, have faith that you will receive it. Then you will get it.

Koia ahau ka mea nei ki a koutou, Ko nga mea katoa e tono ai koutou ina inoi, me whakapono ka riro mai i a koutou, a ka whiwhi koutou.

25 W hen you stand to pray, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him. Then your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also.

A, ka tu koutou, ka karakia, ki te mea he take riri ta koutou ki tetahi, murua: kia murua ai hoki o koutou he e to koutou Matua i te rangi.

26 I f you do not forgive them their sins, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins.”

Na ki te kore koutou e muru, e kore ano to koutou Matua i te rangi e muru i o koutou he.

27 T hey came again to Jerusalem. Jesus was walking around in the house of God. The religious leaders and the teachers of the Law and other leaders came to Him.

Na ka tae ano ratou ki Hiruharama: a, i a ia e haereere ana i te temepara, ka haere mai ki a ia nga tohunga nui, me nga karaipi, me nga kaumatua:

28 T hey asked, “How do You have the right and the power to do these things? Who gave You the right and the power to do them?”

Ka mea ki a ia, Tena, te mana i meatia ai enei mea e koe? na wai hoki tenei mana i hoatu ki a koe, i mea ai koe i enei mea?

29 J esus said to them, “I will ask you one thing also. If you tell Me, then I will tell you by what right and power I do these things.

Na ka whakahoki a Ihu, ka mea ki a ratou, Maku hoki e ui ki a koutou kia kotahi kupu, ma koutou e whakahoki mai ki ahau, katahi ka korerotia e ahau ki a koutou te mana i mea ai ahau i enei mea.

30 W as the baptism of John from heaven or from men? Tell Me.”

Ko te iriiringa a Hoani, no te rangi, no te tangata ranei? korerotia mai ki ahau.

31 T hey talked among themselves. They said, “If we say from heaven, He will say, ‘Why did you not believe him?’

A ka korerorero ratou ki a ratou ano, ka mea, Ki te mea tatou, No te rangi; ka mea ia, ha, he aha koutou te whakapono ai ki a ia?

32 B ut how can we say, ‘From men’?” They were afraid of the people because everyone believed that John was one who spoke for God.

A ki te mea tatou, No te tangata; ka mataku ratou i te iwi: ki ta ratou katoa hoki he poropiti pono a Hoani.

33 S o they said, “We do not know.” Then Jesus said, “Then I will not tell you by what right and power I do these things.”

Na ka whakahoki ratou, ka mea ki a Ihu, Kahore matou e matau. Na ka mea a Ihu ki a ratou, E kore ano e korerotia e ahau ki a koutou te mana i mea ai ahau i enei mea.