Luke 12 ~ Luke 12


1 A t that time thousands of people gathered together. There were so many that they walked on each other. Jesus spoke to His twelve followers first, saying, “Look out! Have nothing to do with the yeast of the proud religious law-keepers which is pretending to be something it is not.

Na kei te huihui ano tera nga mano, tona tini, no ka takatakahi i a ratou ano, a ka anga ia ka korero i te tuatahi tonu ki ana akonga, ka mea, Kia tupato i te rewena o nga Parihi, ara i te tinihanga.

2 F or there is nothing covered up that will not be seen. There is nothing hidden that will not be known.

Kahore hoki he mea i hipokina e mahue te hura; kahore hoki tetahi mea ngaro e mahue te mohio.

3 W hat you have said in the dark will be heard in the light. What you have said in a low voice in a closed room will be spoken with a loud voice from the top of houses.

Mo konei ko ta koutou e korero ai i te pouri, ka rangona i te marama; ko ta koutou e kia ai ki te taringa i nga ruma i roto rawa, ka kauwhautia i runga o nga whare.

4 I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and then can do no more.

Na ko taku kupu tenei ki a koutou, e oku hoa, kaua e wehi ki te hunga e whakamate nei i te tinana, a muri iho kahore he mea e taea e ratou.

5 I will tell you the one to be afraid of. Be afraid of Him Who has power to put you into hell after He has killed you. Yes, I say to you, be afraid of Him!

Engari maku e whakaatu ki a koutou ta koutou e wehi ai: E wehi ki a ia kei a ia nei te mana, i muri i tana whakamatenga, ki te maka ki Kehena; ae ra hoki, ko taku kupu tenei ki a koutou, E wehi ki a ia.

6 Are not five small birds sold for two small pieces of money? God does not forget even one of the birds.

Kahore ianei e hokona nga pihoihoi e rima ki nga patene e rua? a kahore tetahi o ratou e wareware i te Atua?

7 G od knows how many hairs you have on your head. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many small birds.

Heoi kua oti katoa te tatau nga makawe katoa nei o o koutou matenga. Kaua e wehi: engari koutou i nga pihoihoi maha.

8 Also, I tell you, everyone who makes Me known to men, the Son of Man will make him known to the angels of God.

Ko taku kupu tenei ki a koutou, Ki te whakaae tetahi ki ahau i te aroaro o nga tangata, ka whakaaetia ano ia e te Tama a te tangata i te aroaro o nga anahera a te Atua:

9 B ut whoever acts as if he does not know Me and does not make Me known to men, he will not be spoken of to the angels of God. The Sin That Cannot Be Forgiven

Ki te whakakahore tetahi i ahau i te aroaro o nga tangata, ka whakakahoretia ano ia i te aroaro o nga anahera a te Atua.

10 Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven. Whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

Ki te korero tetahi he whakahe mo te Tama a te tangata, ka murua tona hara; tena ko te tangata e kohukohua ai te Wairua Tapu, e kore tona e murua.

11 W hen they take you to the places of worship and to the courts and to the leaders of the country, do not be worried about what you should say or how to say it.

Ki te kawea koutou ki nga whare karakia, ki nga rangatira, ki te hunga whai mana, kaua e manukanuka ki te pehea, ki te aha ranei e whakahoki atu ai koutou, ki ta koutou ranei e korero ai:

12 T he Holy Spirit will tell you what you should say at that time.”

Ma te Wairua Tapu hoki koutou e ako i taua haora ano ki nga mea e tika ana kia korerotia e koutou.

13 O ne of the people said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the riches that our father left us.”

Na ka mea tetahi i roto i te mano ki a ia, E te Kaiwhakaako, mea atu ki toku tuakana, kia wehea mai moku tetahi wahi o te kainga.

14 J esus said to him, “Friend, who has told Me to say who should get what?”

Na ko tana meatanga ki a ia, E te tangata nei, na wai ahau i mea hei kaiwhakawa, hei kaiwehewehe i waenganui i a koutou?

15 T hen Jesus said to them all, “Watch yourselves! Keep from wanting all kinds of things you should not have. A man’s life is not made up of things, even if he has many riches.” The Picture-Story of the Rich Fool

I mea ano ia ki a ratou, Kia mahara, kia tupato ki te apo: ehara i te mea ma te nui o nga taonga a te tangata e ora ai ia.

16 T hen He told them a picture-story, saying, “The fields of a rich man gave much grain.

Na ka korerotia e ia tetahi kupu whakarite ki a ratou, ka mea, Na he nui te hua o te whenua o tetahi tangata whai taonga:

17 T he rich man thought to himself, ‘What will I do? I have no place to put the grain.’

Na ka whakaaroaro ia i roto i a ia, Me pehea ahau? Kahore hoki oku wahi hei putunga mo aku hua.

18 T hen he said, ‘I know what I will do. I will take down my grain building and I will build a bigger one. I will put all my grain and other things I own into it.

A ka mea ia, Tenei taku e mea ai: ka wawahia e ahau oku whare witi, a ka hanga kia nui: a ka kohikohia ki reira aku hua katoa, me aku taonga:

19 A nd I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many good things put away in your building. It will be all you need for many years to come. Now rest and eat and drink and have lots of fun.”’

Katahi ahau ka mea ki toku wairua, E toku wairua, ka maha au mea papai kei te rongoa mo nga tau e maha; noho noa iho, e kai, e inu, kia koa te ngakau.

20 B ut God said to him, ‘You fool! Tonight your soul will be taken from you. Then who will have all the things you have put away?’

Otiia ka mea te Atua ki a ia, Kuware, ko a tenei po ano tangohia ai tou wairua i a koe: a ma wai nga mea kua pae na i a koe?

21 I t is the same with a man who puts away riches for himself and does not have the riches of God.” Jesus Teaches about the Cares of This Life

Na, ka pena te tangata e whakapuranga ana i te taonga mana ake, a kahore e hua tana whaka te Atua.

22 J esus said to His followers, “Because of this, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you are going to eat. Do not worry about your body, what you are going to wear.

Na ka mea ia ki ana akonga, Koia ahau ka mea nei ki a koutou, Kaua e manukanuka ki to koutou oranga, ki ta koutou e kai ai; ki te tinana ranei, ki ta koutou e kakahu ai.

23 L ife is worth more than food. The body is worth more than clothes.

Rahi atu te ora i te kai, me te tinana i te kakahu.

24 L ook at the birds. They do not plant seeds. They do not gather grain. They have no grain buildings for keeping grain. Yet God feeds them. Are you not worth more than the birds?

Whakaaroa nga rawene; kahore nei e whakato, kahore e kokoti, kahore a ratou pakoro, kahore he whare witi; heoi e whangaia ana ratou e te Atua: tera noa ake koutou i nga manu.

25 Which of you can make yourself a little taller by worrying?

A ko wai o koutou e taea e ia te whakaaro iho, te hono tetahi wahi ki tona roa, kia kotahi te whatianga?

26 I f you cannot do that which is so little, why do you worry about other things?

A ki te kore e taea e koutou te mea nohinohi rawa, he aha i manukanuka ai ki tetahi atu?

27 T hink how the flowers grow. They do not work or make cloth. Yet, I tell you, that King Solomon in all his greatness was not dressed as well as one of these flowers.

Whakaaroa nga rengarenga, to ratou tupu: e kore nei e mahi, e kore e miro; na ko taku tenei ki a koutou, Kihai a Horomona me tona kororia katoa i rite ki tetahi o enei te whai kakahu.

28 G od puts these clothes on the grass of the field. The grass is in the field today and put into the fire tomorrow. How much more would He want to give you clothing? You have so little faith!

Na, ki te penei ta te Atua whakakakahu i te tarutaru i te parae, kei reira aianei, a apopo ka maka ki te oumu; tera noa ake tana i a koutou, e te hunga whakapono iti.

29 D o not give so much thought to what you will eat or drink. Do not be worried about it.

Kaua ra e rapu ki ta koutou e kai ai, ki ta koutou e inu ai, kaua e tirengi noa te whakaaro.

30 F or all the nations of the world go after these things. Your Father knows you need these things.

E rapu ana hoki nga iwi o te ao i enei mea katoa: otira e matau ana to koutou Matua e matea ana e koutou enei mea.

31 I nstead, go after the holy nation of God. Then all these other things will be given to you.

Engari rapu te rangatiratanga o te Atua: a ka tapiritia enei mea katoa ma koutou.

32 D o not be afraid, little flock. Your Father wants to give you the holy nation of God.

Kaua e mataku, e te kahui nohinohi; kua pai hoki to koutou matua ki te homai i te rangatiratanga ki a koutou.

33 S ell what you have and give the money to poor people. Have money-bags for yourselves that will never wear out. These money-bags are riches in heaven that will always be there. No robber can take them and no bugs can eat them there.

Hokona o koutou taonga, hoatu he mea ma te hunga rawakore; hanga ma koutou he peke moni e kore e tawhitotia, he taonga ki te rangi e kore e memeha, ki te wahi e kore nei e tata atu te tahae, e kore ano te huhu e kai.

34 Y our heart will be wherever your riches are. Jesus Says to Watch and Be Ready for His Second Coming Be Ready for His Second Coming

Ko te wahi hoki i to koutou taonga, ko reira ano o koutou ngakau.

35 Be ready and dressed. Have your lights burning.

Whitikiria o koutou hope, tahuna nga rama kia ka;

36 B e like men who are waiting for their owner to come home from a wedding supper. When he comes and knocks on the door, they will open it for him at once.

Ko to koutou rite hei nga tangata e tatari ana ki to ratou rangatira, ina hoki mai i te hakari o te marena; mo tona tae rawa mai, ka patoto, na uaki tonu atu ratou ki a ia.

37 T hose servants are happy when their owner finds them watching when he comes. For sure, I tell you, he will be dressed and ready to care for them. He will have them seated at the table.

Ka koa nga pononga e rokohina mai e to ratou rangatira, a tona taenga mai, e mataara ana: he pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, ka whitiki ia i a ia, a ka mea i a ratou kia noho, ka haere ki te mahi mea ma ratou.

38 T he owner might come late at night or early in the morning. Those servants are happy if their owner finds them watching whenever he comes.

A ki te haere mai ia i te rua o nga mataaratanga, i te toru ranei, a ka rokohina mai e pera ana ano, ka koa aua pononga.

39 B ut understand this, that if the owner of a house had known when the robber was coming, he would have been watching. He would not have allowed his house to be broken into.

Otira kia mohio koutou ki tenei, me i matau te tangata i te whare, ki te wa e haere mai ai te tahae, kua mataara ia, a kahore i tukua kia pokaia tona whare.

40 Y ou must be ready also. The Son of Man is coming at a time when you do not think He will come.” Faithful Servants and Servants Who Are Not Faithful

Kia tatanga ra koutou: no te mea e puta mai te Tama a te tangata i te haora e kore ai koutou e mahara.

41 P eter said, “Lord, are You telling this picture-story to us or to all the people?”

Na ka mea a Pita ki a ia, E te Ariki, ki a matou tenei kupu whakarite e korero nei koe? ki te katoa ranei?

42 T he Lord said, “Who is the faithful and wise servant his owner made boss over the others? He is the one who is to have food ready at the right time.

Na ka mea te Ariki, Ko wai ra te tuari pono, mahara, e meinga e tona ariki hei rangatira mo ana tangata, hei hoatu i te mehua kai i te wa e tika ai?

43 T hat servant is happy who is doing his work when the owner comes.

Ka koa taua pononga, ki te rokohina e tona rangatira ina tae mai, e pena ana.

44 F or sure, I tell you, he will make him boss over all he has.

He pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, ka meinga ia hei rangatira mo ana taonga katoa.

45 But what if that servant says to himself, ‘The owner will not be coming soon,’ and then beats the other servants and eats and drinks and gets drunk?

Otira ki te mea taua pononga i roto i tona ngakau, Ka roa te haerenga mai o toku ariki; a ka anga ka whiu i nga pononga tane, i nga pononga wahine, ka kai, ka inu, ka haurangi;

46 T he owner of that servant will come on a day and at an hour when he is not looking for him. He will cut him in pieces and will put him with those who do not believe.

Ka haere mai te rangatira o taua pononga i te ra e kore ai ia e mahara, i te haora e kore ai ia e mohio, a ka hautopea ia, ka meinga mona he wahi i roto i te hunga whakaponokore.

47 The servant who knew what the owner wanted done, but did not get ready for him, or did not do what he wanted done, will be beaten many times.

Na, ko taua pononga, i mohio nei ki ta tona rangatira i pai ai, a kihai i whakaaro wawe, kihai hoki i mea i tana i pai ai, he maha nga whiu mona:

48 B ut the servant who did not know what his owner wanted done, but did things that would be reason to be beaten, will be beaten only a few times. The man who receives much will have to give much. If much is given to a man to take care of, men will expect to get more from him. Men Are Divided When They Follow Christ

Tena ko ia kihai i mohio, a i mahi i nga mea e tika ai kia whiua, he torutoru nga whiu mona. Ko te tangata hoki i nui te hoatutanga ki a ia he nui ano hei homaitanga mana; a ko te tangata i nui te tukunga ki a ia, hira noa atu te mea e tonoa i a ia.

49 I have come to bring fire down to the earth. I wish it were already started!

I haere mai ahau ki te maka kapura ki te whenua; a ka pehea ahau, mehemea kua ka ke?

50 I have a baptism to go through. How troubled I am until it is over!

Otira he iriiringa toku e iriiria ai ahau; ano toku takarekare kia oti ra ano!

51 D o you think I came to bring peace on the earth? I tell you, no! I came to divide.

E mea ana ranei koutou, i haere mai ahau ki te homai i te rangimarie ki te whenua? Tenei taku kupu ki a koutou, Kahore; engari i te wehewehe:

52 F rom now on there will be five in one house divided. Three will be against two and two will be against three.

Hei nga ra hoki e takoto ake nei ka tokorima i roto i te whare kotahi, a ka tahuri ki a ratou ano, tokotoru ki te tokorua, tokorua ki te tokotoru.

53 T he father will be against the son. The son will be against the father. The mother will be against the daughter. The daughter will be against the mother. The mother-in-law will be against the daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law will be against the mother-in-law.”

Ka tahuri atu te papa ki te tama, te tama ki te papa; te whaea ki te tamahine, te tamahine ki tona whaea; te hungawai wahine ki tana hunaonga wahine, me te hunaonga wahine ki tona hungawai wahine.

54 T hen Jesus also said to the people, “When you see a cloud coming in the west, you say at once, ‘It is going to rain.’ And it does.

A i mea ano ia ki nga mano, Ka kite koutou i te kapua e puta mai ana i te hauauru, na mea tonu ake koutou, He ua te haere mai nei; a ko ia ano ia.

55 W hen you see the wind blow from the south, you say, ‘It will be a hot day.’ And it is.

Ka kite koutou i te tonga e pupuhi ana, ka mea koutou, Meake ko te werawera; a ko ia ano ia.

56 Y ou who pretend to be someone you are not, you know all about the sky and the earth. But why do you not know what is happening these days?

E te hunga tinihanga, e matau ana koutou ki te titiro ki te mata o te whenua, o te rangi; he aha koutou te matau ai ki te titiro ki tenei taima?

57 W hy do you not know for yourselves what is right?

A he aha koutou te whakaaro noa ake ai i te mea tika?

58 W hen a person says you are wrong and takes you to court, try to make it right with him as you go, or he will take you to the head of the court. Then he will take you to the police and you will be put in prison.

I a korua ko tou hoa tauwhainga e haere ana ki te kaiwhakawa, hei te huarahi ano kia kaha te mea kia makere atu ia i a koe: kei toia koe e ia ki te kaiwhakawa, a ka tukua koe e te kaiwhakawa ki te katipa, a ka maka koe e te katipa ki te whare he rehere.

59 I tell you, you will not be let out of prison until you have paid the last piece of money of the fine.”

Ko taku kupu tenei ki a koe, E kore rawa koe e puta mai i reira, kia poto ra ano nga moni iti rawa te utu e koe.