Matthew 10 ~ Matthew 10


1 J esus called His twelve followers to Him. He gave them power to put out demons and to heal all kinds of sickness and disease.

A, ka oti te karanga e ia ana akonga tekau ma rua, ka hoatu ki a ratou he mana hei pei i nga wairua poke, hei whakaora hoki i nga mate katoa me nga turorotanga katoa.

2 T hese are the names of the twelve followers. There were Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, and James and John who were the sons of Zebedee.

Na ko nga ingoa enei o nga apotoro kotahi tekau ma rua; te tuatahi ko Haimona, e kiia nei ko Pita, raua ko tona teina ko Anaru; ko Hemi tama a Heperi raua ko tona teina ko Hoani;

3 T here were Philip and Bartholomew and Thomas. There was Matthew, the man who gathered taxes. There were James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeaus, and

Ko Piripi raua ko Patoromu; ko Tamati raua ko Matiu pupirikana; ko Hemi tama a Arapiu, ko Tariu;

4 S imon the Canaanite. There was Judas Iscariot who handed Jesus over to be killed.

Ko Haimona Kanaani raua ko Hura Ikariote, nana nei ia i tuku.

5 J esus sent out these twelve followers. He told them to go, saying, “Stay away from people who are not Jews. And do not go to any town in the country of Samaria.

Ko tenei tekau ma rua i tonoa e Ihu, i ako ia i a ratou, i mea, Kaua e haere ki tetahi ara o nga tauiwi, kaua ano hoki e tomo ki tetahi pa o nga Hamari:

6 B ut go to the Jewish people who are lost.

Engari me haere ki nga hipi ngaro o te whare o Iharaira.

7 A s you go, preach. Say, ‘The holy nation of heaven is near.’

Me kauwhau haere hoki, me ki, Kua tata te rangatiratanga o te rangi.

8 H eal the sick and those with bad skin diseases. Raise the dead. Put out demons. You have received much, now give much.

Whakaorangia nga turoro, meinga kia ma nga repera, whakaarahia nga tupapaku, peia nga rewera; ka riro noa nei i a koutou, me hoatu noa e koutou.

9 D o not take gold or silver or brass money with you.

Kaua he koura ma koutou, kaua he hiriwa, kaua he parahi ki roto ki o koutou whitiki;

10 D o not take a bag of things for the trip. Do not take two coats or shoes or a walking stick. A workman should receive his food and what he needs.

Kaua ano he putea mo te ara; kaua e takiruatia nga koti, kaua he hu, kaua ano he tokotoko; ka ea hoki i te kaimahi tana kai.

11 When you come to a city or town, find a home that is respected and stay there until you leave.

A, ka tomo koutou ki tetahi pa, ki tetahi kainga ranei, ui atu, ko wai te tangata pai o reira; a hei reira noho ai a haere noa.

12 A s you go into a house, tell them you hope good comes to them.

A, no ka tomo ki tetahi whare, me oha atu.

13 A nd if the house is respected, give them your good wishes. If it is not respected, let your good wishes come back to you.

A, ki te pai te whare, kia tau ta koutou rangimarie ki reira; a, ki te kahore e pai, kia hoki ta koutou rangimarie ki a koutou.

14 W hoever does not receive you or does not listen to what you say, as you leave that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.

Ki te kahore hoki tetahi e manako ki a koutou, ki te kore e whakarongo ki a koutou kupu, ka haere koutou ki waho o taua whare, o taua pa ranei, ka whakangahoro i te puehu o o koutou waewae.

15 F or sure, I tell you, it will be easier for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day men stand before God and are told they are guilty, than for that city.

He pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, Erangi to te whenua o Horoma raua ko Komora a te ra whakawa e mama i to taua pa.

16 I am sending you out like sheep with wolves all around you. Be wise like snakes and gentle like doves.

Nana, ka tonoa nei koutou e ahau ano he hipi ki roto ki nga wuruhi: na, kia rite ki te nakahi te mahara, ki te kukupa hoki te mahaki.

17 B ut look out for men. They will take you up to their courts and they will hurt you in their places of worship.

Kia tupato ia i nga tangata: tera hoki koutou e tukua e ratou ki nga runanga, a tera koutou e whiua i roto i o ratou whare karakia;

18 T hey will take you in front of the leaders of the people and of the kings because of Me. You will tell them and the people who do not know God about Me.

A ka kawea koutou ki nga kawana, ki nga kingi, mo te whakaaro ki ahau, hei mea whakaatu ki a ratou, ki nga tauiwi hoki.

19 W hen you are put into their hands, do not worry what you will say or how you will say it. The words will be given you when the time comes.

A, no ka tukua koutou e ratou, kaua e manukanuka ki te pehea, ki te aha, e korero ai koutou; ka hoatu ki a koutou i taua wa ta koutou e korero ai.

20 I t will not be you who will speak the words. The Spirit of your Father will speak through you.

Ehara hoki i a koutou nga korero, engari ko te Wairua o to koutou Matua te korero ana i roto i a koutou.

21 A brother will hand over a brother to be put to death. A father will hand over his child to be put to death. Children will hand over their parents to be put to death.

Na ka tukua te tuakana e te teina ki te mate, te tama hoki e te papa; ka whakatika nga tamariki ki nga matua, ka mea kia whakamatea.

22 Y ou will be hated by all people because of Me. But he who stays true to the end will be saved.

A ka kinongia koutou e nga tangata katoa, he mea hoki mo toku ingoa; ko te tangata ia e u ana a taea noatia te mutunga, ka ora ia.

23 W hen they make it hard for you in one town, go to another. For sure, I tell you, before you have gone through the Jewish cities, the Son of Man will come.

Na, ki te whakatoia koutou i tenei pa, rere atu ki tetahi: he pono hoki taku e mea nei ki a koutou, E kore e poto i a koutou nga pa o Iharaira te haere, ko te Tama a te tangata kua tae mai.

24 A follower is not greater than his teacher. A servant who is owned by someone is not greater than his owner.

Kahore e nui ake te akonga i tona kaiwhakaako, kahore hoki te pononga e nui ake i tona rangatira.

25 A follower should be happy to be as his teacher, and a servant who is owned by someone should be happy to be as his owner. If they have called the head of the house Satan, how much more will they speak against those of the house.

Heoi ma te akonga ko ia kia rite ki tona kaiwhakaako, ma te pononga kia rite ki tona rangatira. Ki te kiia e ratou te rangatira o te whare ko Perehepura, tera noa ake ta ratou mo nga tangata o tona whare.

26 T hen do not be afraid of them. For nothing is covered up that will not be brought out into the light. There is nothing hid that will not be made known.

Na kaua e wehi i a ratou: kahore hoki he mea i hipokina e mahue te hura; he mea ranei i huna e mahue te mohio.

27 Y ou tell in the light what I tell you in the dark. You must speak with a loud voice from the roofs of houses what you have heard.

Ko taku e korero nei ki a koutou i te pouri, me korero e koutou i te marama: ko ta o koutou taringa e rongo ai, me kauwhau ki runga i nga whare.

28 D o not be afraid of them who kill the body. They are not able to kill the soul. But fear Him Who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

A kaua e wehi i te hunga e whakamate nei i te tinana, a e kore nei e ahei te whakamate i te wairua; engari ia ko ta koutou e wehi ai, ko ia e kaha nei ki te whakangaro i te wairua raua tahi ko te tinana ki roto ki Kehena.

29 A re not two small birds sold for a very small piece of money? And yet not one of the birds falls to the earth without your Father knowing it.

Kahore ianei e hokona nga pihoihoi e rua ki te patene kotahi? a, ki te kahore to koutou Matua e mea, e kore tetahi o raua e taka ki te whenua:

30 G od knows how many hairs you have on your head.

Otiia ko nga makawe o o koutou matenga kua oti katoa te tatau.

31 S o do not be afraid. You are more important than many small birds.

No reira kaua e wehi: erangi ra koutou i nga pihoihoi maha.

32 Whoever makes Me known in front of men, I will make him known to My Father in heaven.

Na, ki te whakaae tetahi ki ahau i te aroaro o nga tangata, ka whakaaetia ia e ahau i te aroaro o toku Matua i te rangi.

33 B ut whoever does not make Me known in front of men and acts as if he does not know Me, I will not make him known to My Father in heaven.

A, ki te whakakahore tetahi i ahau i te aroaro o nga tangata, ka whakakahoretia hoki ia e ahau i te aroaro o toku Matua i te rangi.

34 Do not think I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Kei mea i haere mai ahau ki te kawe mai i te rangimarie ki te whenua: kihai ahau i haere mai ki te kawe mai i te rangimarie, engari i te hoari.

35 I came to turn a man against his father. I came to turn a daughter against her mother. I came to turn a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

I haere mai hoki ahau ki te mea i te tangata kia whawhai ki tona papa, i te tamahine ki tona whaea, i te hunaonga wahine ki tona hungawai wahine:

36 A man will be hated by his own family. Giving Up Things of This Earth

A ko o te tangata hoariri ko nga tangata ano o tona whare.

37 He who loves his father and mother more than Me is not good enough for Me. He who loves son or daughter more than Me is not good enough for Me.

Ki te nui ake te aroha o tetahi ki tona papa, whaea ranei, i tona ki ahau, e kore ia e tikangatia maku; ki te nui ake hoki te aroha o tetahi ki tana tama, tamahine ranei, i tona ki ahau, e kore ia e tikangatia maku.

38 H e who does not take his cross and follow Me is not good enough for Me.

Ki te kore hoki tetahi e mau ki tona ripeka, e aru i muri i ahau, e kore ia e tikangatia maku.

39 H e who wants to keep his life will have it taken away from him. He who loses his life because of Me will have it given back to him.

Ko te tangata i whiwhi ki te ora e mate ano ia: a, kite mate tetahi mona i whakaaro ki ahau, ka whiwhi ano ia ki te ora.

40 Whoever receives you, receives Me. Whoever receives Me, receives Him Who sent Me.

Ki te manako tetahi ki a koutou, e manako ana ia ki ahau, a, ki te manako tetahi ki ahau, e manako ana ia ki toku kaitono mai.

41 W hoever receives a preacher who speaks for God because he is a preacher, will get the reward of a preacher who speaks for God. Whoever receives a man right with God, because he is a man right with God, will get the reward of a man right with God.

Ki te manako tetahi ki te poropiti i runga i te ingoa o te poropiti, ka riro i a ia te utu o te poropiti; a, ki te manako tetahi ki te tangata tika i runga i te ingoa o te tangata tika, e riro i a ia te utu o te tangata tika.

42 F or sure, I tell you, anyone who gives a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he follows Me, will not lose his reward.”

A, ki te whakainumia e tetahi tetahi o enei mea nonohi, ahakoa kotahi ano te kapu wai matao, i runga i te ingoa o te akonga, he pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, e kore rawa ia e hapa i tona utu.