Psalm 107 ~ Salmos 107


1 G ive thanks to the Lord for He is good! His loving-kindness lasts forever!

Alabad a Jehová, porque él es bueno; Porque para siempre es su misericordia.

2 L et the people who have been saved say so. He has bought them and set them free from the hand of those who hated them.

Díganlo los redimidos de Jehová, Los que ha redimido del poder del enemigo,

3 H e gathered them from the lands, from east and west, from north and south.

Y los ha congregado de las tierras, Del oriente y del occidente, Del norte y del sur.

4 S ome traveled through the desert wastes. They did not find a way to a city where they could live.

Anduvieron errantes por el desierto, por la soledad sin camino, Sin hallar ciudad en donde vivir.

5 T hey were hungry and thirsty. Their souls became weak within them.

Hambrientos y sedientos, Su alma desfallecía en ellos.

6 T hen they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He took them out of their suffering.

Entonces clamaron a Jehová en su angustia, Y los libró de sus aflicciones.

7 H e led them by a straight path to a city where they could live.

Los dirigió por camino derecho, Para que viniesen a ciudad habitable.

8 L et them give thanks to the Lord for His loving-kindness and His great works to the children of men!

Alaben la misericordia de Jehová, Y sus maravillas para con los hijos de los hombres.

9 F or He fills the thirsty soul. And He fills the hungry soul with good things.

Porque sacia al alma menesterosa, Y llena de bien al alma hambrienta.

10 S ome sat in darkness and in the shadow of death. They suffered in prison in iron chains.

Yacían en tinieblas y sombra de muerte, Aprisionados en aflicción y en hierros,

11 B ecause they had turned against the Words of God. They hated what the Most High told them to do.

Por cuanto fueron rebeldes a las palabras de Jehová, Y despreciaron el plan del Altísimo.

12 S o He loaded them down with hard work. They fell and there was no one to help.

Por eso quebrantó con trabajos sus corazones; Cayeron, y no hubo quien les socorriese.

13 T hen they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He saved them from their suffering.

Luego que clamaron a Jehová en su angustia, Los libró de sus aflicciones;

14 H e brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death. And He broke their chains.

Los sacó de las tinieblas y de la sombra de muerte, Y rompió sus ataduras.

15 L et them give thanks to the Lord for His loving-kindness and His great works to the children of men!

Alaben la misericordia de Jehová, Y sus maravillas para con los hijos de los hombres.

16 F or He has broken gates of brass and cut through walls of iron.

Porque quebrantó las puertas de bronce, Y desmenuzó los cerrojos de hierro.

17 S ome were fools because of their wrong-doing. They had troubles because of their sins.

Fueron afligidos los insensatos, a causa del camino de su rebelión Y a causa de sus maldades;

18 T hey hated all kinds of food. And they came near the gates of death.

Su alma abominó todo alimento, Y llegaron hasta las puertas de la muerte.

19 T hen they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He saved them from their suffering.

Pero clamaron a Jehová en su angustia, Y los libró de sus aflicciones.

20 H e sent His Word and healed them. And He saved them from the grave.

Envió su palabra, y los sanó, Y los libró de su ruina.

21 L et them give thanks to the Lord for His loving-kindness and His great works to the children of men!

Alaben la misericordia de Jehová, Y sus maravillas para con los hijos de los hombres;

22 L et them give Him gifts of thanks and tell of His works with songs of joy.

Ofrezcan sacrificios de alabanza, Y publiquen sus obras con júbilo.

23 S ome went out to sea in ships to buy and sell on the great waters.

Los que descienden al mar en naves, Y hacen negocio en las muchas aguas,

24 T hey have seen what the Lord can do and His great works on the sea.

Ellos han visto las obras de Jehová, Y sus maravillas en las profundidades.

25 F or He spoke and raised up a storm that lifted up the waves of the sea.

Porque habló, e hizo levantar un viento tempestuoso, Que encrespa sus olas.

26 T hey went up to the heavens and down to the deep. Their strength of heart left them in their danger.

Suben a los cielos, descienden a los abismos; Sus almas se desleían bajo el peso del mal.

27 T hey could not walk straight but went from side to side like a drunk man. They did not know what to do.

Tiemblan y titubean como ebrios, Y toda su pericia es inútil.

28 T hen they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He took them out of all their problems.

Entonces claman a Jehová en su angustia, Y los libra de sus aflicciones.

29 H e stopped the storm, and the waves of the sea became quiet.

Cambia la tempestad en sosiego, Y se apaciguan sus olas.

30 T hen they were glad because the sea became quiet. And He led them to the safe place they wanted.

Luego se alegran, porque se apaciguaron; Y así los guía al puerto que deseaban.

31 L et them give thanks to the Lord for His loving-kindness and His great works to the children of men!

Alaben la misericordia de Jehová, Y sus maravillas para con los hijos de los hombres.

32 L et them honor Him in the meeting of the people and praise Him in the meeting of the leaders.

Exáltenlo en la congregación del pueblo, Y en la reunión de los ancianos lo alaben.

33 H e changes rivers into a desert and wells of water into a thirsty ground.

Él cambia los ríos en desierto, Y los manantiales de las aguas en sequedales;

34 H e changes a land of much fruit into a salt waste because of the sin of those who live in it.

La tierra fructífera en estéril, Por la maldad de los que la habitan.

35 H e changes a desert into a pool of water and makes water flow out of dry ground.

Transforma el desierto en estanques de aguas, Y la tierra seca en manantiales.

36 A nd He makes the hungry go there so they may build a city to live in.

Allí establece a los hambrientos, Y fundan ciudad en donde vivir.

37 T hey plant seeds in the fields and plant grape-vines and gather much fruit.

Siembran campos, y plantan viñas, Que producen abundante cosecha.

38 H e lets good come to them and they become many in number. And He does not let the number of their cattle become less.

Los bendice, y se multiplican en gran manera; Y no disminuye su ganado.

39 W hen the number of people becomes less and they are put to shame under a bad power and trouble and sorrow,

Si son menoscabados y abatidos Bajo el peso de infortunios y congojas,

40 H e pours anger on rulers. He makes them walk in the waste places where there is no path.

Él esparce menosprecio sobre los príncipes, Y les hace andar errantes, en un desierto sin camino.

41 B ut He lifts those in need out of their troubles. He makes their families grow like flocks.

Mas él levanta de la miseria al pobre, Y hace multiplicar las familias como rebaños de ovejas.

42 T hose who are right see it and are glad. But all the sinful shut their mouths.

Véanlo los rectos, y alégrense, Y todos los malos cierren su boca.

43 L et the wise man think about these things. And may he think about the loving-kindness of the Lord.

¿Quién es sabio y guardará estas cosas, Y entenderá las misericordias de Jehová?