Psalm 94 ~ Salmos 94


1 O Lord, the God Who punishes, God Who punishes, let Your light shine!

Jehová, Dios de las venganzas, Dios de las venganzas, muéstrate.

2 R ise up, You Judge of the earth. Pay what is owed to the proud.

Levántate, oh Juez de la tierra; Da a los soberbios su merecido.

3 H ow long will the sinful, O Lord, how long will the sinful be full of joy?

¿Hasta cuándo los impíos, Hasta cuándo, oh Jehová, se gozarán los impíos?

4 T hey pour out proud words. All those who do wrong, talk about themselves as if they are great people.

¿Hasta cuándo se jactarán, hablando cosas arrogantes, Y se vanagloriarán todos los que hacen iniquidad?

5 T hey crush Your people, O Lord. They bring trouble upon Your chosen nation.

A tu pueblo, oh Jehová, quebrantan, Y a tu heredad oprimen.

6 T hey kill the woman whose husband has died and the stranger. They kill the children who have no parents.

A la viuda y al extranjero matan, Y a los huérfanos quitan la vida.

7 A nd they say, “The Lord does not see. The God of Jacob does not care.”

Y dicen: No lo ve JAH, No se entera el Dios de Jacob.

8 L isten, you foolish ones among the people. You fools, when will you understand?

Comprended, necios del pueblo; Y vosotros, fatuos, ¿cuándo seréis sabios?

9 H e Who made the ear, does He not hear? He Who made the eye, does He not see?

El que plantó la oreja, ¿no oirá? El que formó el ojo, ¿no verá?

10 H e Who punishes nations so they might give up sin, will He not speak strong words to them? Is He not the One Who teaches man all he knows?

El que amonesta a las naciones, ¿no castigará? ¿No sabrá el que enseña al hombre la ciencia?

11 T he Lord knows the thoughts of man. He knows that they are empty.

Jehová conoce los pensamientos de los hombres, Que son insustanciales.

12 H appy is the man who is punished until he gives up sin, O Lord, and whom You teach from Your Law.

Bienaventurado el hombre a quien tú, JAH, corriges, Y en tu ley lo instruyes,

13 Y ou give him rest from days of trouble, until a hole is dug for the sinful.

Para hacerle descansar en los días de aflicción, En tanto que para el impío se cava la fosa.

14 F or the Lord will not turn away from His people. He will not leave His chosen nation.

Porque no abandonará Jehová a su pueblo, Ni desamparará su heredad,

15 F or what is decided will be right and good. And all those whose hearts are right will follow it.

Sino que el juicio será vuelto a la justicia, Y en pos de ella irán todos los rectos de corazón.

16 W ho will rise up for me against the sinful? Who will take a stand for me against those who do wrong?

¿Quién se levantará por mí contra los malignos? ¿Quién estará por mí contra los que hacen iniquidad?

17 I f the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have been among the dead.

Si no me ayudara Jehová, Pronto moraría mi alma en el silencio.

18 W hen I said, “My foot is going out from under me,” Your loving-kindness held me up, O Lord.

Cuando yo digo: Mi pie resbala, Tu misericordia, oh Jehová, me sustenta.

19 W hen my worry is great within me, Your comfort brings joy to my soul.

En la multitud de mis preocupaciones dentro de mí, Tus consolaciones alegran mi alma.

20 C an a sinful throne that brings trouble by its laws be a friend to You?

¿Se aliará contigo el tribunal inicuo Que hace agravio bajo forma de ley?

21 T hey join together against the life of those who are right and good. They send those who are not guilty to their death.

Ellos atropellan el alma del justo, Y condenan la sangre inocente.

22 B ut the Lord has been my strong place, my God, and the rock where I am safe.

Mas Jehová me ha sido por baluarte, Y mi Dios por roca de mi refugio.

23 H e has brought back their own sin upon them and will destroy them for their wrong-doing. The Lord our God will destroy them.

Y él hará recaer sobre ellos su iniquidad, Y los destruirá por su propia maldad; Los exterminará Jehová nuestro Dios.