1 T he Lord said to Moses, “Say to the religious leaders, the sons of Aaron, ‘No one should make himself unclean for a dead person among his people,
Jehová dijo a Moisés: Habla a los sacerdotes hijos de Aarón, y diles que no se contaminen por el cadáver de alguien de su pueblo.
2 e xcept for his own family, his mother, father, son, daughter and brother,
A no ser por su pariente cercano, por su madre o por su padre, o por su hijo o por su hermano,
3 o r his young sister who is near to him because she has had no husband. For her he may make himself unclean.
o por su hermana virgen, a él cercana, la cual no haya tenido marido, por su cadáver podrá contaminarse.
4 H e should not make himself unclean as a husband among his people, and so make himself sinful.
No se contaminará por tocarlo, como se contaminaría cualquier hombre de su pueblo, haciéndose inmundo.
5 T hey should not cut all the hair from any part on their heads, or cut part of the hair off their face, or make cuts in their flesh.
No se raparán la cabeza, ni se recortarán la barba, ni en su carne harán tatuajes.
6 T hey should be holy to their God and not put the name of their God to shame. For they give the gifts by fire to the Lord, the bread of their God. So they must be holy.
Santos serán a su Dios, y no profanarán el nombre de su Dios, porque las ofrendas encendidas para Jehová y el pan de su Dios ofrecen; por tanto, serán santos.
7 T hey should not take a woman who is unclean because of selling the use of her body. They should not take a woman who is divorced from her husband. For the religious leader is holy to his God.
Con mujer ramera o infame no se casarán, ni con mujer repudiada de su marido; porque el sacerdote es santo a su Dios.
8 S o you must set him apart, for he gives the bread of your God. He will be holy to you. For I, the Lord Who sets you apart, am holy.
Le santificarás, por tanto, pues el pan de tu Dios ofrece; santo será para ti, porque santo soy yo Jehová que os santifico.
9 I f the daughter of any religious leader makes herself sinful by selling the use of her body, she puts her father to shame. She will be burned with fire.
Y la hija del sacerdote, si comienza a fornicar, a su padre deshonra; quemada será al fuego.
10 ‘ The head religious leader on whose head the holy oil has been poured, and who has been set apart to wear the clothing, must not take the covering off his head or tear his clothes.
Y el sumo sacerdote entre sus hermanos, sobre cuya cabeza fue derramado el aceite de la unción, y que fue consagrado para llevar las vestiduras, no descubrirá su cabeza, ni rasgará sus vestidos,
11 H e must not go near any dead person or make himself unclean even for his father or mother.
ni entrará donde haya alguna persona muerta; ni por su padre ni por su madre se contaminará.
12 H e must not go out of the holy place or sin against the holy place of his God. For the crown of the holy oil of his God is on him. I am the Lord.
Ni saldrá del santuario, ni profanará el santuario de su Dios; porque la consagración por el aceite de la unción de su Dios está sobre él. Yo Jehová.
13 H e should take a wife who has never had a man before.
Tomará por esposa a una mujer virgen.
14 H e should not marry a woman whose husband has died, or a divorced woman, or one who has made herself sinful by selling the use of her body. But he should marry a woman from his own people, who has never had a man.
No tomará viuda, ni repudiada, ni infame, ni ramera, sino tomará de su pueblo una virgen por mujer,
15 B y doing this he will not sin against his children among his people. For I am the Lord Who makes him holy.’”
para que no profane su descendencia en sus pueblos; porque yo Jehová soy el que los santifico.
16 T hen the Lord said to Moses,
Y Jehová habló a Moisés, diciendo:
17 “ Say to Aaron, ‘None of your children or their children who has something wrong with his body should go near to give the bread as a gift to his God.
Habla a Aarón y dile: Ninguno de tus descendientes por sus generaciones, que tenga algún defecto, se acercará para ofrecer el pan de su Dios.
18 F or no one whose body is not perfect should come near, no blind man, or man who cannot walk, or one with a marked face, or a bad arm or leg,
Porque ningún varón en el cual haya defecto se acercará; varón ciego, o cojo, ni mutilado, ni monstruoso,
19 o r a man who has a broken foot or hand,
o varón que tenga quebradura de pie o rotura de mano,
20 o r a man with a crooked upper back from birth, or a very little man, or one who has a bad eye or skin trouble or sores, or one whose sex parts have been crushed.
o jorobado, o enano, o que tenga nube en el ojo, o que tenga sarna, o tiñoso, o castrado.
21 N o man among the children of Aaron the religious leader, who has something wrong with his body, should come near to give the Lord’s gifts by fire. He should not come near to give the bread of his God, because he has something wrong with him.
Ningún varón de la descendencia del sacerdote Aarón, en el cual haya defecto, se acercará para ofrecer las ofrendas encendidas para Jehová. Hay defecto en él; no se acercará a ofrecer el pan de su Dios.
22 H e may eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy and of the holy.
Del pan de su Dios, de lo muy santo y de las cosas santificadas, podrá comer.
23 B ut he should not come near the curtain or the altar, because he has something wrong with him, and so he may not sin against My holy places. For I am the Lord Who makes them holy.’”
Pero no se acercará tras el velo, ni se acercará al altar, por cuanto hay defecto en él; para que no profane mi santuario, porque yo Jehová soy el que los santifico.
24 S o Moses spoke to Aaron and to his sons and to all the people of Israel.
Y Moisés habló esto a Aarón, y a sus hijos, y a todos los hijos de Israel.